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Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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Re: LastChance's Progress....
19 Jun 2013, 11:04
who cares if you're slightly behind the average, that's a fabulous (and sustainable) weight loss - WELL DONE YOU :)
Re: LastChance's Progress....
19 Jun 2013, 12:40
Well done LastChance! You say you had a baaad May, but evidently the WOE and exercise was still working for you as you didn't gain. Now you are back on the track, 20 weeks on the programme, that's great. Seems like you've really made some big changes in your life.

best wishes, kl
Re: LastChance's Progress....
20 Jun 2013, 17:19

I've started incorporating some intervals into my cardio sessions, but I'm taking this aspect slowly :-)

AnnieD & Kentishlass,

Many thanks for your kind words and support.

Re: LastChance's Progress....
21 Jun 2013, 05:18
Progress to date: 7.26kgs/16.01lbs lost since starting 21 weeks 0 days ago. An average of 0.773lbs lost per week.

The same as Wednesday's, so still at the new lowest weight.
Re: LastChance's Progress....
03 Jul 2013, 05:18
Hi all!

Still stuck on a plateau, today back at my lowest level. The last month or so, I decided to reduce the amount of weighing and treat it as a "WOL/WOE", and weigh once a week or less. This hasn't worked for me. So, for this month, I decided to give daily weighing a go to see if that helps to "keep focus", particularly on the feed-days. So far I've always weighed after a fast-day, so after Monday's blow out feed day, yesterday morning, with great trepidation I stood on the scales. The weight was 3 or so pounds heavier! Yesterday was a fast-day, smoked salmon for breckie and pork loin, broccoli and cauliflower for tea. I also had time off work in the afternoon and hit the gym. So today I'm back down to my all time lowest level and exactly 4lbs lighter than yesterday. Yikes!
Re: LastChance's Progress....
03 Jul 2013, 07:31
First time I have read your post very good recording last chance thank you for sharing your journey
Re: LastChance's Progress....
03 Jul 2013, 15:23
Sixteen pounds lost is good - plus you have to consider the weight that you haven't gained in that time, too! The increased exercise will be affecting your weight loss but you will be looking trimmer because of improved muscle tone, so keep at it!
Re: LastChance's Progress....
05 Jul 2013, 05:20
Fasted Tuesday/Thursday this week, and also went to the gym on those days. Managed to be slightly less OTT on the feed days... Last night I went to a colleagues leaving do, but stayed on the diet pepsi all night!!!

The weighing everyday seems to be helping :grin: :-

Progress to date: 17.79lbs / 8.07kg since starting 23 weeks 0 days ago, a mean average of 0.773lbs lost per week.
Re: LastChance's Progress....
06 Jul 2013, 06:17
Last night was bad :-( I went for total body wipe out.... Don't know why I do this to myself... NOT standing on the scales this morning! Woke up at 06:30 so that's a one hour lie-in compared to week-days, currently on my second pint sized mug of tea - I have to re-hyrdrate myself ;-)
Re: LastChance's Progress....
06 Jul 2013, 09:24
I know why you did it! You were sooooooooo good when you stayed on the diet pepsi at your colleagues leaving do, a little voice inside your head told you that you 'deserved' a good night as a reward! I have done the same thing, in the past, but with food.

You won't have done permanent damage to your weight loss, so avoid the alcohol today, drink plenty, eat a little less (no greasy fried breakfast!) and you'll be back on track in no time!
Re: LastChance's Progress....
06 Jul 2013, 10:54
Hi StowgateResident,

I think you hit the nail on the head!

It didn't help that my ex- head of department of many years turned up and said how fit and well everyone looked, Oh except me who looked "old and fat".... and repeated it several times during the course of the evening. He always could be a total prat. He once turned up at my house, 9.00 clock on a Sunday morning wanting me to go into work... A bit like Hitler, he loves children and babies, so I handed him my youngest who was about 8 months old at the time, who then proceeded to projectile vomit breast milk all over his suit :-) Anyhow, a long story, less said the better...

So I just got back from the gym... Surprised I got there at all to be honest.. Glad I did though!

Exercise bike : Cadence 85, level 3, Calories 160 Avg pulse 108

I'm enjoying this "Zone1" warm-up, it's really relaxing.

Cross Trainer stepper thingie: Level 10, Calories 160 Avg pulse 125

Elliptical Trainer: Level 11, Calories 190, Avg pulse 135

Treadmill: CPR program - 5 mins at 122 then 20+ at 125, Calories 330

As usual, between each of the blocks of Cardio, I did 4 or 5 weight machines aiming for 2 sets of 12 reps.

So the pattern was a Zone1 warm up, most of the cardio done at upper end of Zone2 with the eliptical trainer at upper end of Zone3 (for me). This Zone based training has been a big eyeopener and revelation for me. I'm seeing improvements in that pulse is lower for a given setting or that the levels are harder for the same pulse rate. I do wonder, how many people are just overdoing it to no real benefit?

When I left the gym, my mood was greatly lifted.. A sponsored spin class was taking place outside under the shade of the canopy (it must have been 25C plus) and I got a big cheer as I dumped a load of change into their collection bucket - I didn't notice what it was in aid off...
Re: LastChance's Progress....
12 Jul 2013, 05:11
A little further progress this week. But every little helps! :lol:

Progress to date: 18.21lbs/8.26kg since starting 24 weeks 0 days ago, a mean average of 0.759lbs lost per week.
Re: LastChance's Progress....
16 Jul 2013, 04:49
Last week was good and went to the gym 4 times. Looking forward to a 'Staycation' next week ;-)

Progress to date: 19lbs / 8.62kg since starting 24 weeks 4 days ago, a mean average of 0.773lbs lost per week.
Re: LastChance's Progress....
16 Jul 2013, 18:23
Fasting today, so hit the gym after work :grin: :

Exercise bike : Cadence 85, level 3, Calories 180 Avg pulse 108

Cross Trainer stepper thingie: Level 11, Calories 180 Avg pulse 128

Elliptical Trainer: Level 12, Calories 240, Avg pulse 130

Treadmill: Steady walking - Average pulse 125, Calories 300

What's that, 900 cals or thereabouts? Oh, and 12 weight machines in 3 sets of 4 between the cardio....

Something very strange has happened the last few feed-days: I haven't been overeating!
Re: LastChance's Progress....
17 Jul 2013, 00:37
Wow! That is really impressive! You are inspiring me to step it up! :grin:
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