The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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How is our lovely stalwart @Hazelnut20??? :heart:
Yes where are you Nutty?!! @Hazlenut20?
It is 2017 and I'm calling out our beloved Pernelle, @Hazelnut20

Maybe also @grannieannie @CandiceMarie @Nursebean @Rawkaren @barbarita @azureblue @wildmissus @debs

Miss you guys and wonder how you're all doing!
YOO HOO… I am! Bouncing back like the proverbial rubber ball…yet again…

I have literally just popped on to the forum after a long time away. Haven't read any posts except this one so far…but only the current page to be honest.

Just to bring you all up to speed…I fell off the wagon big time a while back – can't even remember when I last fasted – but will read up about it over the coming days. To cut a long story short, this emotional eater has been stuffing carbs and chocolate down her neck for months to comfort herself in the only way she knows how. Nothing major has happened to me since I was last here…it’s just that I'm not particularly happy with my life and I have a tendency towards depression over the winter months. As a result, I isolate myself from the world as far as I can…even though it is exactly the opposite of what I should be doing!

Anyways, here's the thing:- normally, I give myself the whole of January off before I even consider dieting/getting to grips with my eating issues….but the eating has been so bad that I struck a deal with myself on January 1st whereby I promised to get back on track as of yesterday. So I have! Who knew I could go nearly 2 days without eating 2 boxes of Maltesers! These had become the norm…along with puddings, and carb rich dinners too. Basically, I have really overloaded on carbs lately…and my body is not all that keen on turns out!

When I get a mo, I'm going to look back and see when I was last the weight I was yesterday. Just out of interest really..because it doesn't actually matter. I am where I am…and I've got to deal with it, haven't I? The scales were bad….but not as bad as I had assumed they would be, TBH. Also, I know I thoroughly deserve whatever they say – so I can't argue. All that really matters is that I nearly have two whole days under my belt and I'm back on the BSD…because I am in need of cold turkey and a quick fix in the form of some highly-motivating, initially fast, weight loss! Water or not…the scales decreed this morning that I had dropped 2.2lbs since yesterday…..thank you very much….I'll grab that with both hands as it really is a great motivator. Being the “all or nothing” kind of gal I am, I can’t just cut down on the naughties...I have to cut them out altogether for a time…long enough to stop craving them anyway.

Looking forward to hearing all your news, girls! I do hope the last few months have been kind to you all. It's really good to be back! Hugs all round…xxx
Glad to see you back! It definitely happens to all of us, for different reasons. But, as long as you get back up every time you fall, that's all that matters!! Good luck getting back on track!
So glad to see you back!!! So glad to see you've dusted yourself off and gotten back on track!

Autumn is tough for me too - it's getting colder and darker and I just want to eat all of the glorious food! Apples and butternut squashes and the lovely things you can make with them. Then we have all of the birthday celebrations and then the holidays. I always gain weight and in the past few years of losing, I've had to come to terms with the fact that for everything there is a season.

I can lose weight for about 8 or 9 months out of the year. January through August are not a problem losing weight - not especially. September and October I normally try to hold on and not gain. November and December just has too much going on. Between the dark and cold and wanting to hibernate and the seasonal food, treats and celebrations, I just want to give in. And I do.

I figure, as long as I end the year weighing less than I did at the start of the year, then really, I didn't do too poorly.

This autumn was especially tough, with my mom's health scare and subsequent heart valve surgery. But she is doing SO MUCH BETTER, and really, so much healthier than she was before the emergency hospitalization. So I'm pleased she got the treatment she needed.

But yes, like you I made a commitment to start back up on January 1. And boy was I ready! my body seemed to have gotten tired of the chocolate, sugar, alcohol and bread. It really wasn't nearly as hard to walk away from as I expected. I even went the entire first six days with no chocolate! Now that I think about it, I've had almost no chocolate except for the fabulous meringue dessert I made for my SIL's birthday party. But I calculated the weight watchers points for it and really, it wasn't terrible. I ate very very sensibly the rest of the week.

I'm doing light days on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Wednesdays are my weigh ins at ww. I'm not sticking strictly to BSD, although I just bought the book and cookbook. I'm aiming for about 750ish calories, but really hitting closer to 800 (today was 850). I'm already down 4 lbs from my Christmas high :-)

Here's to onward and downward :-)

11 Jan 2017, 09:06
So glad to hear that your Mum is getting on so well @tracieknits - that's great news and must be such a relief for you.

I must say that your post is so wise! Starting the year at one weight...and ending it at a significant amount less...has got to be seen as an unqualified success in anyone's book! There may be ups and's called life - I think what hit home for me was your concept of acceptance. Accept that certain months of the year/seasons might not be as easy. Make your peace with that. Even allow it. I think what is so powerful about giving yourself permission is that for once, you're not beating yourself up about it. You're not calling yourself hopeless for not managing to lose weight (as I do)'re saying "I am choosing what works for me". It might not be for everyone, but we're all different.

In my case, I always seem to have to reach the point of no return. I have to get physically fed up with all the excessive eating and how it makes me feel. It's by no means ideal as strategies go - I know that. I know lots of ladies whose weight never varies year on year...and I always marvel at how they do it. Clearly, food is not their weapon of it is mine. It would be marvellous not to yo-yo all the time, but to be honest, food is a great pleasure for me...but it's also a bizarre psychological crutch too. I eat beyond enjoyment. I eat out of habit. I eat for lots of reasons unconnected with hunger. Recognising it is the first step...and I thank you for your insight.

This time last week I was locked into a very unhealthy cycle. Today, I have 2 days of BSD under my belt...and guess what? It hasn't been difficult! I seem to have just slipped back into taking control. I'm at peace with my decision to curb the excess...and also remembering how lovely it is to feel so much "cleaner" both emotionally and physically if that makes sense...and to not have to think or worry about food until at least the afternoon, is very freeing.

Apologies for rambling on! Writing things down helps me to make sense of them. I feel better already...

11 Jan 2017, 09:17
Wow, been offline and trying to get in for days :shock: Thank you so much @Moogie for making the fix, it was like losing my family :bugeyes: :confused:

So, 2017 started with a worked for weight dip but somehow reversed and is hopelessly high today :neutral:
This weekend is traditionally the coldest of the year and looks like it will be snowy so I'm planning for slow crockpots and hot drinks, but I MUST keep the carbs down low low low! Hardly takes any to bump up the size, I'm now aware it seems to stick uncompromisingly to my ribs/belly.

It's as if when I become aware I'm doing well something subconscious decides Oh No You Don't (still channelling panto season :grin: :frown: ) and reaches for daft things and pops them in before I realise what's happening. Anyone else get that? Sabotaged by my own psyche :shock: :doh: :neutral:

I've been on this path for four years now, having gone from 81kgs down to 69kgs in the first 6 months then gradually tacked up, down and up again to my current 80kgs, I do wonder about it all.
I mean, my body seems to be winning the fight against my brain.
I want to be lighter with a smaller belly, but even with knowledge and awareness I'm back where I was, just four years older and wiser :smile:

Let's have a fab year together, laughing, learning and leaning on one another, and encouraging good health and happiness in one and all.
:like: :clover: :heart:

11 Jan 2017, 10:02
Hi ladies,
So glad we got the band back together, or summat like that!!!
Pernelle, I used to get SAD so I know exactly where you're coming from with the winter blues. But pick yourself up, dust yourself off and step away from the Maltesers!
I'm lucky in a way that we don't have winter here in the sandpit so I don't fall into the carb craving category and escaped the silly season by avoiding it all together! Despite a very food and wine heavy week in the U.K. Mid December I was amazed that I only put on 1.7kg. This is because we went to the Himalayas for two weeks over Xmas where it was absolutely freezing, not only that. We were camping in it too! So all that brown fat was melting away as a result of shivering and trekking at high altitude. We ate stupid amounts of food, especially carbs to fuel us, without any ill effect on my blood sugar or BP, which I am truly astounded by.
So, all in all, I am very, very lucky to have come out of it still under my magical 60kg barrier. But now comes the hard work, continuing to lose whilst being a lot more sedentary. I've already gone sugar free and am transitioning from 'worthy' bread at the moment!

So, all those ladies who have hijacked Hazelnut's post -let's do it!!!

If you want a giggle, here's an account of our trip.

11 Jan 2017, 12:47
I'm here.... nice to see this thread restarted and to read about old friends and how they are doing.

I have had a good start to the NY. I had festive plague which included being off food and drink, followed by a bout of extreme tiredness and over eating but weirdly just good stuff. However I am fully detoxed, in fact I have not had any alcohol since I met up with @debs before her trip up the mountain. We did justice to some serious wine and food and I enjoyed all of it. Since then I am completely alcohol free so I don't get the munchies.

I'm hoping you can all cheer me on with the BSD. Despite all attempts I can't get to 800 cals. Maybe it's winter or it could be stress but I need to try. In my signature below I have a blog going which is not as interesting as @debs, but I take a picture of what I ate recorded from MyFitnessPal. I know some of you do check in there but please let me know if you have any advice.

Let's get tuit. :clover:

11 Jan 2017, 14:33
Ohhh isnt this great! A gathering of the clans once again! Xx
Thanks for shouting out to us Tracie! I am not gonna do tags to everyone coz to be honest i am not sure where they are now..i used to see when i was tagged...does anyone know where theyve got to?
As for me i am so indebted to and so glad to see again - our very own Nutty!
Thanks for getting me on the BSD Pernelle Path to getting a bit slimmer again.. Ive got down to where i was before i became ill twenty years ago..losing that weight hasnt helped any symptoms but it has made me look and feel a whole heap better..and of course helped with basic stuff like bp and blood sugars. Another prob has emerged tho..what i used to think were just chubby knees and fat ankles are as bad as ever...GP thinks could be leg oedema,so thats gettin looked into now...tho maybe i just need to lose more weight..despite losing almost five stone now,i still have podge to get rid of so will be staying low carb
Rawkaren you asked about a before and after pic..but i was so fat and horrid i avoided photos like the plague...if i cdnt get away with it,i wd get behind someone and pop my head over their shoulder!
Also how fab that you n Debs were able to meet!

Anyway i feel its gonna be a good year for all of us! Onwards and downwards folks! XxxxxxxX

11 Jan 2017, 16:20
Oh squeee! I'm so glad so many of you have come back :smile: :victory: :heart: :cool:

You know, Hazelnut20, you're right, my holiday season jump off the wagon is a choice and not having guilt about it does make it easier to get back on track, I think.

But one interesting thing I noticed this year is that after eating with abandon, having everything I wanted (and I mean EVERYTHING), I noticed I wasn't feeling as good. My skin wasn't as bright. I felt puffy and sloth-like. My sex drive was down. I didn't have energy. I clearly didn't look as good, even though I was "only" 15 pounds up from my low in August, and still almost 60 lbs below my high.

Since then, I have lost only 5 pounds, but I already feel so much better. My skin looks healthier. I have lost the bloat. My energy and drive are back. I feel just so much better eating so much less - and so much less sugar. It's never been so obvious to me before. Is what I felt like two weeks ago what I felt like all the time when I was heavy? I can't help but wonder if it is. If I can keep hold of that, then perhaps I can use it as incentive to continue to eat properly.
11 Jan 2017, 16:23
CandiceMarie wrote: Ohhh isnt this great! A gathering of the clans once again! Xx
Thanks for shouting out to us Tracie! I am not gonna do tags to everyone coz to be honest i am not sure where they are now..i used to see when i was tagged...does anyone know where theyve got to?
As for me i am so indebted to and so glad to see again - our very own Nutty!
Thanks for getting me on the BSD Pernelle Path to getting a bit slimmer again.. Ive got down to where i was before i became ill twenty years ago..losing that weight hasnt helped any symptoms but it has made me look and feel a whole heap better..and of course helped with basic stuff like bp and blood sugars. Another prob has emerged tho..what i used to think were just chubby knees and fat ankles are as bad as ever...GP thinks could be leg oedema,so thats gettin looked into now...tho maybe i just need to lose more weight..despite losing almost five stone now,i still have podge to get rid of so will be staying low carb
Rawkaren you asked about a before and after pic..but i was so fat and horrid i avoided photos like the plague...if i cdnt get away with it,i wd get behind someone and pop my head over their shoulder!
Also how fab that you n Debs were able to meet!

Anyway i feel its gonna be a good year for all of us! Onwards and downwards folks! XxxxxxxX

FIVE STONE! That's amazing! :victory: :heart: :like: I just wanted to highlight that because it's awesome.

I hope that you can figure out what's going on with your legs sweetie - so glad to see you back here!

15 Jan 2017, 13:49
Glad you enjoyed the blog Hazelnut, seeing a big cat was certainly a huge moment for us, such an enormous privilege. The Weasel and Pikas were very cute that's for sure.

I really enjoyed Tracie's thoughts, very thought provoking and a great idea, invoking something like that. I really need to get back into the mindfulness thing and consider whether what I'm eating is worth it. I'm generally much better but I don't always think it through when I eat something.

I'm back on the 800 calories today ahead of starting a new job tomorrow.

16 Jan 2017, 00:37
Good luck with your new job, @debs - hope your first day goes really well!

It is really thrilling to be able to share this BSD journey with so many of you now. I'm totally blown away by our very own Candy's outstanding success on it...what a superstar!

So, let's all keep plugging away, keep posting and keep supporting each other - that's what I love about this forum...

Hope the week ahead is a good one for all of you xx
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