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No 36 checking in.

Wow, I have just had a read through the last few posts. I really should write to each of you! Well done @peebles and @daydreamer21 on reaching target already :like: :like: Several of you have had nice steady weight loss, wahoo!

Several of you have had hiccups (@nursebean, I'm rooting for you!) . I was struggling myself with the last 2 weeks with a 1lb gain and then no loss. This was despite the fact that I was doing everything right, including tracking and weighing food on feed days. Well, this week I had enough of seeing 155lbs on the scales, so I did 4:3 to try to get over my little plateau. It worked! Im down 5lbs this week. Cant believe it. But I do wish I had a nice and steady 1lb loss each week. It's hard mentally to take "holding steady" or gaining weeks, even if I know that a loss is coming.

Has anyone seen @Stowgateresident? I think she slipped through the floorboards! :grin: You are sll set to enjoy the hols now Stowie!
Well I am STILL stuck at the start line. One weigh-in last week put me 2 pounds down of my goal of 5 but most of it is back. Last week I did 4:3 and maybe I need to stick with that a while.
Well done @daydreamer21 and @peebles :victory: :like: and hang in there @nursebean; I'm wobbling along there with you :heart: .
#38 reporting for duty ! Really chuffed that the scales confirmed I have reached my target.... But I have just scoffed some yummy apple crumble so I may not have been on target for long. Keep going everyone, think positive !
Well, I don't know what is going on....but I'm not remotely complaining!

#40 checking in this week to report a loss of just over 6lbs - whoop whoop!!

Didn't exercise much, did a 4:3 + 16:8 on all other days....and look what happens!

Just need to shift another 4lbs to see 11stone am feeling pretty pleased right now.

Well aware that next week it could be a totally different story of course, but for now, I'm chuffed....

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
I'm here, @Scubachick! I've got a daughter and two grandaughters staying this week so there's not much chance of fasting for me this week! I am looking forward to my holiday although I know that I will regain a lot of weight - last time it was six and a half pounds in a fortnight!

@peebles, Congratulations on your weight loss. This WOE is certainly a revelation, isn't it? I have abandoned calorie counting forever and, although I am still trying to come to terms with the maintenance stage, I just know that this is the way forward for me.

@Sue.Q, thank you for your lovely comment. I was most surprised at losing so much, especially so close to target, but it was probably because the recent trip to Madrid was very carb-heavy. Well, it would be wouldn't it - when my daughter owns a bakery!

To those of you who are struggling, or only showing small losses, I would like to say - please don't give up! This WOE does work. I had to cut back on my 'treats' in the last couple of weeks in order to lose my weight and I had to remind myself that, as Moogie and carorees say, you can eat whatever you want just not as much as you want! :smile:
I meant to send huge congratulations to you, too, @Hazelnut20 but I got distracted because I noticed that the weights in my Signature were completely wrong! I don't think that I can blame it on the Forum move - just my brain cells giving out- but I had to put them right immediately because they were showing me as over twelve and a half stone.

It's surprising how our bodies' just constantly surprise us, isn't it? I have given up trying to guess what my weight loss, or gain, will be in any given week because most of the time it seems to have no connection to what I may have been eating or doing!

Anyway, a lovely weight loss for you, so we'll just have to keep going on and doing what we're doing and I'm sure that it will all be fine in the end! :smile:
Number 58 here. Next time I might make life easier for myself by doing a challenge which doesn't run over bank holiday weekends or school holidays! But where would the challenge be if there weren't tricky bits?

Thanks for signing me up :smile:

Number 16 here.
After doing 4:3 this week, I am now 10 stone 6 pounds. So I'm pleased!
I'm not expecting to hit my Solstice Target on the day, but now it seems possible it will be close.
There are some good results coming in I see, so well done to all the achievers!
Thanks very much @StowgateResident for your kind comments. You are right, it is so hard to second-guess the scales isn't it? I just stand on....& hope for the best! Sometimes they are my friend, then my foe....and every so often (like this week!) they get promoted to being my best friend! Overall, though, they can be fickle.....

The good news is, weight is just a number...and not a number that people go around assessing in each other, thankfully! Far better to go by the tape measure, the mirror and the feel of your clothes. It is such a joy to feel a waistband slacken off, isn't it? My own personal joy has been the reduction in my thunder thighs...they are still an issue, for I am a lifelong pear.....but to have some spare trouser material flapping around, when I have always felt a completely brilliant :grin:

However we all do on the latest challenge, we will all be better off than when we started, so that is to be celebrated!

Keep the faith!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Hello everybody

I have finally got my mojo back and the scales are very much improved and going down. I have definitely been inspired by a few people on our Fastday group, including @Hazelnut20
and @caroores - thank you.

All is going well at the moment with fasting/food/walking - I am so pleased with myself, and the scales are showing a vast improvement this morning, this time three weeks ago, I was head banging and not in a good place.

Now I just need to continue this WOE until I reach a more acceptable (to me) BMI and goal!

I am on track to meet this challenge.

Maggie :smile: :smile:
Hi, number 14 checking in 172.8 this week which is a pound down. I would like to be under 170 by 15/06 as that is when I walk "race for life" every pound down is one less to carry 5k :grin:
Well after 12 days holiday, when I didn't fast (but stuck to 16:8) and had numerous meals out and 3 meetups with fellow fasters :lol: and consumed chocolate, cake, cream, strawberries ice cream and all manner of good things from the Ludlow Food Centre, I can report ...

no weight gain :victory:

(I have done 2 fasts this week,so they may have helped :wink: )
Very pleased!
@maggiee pleased to near things are going well for you, and congrats to @hazelnut20 :victory: :cool: :clover: :like:
#47 reporting with a 0.8lb loss this week.
OMG! After months of an upward rising weight I am pleased to report, after every-other-day fasting from Sunday, I have lost
Woooohooooooooo :0D
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