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Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
27 Jan 2015, 21:32
Never feel guilty @MaryAnn just enjoy!! ;)
Good to see we'll be fasting in sync tomorrow! Mind you next Friday I'm on holiday so Im not sure what will happening to my fasting then :confused:
Hey Candy? @Candicemarie how are your eyes today?
Bean xx
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
27 Jan 2015, 21:49
Still hurting Beano@nursebean...even my eyelids! Gahhhhhh! X
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
28 Jan 2015, 16:55
I keep asking, but to no avail. How are those eyelids Candy? @Candicemarie? Any better today?
Not long now until I can sink my teeth into my din dinoo. I'm starting to get mighty hungry now. Its strange but yesterday sailed by and today has just dragged. Can't think why :confused:
I must say I do feel a lot slimmer at the moment. I don't feel so horrified when I look in the mirror. My Buddha look has definitely deflated somewhat! Image
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
28 Jan 2015, 20:03
@nursebean ...Beano! beano!! How are YOUR eyes? Should have gone to SpecSavers!
If you look at my last comment, i answered yr question :lol: ....
CandiceMarie wrote: Still hurting Beano@nursebean...even my eyelids! Gahhhhhh! X

Anyways,thank you for asking xx ..."Thank you for your concern! " :lol:
Hehehe..tho that message is now out of date as my eyelids no longer hurt and my eyes are just a teeeeeeeny bit sore today xx

It IS weird isnt it bean how some days go smoothly whilst another day of the very same food deprivation just drags??
I am glad you feel do i!...when i was out this morning, i felt positively sylphlike! Felt almost like i had washboard midriff and tum!
Could barely believe the tubby little Moomin i could see reflected in the shop window really was moi!
Youre doing great Beano! I really admire how you can do ADF x you are one cool cool cat x
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
28 Jan 2015, 21:07
Hahaha, sounds as though we both need a trip to Specsavers Candy doesn't it!! :geek: :geek: :shock: :shock:
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Jan 2015, 01:19
Popping my head into beanie DODO land!@CandiceMariea very happy beau 5th anniversary to you and @MaryAnn a very happy birthday to you too.
@nursebean is this now the celeb party tent? Please may I join?
Seriously Candice I hope you feel better soon. I'm presently supporting two women in my life whose immune systems have collapsed. It's a new learning for me but I'll get there for sure.
Best to you and bean :cool:
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Jan 2015, 08:51
Morning DODO ers how y'all doin??? I'm fasting today and am fully in the fasting groove. However I feel really bloated, I feel like I need someone to give me a tight hug to let all the air out Image not sure why I'm feeling like this but hey ho. Have an exciting trip into town today to buy socks for Min! I wish she'd stop growing for just a bit so I could close my purse for a day or two. Kids eh!?!
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Jan 2015, 11:48
Excitin times for me too @minsmum...
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Jan 2015, 11:56
Doesn't get any better for me @CandiceMarie Image

Living the rock n roll lifestyle again Image
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Jan 2015, 12:46
Honestly! How DID we manage before green smilies! I've just bean for a walk with the girls Image and now I'm stuck in my office sorting out my beloved little shop Image which, incidentally, somebody tried to hijack yesterday. Luckily I was on my toes and so I didn't provide my bank requested! Image
You just never know who's out there do you. Image
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Jan 2015, 12:57
Hello, day on day offers.
How's the day off going.
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Jan 2015, 13:03
Oh Bean thank goodness you have yr wits about you! X
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Jan 2015, 13:21
Not that they would have found much, if anything, in my Bank Account! :shock:
All good here, thanks Oatesy! Days Off are always good. I must say I'm just not into food as much as I was before and around Christmas time. Mind you, before I get too excited, I am a day late for "You know what!" (wish it would hurry up and come, so it won't interfere with my hols!)
How long til Florida?
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Jan 2015, 13:23
Beany @Nursebean what do you sell?? Boohiss to the potential hijacker, but as Candy says good job you were on the ball.
@Carieoates I'm day on it today, think me and Beany are opposites :( apart from being part way through sparkling my house, life is good and hopefully I am shrinking. I'd better be ,I booked our Easter getaway the other day and I refused to do the whole beached whale look (albeit nicely tanned) again! Image
How's you??

Keep up the good work ladies x
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
29 Jan 2015, 13:27
We are opposites @Minsmum...don't know how that happened! As for my shop, I sell all things related to Film and TV. My shop is called "MovieBox Pops" I was going to say its a great way for me to earn money but the money seems to go out as soon as it comes in, so we probably need to work on something there. We've loads of stock to get rid of so have to have special offers and reduce prices. I just want to get rid so that I can get in items that I know will sell. Its certainly a steep learning curve but its great to be able to work from home.
What have you got planned for food today?
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