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Re: Anyone in the US?
09 Mar 2015, 18:54
I have been doing the same thing Lori. I think I need to stop drinking alcohol. The problem is, I have a couple of drinks and my judgment goes out the window. I totally overeat after drinking. Sigh. I know some of today's might be water, because dinner last night was salty. But it's probably not everything.

I actually just put the MyFitnessPal app back on my phone and I'm going to track every bite I eat for a few weeks, to try to get a grip on this eating.
Re: Anyone in the US?
10 Mar 2015, 00:48
Hi all fellow Americans! I'm glad to have this thread, sometimes I feel so out of step on the Fasting Today thread due to time diffs. I can relate to the drinking too much; I guess I've been taking advantage of the "have whatever you want" rule on normal days and have been having more than one beer (or other drinkies) on those days. (I do not drink alcohol on light days.) I think what I'm going to try is limiting myself to one beer/drink a day EXCEPT for special occasions (happy hour, birthdays, family celebrations), of which I don't have many, so that should help. I am trying to break through 180lbs and would like to do that by my next weigh in on April 3.
Re: Anyone in the US?
10 Mar 2015, 04:30
Hi Everyone. OH has been here for almost two weeks and I have had a drink most days which is bizarre given he does not drink. He leaves tomorrow and so I'm taking a month off booze completely. I don't think the hot weather helps. Sitting outside in the sunshine - drinking wine just seems to work.
Re: Anyone in the US?
10 Mar 2015, 05:56
Tracieknits wrote: I have been doing the same thing Lori. I think I need to stop drinking alcohol. The problem is, I have a couple of drinks and my judgment goes out the window. I totally overeat after drinking. Sigh. I know some of today's might be water, because dinner last night was salty. But it's probably not everything.

I actually just put the MyFitnessPal app back on my phone and I'm going to track every bite I eat for a few weeks, to try to get a grip on this eating.

I'm considering a alcohol free month after having two Saturdays running spoiled by hangovers. I don't have that kind of time on my hands. Plus: empty calories.
Re: Anyone in the US?
11 Mar 2015, 00:24
Well I completely blew Mondays fast to bits. I was doing well till evening then went crazy on candy. First fast since I started that I didn't make. I have only lost 1/2 pound since September Kind of disappointing. I love 5-2 an tomorrow is a fast day again. I'm hoping not to blow this one.
Re: Anyone in the US?
11 Mar 2015, 02:31
Our roof sprang a leak thanks to all the ice and snow on it, so now we have a 3 foot long water stain right over our bed. OH figured out a kludge to catch the water in the attic but we can't get it fixed until we have a lot more melting. The roof has to be clear and the roofers have to be able to walk around the house. OH had to wear hip waders just to walk out in the front yard to look at that part of the roof. That's how deep the fluffy part of the snow was. When it's fixed he'll have to paint the whole ceiling. Ugh!

Definitely the worst winter ever for us.

I'm not fasting for 2 weeks while trying to eat reasonably every day. Quite a change. My nonfast day eating had got too out of control. Another couple weeks and it will be possible to walk outside at last, we hope!
Re: Anyone in the US?
11 Mar 2015, 03:40
I'm so sorry to hear about your roof @peebles! We had to replace ours 2 years ago and now have a steel roof- which we love
Re: Anyone in the US?
11 Mar 2015, 08:56
Oh sorry to hear about your leak. What a horrible winter it has been, especially for you in NE. I have a friend near Boston who has had leaks popping up in different areas. At one point she was getting up once an hour all night long to empty a container that she had catching the water! I can't imagine. Spring is coming!

Another eating day for me today. The scale was down 8/10ths of a pound this morning. Heaven forbid it could be down a whole pound! :wink: I'm still up a bit over a pound from my low on March 5th. Up and down I go!

Off to boot camp. Have a good day!
Re: Anyone in the US?
11 Mar 2015, 20:37
I'm half way threw my fast day and have cheated just a little. I'm hoping I can have control this evening. I'm at 270 cal so far
Re: Anyone in the US?
11 Mar 2015, 23:01
Oh Peebles, I'm so sorry to hear that!!! I hope the repairs aren't too expensive.

Yeah, Lori, Monday's fast was hard, but I had my husband home for it and he does NOT like to fast at home. He says it's too hard with so much food nearby. We made it half way through our fast day before he wanted to eat dinner (chicken lime soup) for a late lunch >.< Oh well. Tomorrow should be no problem because he won't be here ;-)
Re: Anyone in the US?
12 Mar 2015, 19:48

Thanks for the kind wishes! The leak stopped after a couple of gallons came through and has been dry since then even though there is lots more melting snow on the roof. So we hope it was just an ice dam. OH used to be a painting contractor, so he knows how to prepare and paint this kind of damage.

I am completely ready for spring. I bought a ceremonial Russell Stover Maple Cream Egg today to hasten its arrival. They are a tradition around here and their appearance always cheers me up. Bring on the melting!
Re: Anyone in the US?
13 Mar 2015, 00:07
peebles wrote: I am completely ready for spring. I bought a ceremonial Russell Stover Maple Cream Egg today to hasten its arrival. They are a tradition around here and their appearance always cheers me up. Bring on the melting!

We had a couple of Russell Stover caramel eggs around here somewhere - just went to look for them - :doh: dah - - I think they were gone in a flash last week :wink: :wink: !!!
Re: Anyone in the US?
16 Mar 2015, 21:38
I'm in the same boat as some of you with the alcohol. I went overboard on Saturday. Didn't eat extra, but the empty calories from all those drinks is terrible. Good thing is if you fall off the wagon, you can just get back on. We are all going to screw up here and there and that's okay!
Re: Anyone in the US?
18 Mar 2015, 00:04
Sammy, that's a great attitude! This is not a "being perfect" WOL, but a "being human" (and making mistakes) WOL for the rest of your life.
Re: Anyone in the US?
18 Mar 2015, 04:50
Since moving to California, I have not been able to find any frozen shrimp that I like. They all seem to have an aftertaste. Sometimes soapy, sometimes I can only think of old socks!

I have solved my problem. Trader Joe's uncooked wild blue shrimp. Peeled and deveined but with the tails on. Pricey but they are huge so you don't need so many and they taste how my European palate expects them to taste.

Does anyone have any other recommendations?
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