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Re: Anyone in the US?
15 Dec 2014, 00:05
@Lori, my aunt used to live in Oxford, PA. I loved driving up to see her when I was in grad school in Baltimore. It was all rolling hills and Amish country. I even saw a barn raising once!
Re: Anyone in the US?
15 Dec 2014, 01:17
I live right in the middle of the state of PA. We are 3 hours to Philadelphia, 4 hours to Pittsburgh and 3 hours to New York City.

I just sat here and watched all of Season 1 of Downton Abbey! I am hooked! Season 2 is loaded and waiting for me. If only I didn't have to go to bed! I'll be getting up early to go to boot camp, so I have to get some sleep. :sleepy:

"See" you on Monday! :heart:
Re: Anyone in the US?
15 Dec 2014, 09:48
Last out and first in! Here I am again!

Had a great night's sleep, the scale was down this morning, life is good! :victory:
I'll be heading to boot camp in about 1/2 hr. Wonder what torture is in store for me this morning? :dazed: Who am I kidding? I love it!
Should be a fairly boring day at work. I'll be checking in here often it up so I have something to read!
Hugs all around! :heart:
Re: Anyone in the US?
15 Dec 2014, 10:02
Morning Lori. I'm on a train to London at the moment. Looking forward to it as I love London. You are a very early riser!
Re: Anyone in the US?
15 Dec 2014, 16:35
I'm fasting today! We had a strange warm day yesterday and it melted all of our snow. But it looks like 3 inches is on the way agin
Re: Anyone in the US?
15 Dec 2014, 18:45
I was going to fast today - no reason not to - BUT my hubs managed to talk me out of it . . not very difficult to do these days, unfortunately, as I just have not really been able to get into it - I think its just the thought that its the holiday time and I can always be more strict in the New Year . . yet I know that is the totally wrong mindset as who wants to gain more weight for 2015 ?? Oh well, tomorrow is another day . . . :confused:
Re: Anyone in the US?
15 Dec 2014, 19:29
I know what you mean parrot. This is a hard time of year for watching what/how much we eat! This is an eating day for me and I didn't plan on eating any sweets, but one of the girls reminded me of the Lemon crunch pie in the fridge here at work. Oh my...had a small piece and it was so good! It'll be a protein dinner for me tonight and a fast tomorrow!
Re: Anyone in the US?
15 Dec 2014, 21:55
I'm so hungry today! But I'm trying to remain strong. I keep telling myself hunger is really my body repairing itself. It is almost 4:00pm.. so much of the day left
Re: Anyone in the US?
16 Dec 2014, 06:16
@Lori. Just catching up with the news and saw the story about the shootings in Philly. Shocking and sad. Thinking of you.
Re: Anyone in the US?
16 Dec 2014, 09:41
Checking in on our US thread; I love all the forums, but it's nice not to be 18 hours behind everyone! Especially as I'm a night owl, particularly now that I'm unemployed. Wow, days just fly by! Seems like I don't get as much done as I should....better go wash dishes now, gotta get to bed by 3am. :smile:
Re: Anyone in the US?
16 Dec 2014, 10:07
Good Morning!

Up early, but not as early as usual. My cat got me up at 11 last night so out she went! When the alarm went off this morning, I was not ready for it! Feeling kind of blah after a fitful night. Stomach not feeling right. Maybe it's a good thing today is a fast day.

Yes, terrible about the shootings near Philly. It seems every day there is some horrific thing involving guns.

Hi & Welcome ferretgal. The more the merrier! Up till 3AM?? I would be a zombie the next day. I feel like a zombie this morning after tossing and turning several hours last night. :sleepy:

It's going to be a long day at work. Not much to do and the day just drags.

Chime in is your day going?
Re: Anyone in the US?
16 Dec 2014, 21:35
I'm fasting today instead of Monday - thought I'd give it a go as I got up late. So far its about 1:30 pacific time and I'm doing fine - just having some chicken bouillon to tide me over til some Greek yogurt in a couple of hours. I will still have enough cals left for a small dinner with hubs.
I agree with ferretgal - its nice not to be 8 hours or more behind on the threads.
Hope your fast is going okay Lori - I know you said it was going to be a long boring day at work but I still wish I could be at work and fasting as, in my mind, its so much easier. When I used to work, I was usually so busy and occupied, I hardly ever thought about food. :starving:
Unfortunately, as my uncle says, when you are retired, you NEVER get a day off !!!!!! :?:
Re: Anyone in the US?
16 Dec 2014, 22:00
@lovemyparrot and @ferretgal. I agree on the 8 hrs time shift. The site feels totally different. I'm 8 hrs ahead of you for a few weeks now and it's akin to living closer to relatives!
Re: Anyone in the US?
17 Dec 2014, 03:49
Its almost 7:45 p.m. here and my fast day is just about over. Just finished my nice little dinner and I think I'll easily make it til bed time.
Its supposed to rain heavily overnight but clear up early tomorrow - that is easy to take . . its when it pours all day and you can't really justify going anywhere that I start to get a bit stir-crazy. Hope all the U.S. fasters had a good day and hopefully some of you will check in here tomorrow. Goodnight :sleepy:
Re: Anyone in the US?
17 Dec 2014, 09:59
Good Morning!

4:54AM here on the East coast. I've already downloaded a cup of coffee and will leave for boot camp at 5:30! My arms are still quite sore from Monday's workout, so I'm sure there will be a good bit of moaning and groaning at the beginning of my workout! :razz:

I had a good fast day yesterday and looking forward to being a bit less strict today. I'm quite hungry now, but I don't eat before boot camp. Blech! That would not end well.

Not much special today. Getting my hair cut/colored after work. I am long overdue for that procedure. My cleaning lady is coming today so I'll come home to a clean house. Love that! I told DH that we would just go out for a bite to eat when I get home from getting my hair cut. Saves me trying to think what to make.

That's my day......what about you?
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