The FastDay Forum

The 5:2 Lab

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Thanks Caroline,
Not sure whether you'll use my data, as I'm borderline, but sent it anyway.
Can't wait to see the results and thanks for all your hard work.
Reply sent, I had to do it in Notepad format hope it is OK :smile:
Hmm... I think I've fallen into both categories. I lost more than 3kg in my first month and then less than a kilo in the last month - with an average amount in between! Overall though it still averages out to the norm though.
It would be good if you could fill out the questionnaire anyway...we're still deciding how the do the stats!
Reply sent, did it on my iPad so hope it's ok.

Just wondering if it might be an idea to put a thread thing where those of us who have completed the form can click the like button, that way you would know who had participated but everyone would still be anonymous on the questionnaire?
Erm...sorry that's a bit complicated for me, I'm a complete dumbo when it comes to computers, thought it would just be message form. Never mind I expect you will have lots of replies.
Sent mine in. Struggled with the bit about activity levals - I could have worked out number of hours per week I was very active/somewhat active/not active, but couldn't work out how to express it in both hours and days

Thanks v. much for doing this - I really believe we could learn something from the collective experience.
Downloaded the form into documents on my iPad, but I can't fill it in!
Bellalou wrote: Downloaded the form into documents on my iPad, but I can't fill it in!

Try "edit a text document on an ipad" in Google to find some apps that provide this function.

I don't do iThings :wink:
I'm stuck on the activity bit...

If I cycle for an hour on 5 days a week, am I putting 1 hour and 5 days or totalling it up to put 5 hours over 5 days?
I suppose I shouldn't really comment that the results won't be very scientific, since they are all self-reported?

Maybe I should just shut up....
Applespider wrote: I'm stuck on the activity bit...

If I cycle for an hour on 5 days a week, am I putting 1 hour and 5 days or totalling it up to put 5 hours over 5 days?

1 hour on 5 days please!
HannahMecoe wrote: I suppose I shouldn't really comment that the results won't be very scientific, since they are all self-reported?

Maybe I should just shut up....

We don't have any alternative really! However, suppose we find that a greater proportion of respondents who lose weight fast only eat dinner on fast days whereas more of those who lose weight slowly eat three meals on a fast day...well we could suggest to those who don't lose much weight that they could try only eating dinner. If it helps even some of them then the study would be worthwhile. Alternatively, suppose we find that the differences are only evident for things that can't be changed (gender, starting weight, medical history), then we can reassure people who are not losing weight fast that it is likely just bad luck and they're not doing anything wrong. Of chose the study may not be scientifically robust but it may be of some value because individuals can try different approaches and see if it makes a difference to them personally. Well, that's my hope anyway.
HannahMecoe wrote: I suppose I shouldn't really comment that the results won't be very scientific, since they are all self-reported?


Read the discussion in the nerdy section, they are aware that this isn't 'scientific' but the 'nerds' :wink: are willing to use what ever information they can get from us to determine if there is an answer to the topic question "Why do some lose fast, some slow?" so that more can be helped.

Perhaps, they will find enough information to run a true "scientific" blind study to test theories?
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