The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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LastChance's Progress....
01 Feb 2013, 06:20
My second week on 5:2 (fasting Tuesdays and Thursdays) and second weigh-in this morning (I didn't weigh before starting out):

I'm down 2 lbs on this time last week!!
Re: LastChance's Progress....
01 Feb 2013, 06:51
Hey well done you. I did my weigh in this morning and i'm 3lbs down this week (my 1st week) May it continue :)
Re: LastChance's Progress....
02 Feb 2013, 05:44
shazyone wrote: Hey well done you. I did my weigh in this morning and i'm 3lbs down this week (my 1st week) May it continue :)

shazyone, that's good to hear!
Re: LastChance's Progress....
02 Feb 2013, 06:06
Updated my progress tracker to go public. Noted that the overall average loss for the group membership is about a pound a week.

So there it is then, a starting BMI of 36+ currently at 35.93 :-(
Re: LastChance's Progress....
02 Feb 2013, 06:44
Well done, it's going in the right direction :P
Re: LastChance's Progress....
02 Feb 2013, 09:37
Great! Well done Lastchance - sounds like its going well x
Re: LastChance's Progress....
03 Feb 2013, 09:50
Hit the gym this morning, or rather it hit me! I haven't been for a while. Decided to just have a quick hour and a bit session, so did 4 sets of cardio (bike, stepper, cross-trainer and treadmill) alternating with some upper body arm exercises. Lowerered all the levels and intensity, but feel shattered.... anyhow, onwards and downwards ;-)
Re: LastChance's Progress....
08 Feb 2013, 14:06
Weighed this morning and found I'd put 1.5 lbs on this week. :(

Feeling very down and depressed. So for three weeks of 5:2 and 6 fasts I feel I've very little to show for it. OK, I'll admit that I've cheated on Fast days, but only by a small amount (<60 cals). I'm a big bloke and in direct proportion to Dr M's 600 cals could be on 850 ;-)

My wife hasn't lost anything for the second week running (and doesn't cheat). However, she also exercises very heavily on the Tuesday & Thursday Fast days (cardio and weight machines in the Gym). She also has a very active job, whereas mine is very sedentary, desk bound, driving 4 PCs. But we do enjoy our "Feast" days though :)

On the fast days we've been eating breakfast/evening meals and following the recipes in the book to the letter (weighing food with digital balance etc).

Started considering the options:
a) keep going for several more weeks and see what happens.
b) Start calorie counting on the 5 meal days.
c) Start calorie restricting on the meal days.
d) 4:3?
e) Increase levels of exercise.

We would welcome your thoughts....
Re: LastChance's Progress....
08 Feb 2013, 14:22
Hi LastChance, don't be downhearted!

First, have you measured your waist? Many people are finding they are losing inches but not poundage.

Second, try weighing again tomorrow. I sometimes go down a kilo after the first feed day...probably something to do with water retention.

Third, if neither of the above show any change, try your option b) just to see.

Fourth, go with option a)

You mention that you have been to the gym as a new thing. This will result in a) water retention due to damaged muscles needing repairing and b) some muscle bulk being added. Both these will mask any loss of fat.

Re: LastChance's Progress....
08 Feb 2013, 16:39
Hi Caroline,

Many thanks for your thoughts and suggestions.

Re: LastChance's Progress....
09 Feb 2013, 07:38
For interest sake, yesterday I logged everything consumed on "Myfitnesspal" and it was 3506 cals :oops: :shock:

I guess it's important that on the "5" meal days you "eat normally" rather than "eat as you normally would"? :D

I suppose, it shouldn't come as a surprise, since my BMI is where it is and my target weight is around Dr M's starting weight!
Re: LastChance's Progress....
09 Feb 2013, 09:21

The diet as "prescribed" by Dr M should cut your overall calories by 20%. So if you could cut your feed day cals by about 20% I'm sure you'd see a weight loss.
Re: LastChance's Progress....
10 Feb 2013, 07:47
Yesterday I continued logging all my food on MyFitnessPal and kept it to 1850 cals to redress the balance a bit. Seems to have helped and today my weight is back down! 8-) My wife's is down and back on track as well. :-)
Re: LastChance's Progress....
13 Feb 2013, 06:22
Completed seventh fast yesterday. So part way through the fourth week. The next fast day is tomorrow (Thursday). Monitoring calories on feed days seems to have done the trick.

Progress to date : 1.72 kg/3.79 lbs lost in 2.5 weeks.
Re: LastChance's Progress....
15 Feb 2013, 06:10
Completed eighth fast so end of 4 weeks. But just realised that it's only 3 weeks of measurements ;-).

Progress to date : 2.18 kg/4.8 lbs in 3 weeks.

I'm very pleased with this :-)
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