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For the first time since starting this WOE I have actually put on 3lb. I know why. We were away at my Mil's the weekend and there was lots of alcohol and takeaways involved. I haven't been able to fast properly since being back at home as the kids are off. So next week will get back on track.
It's just called "life" @Brand-ie and I have every faith that you will get back on track next week - as you have been doing so brilliantly!

I put on 6lbs the other week whilst away on a break with my girlfriends.....way too much alcohol, I suspect! Within 2 weeks I had shed all of that...and more besides, so it is all undo-able....given time!

Keep the faith, as I know you will, because otherwise, life would be so dull without a spot of indulgence! My problem was always that I indulged all the time with no sense of perspective or consequence. 5:2 is giving us all the tools to get a balanced view of food and isn't it a joy??

You are doing amazingly, so have no fear!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Wow, some impressive losses this week. Well done! And @brand-ie back tuit next week!
Thanks@Hazelnut20and @Pennyforthem I don't mind having a blip I was overdue one but it does show just how important calorie counting and keeping a note is too me so I don't over do it.
Member number 5 checking in with a huge loss of 0.8kg!!! (thats 1.75lbs!) :victory:
Finally off the plateau!!! :like: :grin:

Congratulations to all those logging a weight loss and to those who are not - remember there is always next week :clover:

@Lizbean how did your weigh in go? We must be nearly neck-a-necking again!!
Well, congratulations, everyone, especially Hazelnut! and Brand-ie , I am torn between being extremely happy and a little frustrated. We had a holiday last week and I went up 2 lbs. (I swear I didn't eat 7000 extra calories). I've taken a lb. of it off, so, today I'm 137.6. and we still have 3 weeks to go!
No 42 reporting in. 120lbs this week so a gain of 1lb. Not worried though as in maintenance and tend to bounce between 118lbs and 120lbs. Am going to concentrate on 16:8 now instead of trying to do both 16:8 and 5:2 and low carbing. It was too much to handle.
Oh my, oh my! What a busy week at work and home. I have not had time to read your posts and keep up with my buddy @spanner, who I see has busted her plateau big time - BIG congrats spanner, :heart: that is great news. :like: And my scales bust this week, honest! So, I 'll weigh in next Friday am, as norm.

I'll catch up with the forum and my lovely buddy spanner, tomorrow.

Lizbean :heart: x
So much progress here!

My average weight this morning via Libra is only .5 lbs from my first goal. I was 1.2lbs below goal after yesterday's fast, but somewhat dehydrated. For some reason I'm suddenly finding it hard to drink the 8 cups of fluid I usually drink each day.

Hubby is cheering me on to a new goal, which suggests this diet is a lot easier on him than the ones where I can hardly ever eat out and when we do I have to eat a salad.
This past week has not been good fast wise - at yesterday's weigh in I gained 4lbs. Just ate very badly and too much alcohol plus totm. Hope to be back on track next week. Good luck all in the challenge.
Ok @spanner I put the new battery in the scales this morning. I did plan to wait till next Friday to weigh in, as I like to keep to that routine, anyhow I stepped on the scales and bingo 129 lbs - that's 1.8 lb loss ! Spooky, spooky, we are losing at the same rate! One lb away from the solstice goal. How about you?

Well done to all the losers this week and continued patience to others, it will happen for sure.

susbut65 solstice challenger #29
Although the month started off well(or so I thought) family and friends have been saying I'm on the verge of
losing too much and really shouldn't try to lose any more. :neutral: So I relaxed as I had decided to aim to maintain. :grin: But despite not recovering from the mountainous gain from a weekend involving chinese restaurant meal and naughty treats mid holiday last week had an added disastrous effect :doh: At least we have 3wks left . In all honesty my lowest weight achieved to date is too low for me (60.5k)
I am/would be happy to be any weight between 61.0 & 63.0k HOWEVER- as my holiday involved a higher intake of calories from carbohydrates I would not normally consume,daily sweet treats-not normally consumed and more processed/ready meals not normally consumed .......its no surprise that I weigh in heavier than the maximum 63.0k I would be happy with :doh: THREE WEEKS ....What goes up must come down (except AGE :lol: )
Hope everyone else has survived their HOLIDAYS / FEAST DAYS better than me :clover: :heart:
any advice welcome :oops:
Hello @susbut65 - I'm not quite at the point to maintaining, but I can relate to you, as I see this as our ultimate challenge, I'll follow you in a month. Have you visited our buddies in the maintaining tent? I do pop into hear their conversations to prep myself. Thanks to all our maintainers!

Sorry to hear the comments from your family, as you know this is your journey not theirs. So keep true to yourself - I'm off to see what our maintainers are chatting about, come join me :clover:

Lizbean :heart:
Thankyou Lizbean for the invite to join you at the maintaining tent.Bit busy at the moment with catching up on the washing and ironing after the holiday :razz: but will pop in soon as need some inspiration as feeling a bit down but not beating myself up over the weight gain as I know it will come off again (at some point) Today I am fasting/detoxing as I have plugged in the extention lead and will be ironing in the garden......sunshine at last -slapped on the sunscreen time to add some vitamin D to the diet (this will also keep me out of the kitchen for a good 2-3 hours........providing the sun is not too hot :cool: )
Morning all!

#40 reporting in with a teensy weeny gain of 0.6lb......oops! Half term hasn't been the best week, fasting-wise, plus I have been a bit wobbly at times - feeling a little deprived & fed up.

That said, with 3 weeks to go....I need to lose 4lbs or more to hit my goal of weighing 11 stone-something. I would say that is am going to have to grit my teeth and go for it!

Good luck everyone! Xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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