Lori wrote: Good Morning!
4:54AM here on the East coast. I've already downloaded a cup of coffee and will leave for boot camp at 5:30!
Wow - you ARE up and about early - makes me feel a bit jealous and totally guilty for wasting half my day. Unfortunately, I have been an insomniac for many years and sometimes, after a really bad night, my best couple of hours' sleep don't start til about 5:30 p.m.
Not many of the U.S. group here today. Didn't do too much myself - just a little last-minute Christmas shopping - I think I am done as hubs and I don't do too much - as you, we treat ourselves to something bigger (this year a new computer) and there will be a Mediterranean cruise next May (I think you were recently on a cruise?) - that should do it for a long while !!!!!