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Progress Diaries & Journals

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06 Oct 2016, 21:10
Oh @justdee i am deffo going to have a 2 egg omelette at the weekend with a rasher of bacon cut up in it...oh i am hungry now! But the Kitchen is Closed! Where is the author of that helpful saying,our old mate @breadandwine? X

06 Oct 2016, 21:21
Hiiii all x @hazelnut20 its now day 86 and i still have yoggy and strawbs ( or other berries) for lunch and i never fail to think of you!
Anyone tried the tesco finest greek yog? Its lovely and creamy but a bit higher cal/ carb than Fage..which is the thickest of them all and just delicious! :razz: x
@debs was it you who mentioned doing BSD for 36 weeks? I' m not sure i'll go beyond 24. After that will keep my carbs low but hopefully have a few more cals. Maybe do the bsd 5:2 coz you get 800 cals on yr fast day!
A lovely woman on BDS forum has BSD'd since 19 Dec 2015! Think she has lost 100 lbs ...she wanted to lose 91 lbs and did,but lost more when she started maintaining. I think @happyitsworkinghas posted a link coz this lady was featured in the Daily Mail with some great photos of her
BTW Daily Mail seemed to think they had come up with BSD themselves coz they called it " the Daily Mail diet!"
Take care everyone and happy weekend,.is it just me or are the weeks flying past quicker than ever this year? x

08 Oct 2016, 07:33
Hi All,

Not me CM, I'd like to make it through to Xmas if possible, although the last week has been a bit off piste :bugeyes: . I suspect it has been down to a change of HRT as I have had to self experiment as you can't get it here, apparently women don't get the menopause :shock: :curse: :pissedoff: . I ordered some from the UK but they vanished in the useless postal system so I had to try again. Luckily I have them at last now. The consolation is I haven't regained anything and hopefully a couple of good fast days will fix that.
I struggle to find good yoghurt here that doesn't cost the earth, you can get Rachel's which I like but it is five quid a pot. I miss a nice think Greek yoghurt. I get frozen raspberries to go in it.

I saw the Daily fail article, good for her I say! The results were impressive weren't they? Typical Daily Fail jumping on the bandwagon though.

I'm still recording on MFP even when I have a bad day just to keep me on track, even though it keeps telling me I am not eating enough calories! 1200 feels like a lot now, which is good for me! Avocado and prawn salad for me tonight.

08 Oct 2016, 11:37
Hi @debs glad you got yr meds sorted but what a palaver and why isnt it available there? Yoggy prices are scandalous,i thought Fage was bad at £2.50 for 500 grams.

Asking for advice now Debs,@hazelnut20 and all BSDers...
Yesterday evening and this morning,not feeling too good at all..... Very faint and weak whenever i move round. I thought I might be hyperglycaemic ( very low blood sugar?) so i had an apple and a cuppa with a teaspoon of sugar, tho v reluctant to add those carbs to my day's food plan.
Have been glycaemic just once or twice in the past,and its been immediately fixed by eating a sweet. I have none in my home nowadays!
The apple / sugary tea hasnt helped - and in my few past glycaemic attacks,my hands were shaky and i was a bit sweaty,but neither of those things today.
Feel okish but weak when sitting or lying,but moving round,i quickly feel very weak,and things start going a bit black as if i might faint. Plus strange warm sensation inside my ears as if theyre somehow filling up! Anyone experienced this on BSD or pre BSD or any time..i' m not prediabetic or diabetic.blood sugar levels were great on last tests end september xx
unhappy coz want to go to a craft fair! X bahhhhh!

08 Oct 2016, 11:38
Sorry dup post..dont know what to say now so just humming a little song! :confused: :lol: :confused: xx

08 Oct 2016, 16:18
Hope you're feeling better now @CandiceMarie? Perhaps some protein was needed as it also can convert to glucose?
Hugs to you {{*}} :heart:
Oh Candy - I'm so sorry to hear how you've been feeling - that's very strange, not to mention unnerving. I do hope you are much better now? I've only just seen your post, so apologies for not reacting sooner. I have to say that I haven't experienced anything similar whilst doing the BSD.

To be honest, I'm wondering if you might perhaps have some sort of virus? Reason for saying this is that nothing would surprise me these days where viruses are concerned. Years ago, you were either ill for days or you weren't - but nowadays, I suspect you can have something for as short as 24 hours - where you feel peculiar, but you can't put your finger on it. A number of niggly symptoms that don't really connect...but combine to make you feel out of sorts. Have you ever had that? My friends & I discuss such things all the I know I'm not alone. I've definitely had the start of a cold one day and then woken up fine the next. That never used to happen...

Anyway, please let us know how you are when you get a moment. I do hope you've been able to take things easy these past few days. Sending big hugs xxx

10 Oct 2016, 18:24
Howdy folks,just calling in quickly coz feeling ropey and tired.....
Saw the doc today coz continuing to feel dizzy,weak,nauseous,lightheaded ...tho nowhere near as bad as satdays fairground ride of whirling vertigo!
BP is fine,cant see any prob in my ears,she is all for the low carbs way of eating and doesnt think thats making me poorly.
Said could be inner ear infection which she is unable to diagnose coz she cant see that far inside ear..has given me a medication thats for vertigo in small dose,in large dose for psychiatric illness. To go back if i feel any worse ..

Cant catch up on everyones news right now but a quick scan tells me..pleased to see @tracieknits mum is improving and @grannieannieOH is doing good too. Xx
Hope youre all being good girls on our BSD WOL ..@hazelnut20well done on lowest weight ever!!!! I guess youre allowed to have some goodies whilst enjoying that status? Long as it doesnt go on for tooooo long!

Sorry youre feeling a bit down tho and v sorry you hurt yr head..that must have been a shock.x
@azurebluei thanks for yr reply x i think for once in my life,these days i' m eating enough protein..I used to be so carb heavy, i never had space for much protein!..also i didnt know til recently that protein converts to glucose too..!
Big hugs to will be a shame if we have to split up our happy home much kindness shown when we need it,a laugh always to lift us,and always always some useful advice and support from you guys here xox
@wildmissus i hope you and DDs are ok ? X
Our lovely old pal @nursebean will be home v soon from Canada! Welcome back Nursy! X
Thanks sweetie! I hope that (1) it is your inner ear and (2) you're feeling better soon! It's always nice to have an easy solution to these things :-)

My mom's surgery is scheduled for the 17th. So I may be mostly MIA as I'm pretty preoccupied right now. And stressed.
@candicemarie. Sorry to hear you are feeling off colour. Are you getting enough salt? Oxo drink can work wonders.
Get well soon, @CandiceMarie. A friend of mine has had labyrinthitis twice and it is not nice.
Oh, and @hazelnut20, while I am on the laptop and can post, please, please, please do not do a wobbly on us. You are having a bad patch but we are hoping you can find it in yourself to pull through and carry on the good work. :heart:
Thanks @barbarita@rawkarenand @tracieknitsthe meds for vertigo is also helping the general dizziness ive had for years with M.E. Its good to feel more steady on my feet.
Still sticking to 800 cals/ 50g carb a stamp to a letter.but have only lost 2 lb in the last 3 weeks. Must have plateau'd again i guess. One tantalizing pound off three stone..hope it comes off before week 14 ends next Tuesday!
Once i was addicted to bread,now i am totally addicted to Fage FF yoggy..i guess i am an addictive girl!

Also thks @hazelnut20... My old pal Nutty. Feelin ok long as i take the meds..hope youre ok xx please take note of quote ive put on Accounta thread..oh heck might as well put it here


:heart: happy weekend everyone :heart:
Bought myself some really nice body wash today as a non food treat coz on thurs ivedone BSD for 100 days and lost 3 stone..possibly more as havent done a first thing in the morning,no clothes on weigh in for a while
Thought it was 100 days today at first,but no,14 weeks is 98 days so will have to wait til thurs for the brass band,jugglers and tumbling clowns x :lol: :grin: x
Thanks for all the kind words folks!
Still not got to the bottom of dizziness tho IMHO its just an ear infection
On sunday Day 103,i had lost total of 46 lb
First day today week 16..cant wait to change that 46 to 50! :razz: xx
Hope all ok with everybody xx
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