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Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
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Re: Just starting out
22 Jan 2015, 21:28
Thank you for the birthday wishes @candicemarie.
My life is continuously stressful!
I received the therapy program for ka this evening. It will be nice to have structure, but I may struggle with the deep pressure bits due to arthritic thumbs! I am hoping it might strengthen them too!
Today's fast has been a struggle. I had little sleep last night as was worry about doing 3 tax returns today. The big relief is that they're all now done!
We have managed our second fast of this week. It's weigh in tomorrow. Hubby is hoping for a good loss, I kind of expect to stay the same again. I feel quite bloated :-/ but that's ok. Next week the scales will be kind :-)
Re: Just starting out
23 Jan 2015, 09:31
Hubby lost 1lb and I lost 1lb.
I know it's a loss and that's good, but it's going to take an awful long time to lose the weight at this rate 1lb per 2 weeks of 5:2 with 2 good fasts each week! I had though I was being conservative aiming for 9lb loss in Equinox challenge, but it seems I may have been a bit optimistic :oops: I'll just see how close I can get!
Ah well. A loss is still a loss and it's going the right way.
How did you do @justdee? :heart:
Re: Just starting out
23 Jan 2015, 10:27
@Karenm You were expecting to have stayed the same yesterday, you should be pleased. stop beating yourself up.
Re: Just starting out
23 Jan 2015, 13:16
@Karenm that's a good loss, I make it you lost 4lbs in 3 weeks. Who knows how long it will take to get to goal, but at least it moving in the right direction again. Well done you and hubby. Keep at it. :fat: . I'm the one who stayed the same this week, a bit gutted I'm still same as last week but I know I did 2 good fast so I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I'm just going to try to cut a few cals on non-fastdays this week but I won't be stressing about it.
Re: Just starting out
23 Jan 2015, 16:14
It's all fine. It went on slowly this last time, so it's only fair it comes off slowly.
I've just had a thought........I Tend to just eat in a smallish window (3-5 hours) no non fast days. I'm going to try eating during the day this week. That should help me up the cals too!
Staying the same is still ok @ustdeexxx
Re: Just starting out
23 Jan 2015, 22:48
We'll get there in the end @karenm. This week I think I'll cut breakfast out, not quite 16:8 but just cut out breakfast and see if that helps. I can't stop eating goodies on non-fastdays. I had the same problem after last xmas. After all the excess it's hard to get it back under control. (sorry for putting this on your thread, should be on fast ladies really :oops: ) xx
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