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Solstice challenge : weight now 130.2 lbs so it's on the way down, ever- hopeful I can lose some more. The Challenge is making me more aware, and that's good. ( I don't think I will make 126 lbs at this rate, and another weekend away now.) It's so good that many have achieved their goals.
No42 checking in at 119lbs today. So have maintained quite happily during the Solstice Challenge. I am now working on 16:8 with reduced carbs to see if I can maintain happily using that method. Working so far :)
Checking in after my one week holiday in Tenerife & I gained 5 lbs! But after immediately getting back into fasting I have reduced that to a 2 lb gain. I am going to try ADF after re-reading the book & am hopeful that I may be able to reach my challenge weight! Here's to trying anyway & I will be getting back on my exercise bike! :grin:
susbut65 challenger 29 reporting in with mountainous results :curse:
2 May 60.9 k :lol:
9 May 61.5 k :frown: (family meal out chinese restaurant)
16 May 61.4 :sleepy:
23 May 61.4 :sleepy: (holiday starts here)
31 May OMG 65.5 :shock: :curse: :cry: too much- not normally eaten bread/ cakes/rice/alcohol :dazed:

6 JUNE 63.9k going down thanks to 4:3 :smile: will be happy to be anywhere between 60 & 63 k
Ps still in uk 8 work trousers (albeit a little snug :oops: ) still in uk 10 jeans :smile: and tops vary uk 8/10 :victory:
Sneaky weigh this morning after yesterday's fast - and down to 9st 10lb - yippee!
#57 here! My life has been in turmoil recently. Yesterday, I accepted I can't undo what was done. I chose to stop letting the negativity fester, to let go of the past & re-take charge of the things I can do something about. What I eat is one of them so here I am with 2 weeks to the end of the Solstice Challenge & setting my goal to loose 4lbs.
#34 here. I can't seem to motivate myself for a complete fasting day, twice a week, so I'm doing 16:8 which kinda works, but goes very slow.
I'm at 62,7kg, so still a ways to go. We'll see how it goes.
#18 checking in. I haven't been checking in because I haven't been losing. As a matter of fact, I have gained 2 pounds from when I signed up :curse: . So instead of having to lose 5 pounds, I now have to lose 7. Not likely going to happen but will keep trying. :bugeyes:

I am 1 lb below goal, but that is partially because I got a nasty stomach bug two days ago and there is very, very little in my digestive tract right now! My waist is actually up 1/2 an inch since I measured last, so who knows what I really weigh?

Even so, I did survive the week of vacation and I am lower than where I started the challenge. I'm working on a second goal now.
Good to see you @patchworkperson Good luck x so sorry you've been going thru turmoil,hope things go smoother now x
Big hello @Patchworkperson!

So sorry things have been tough for you lately - just wanted to pat you on the back for making such strong decisions in the face of difficulty. You are truly made of tough stuff, my dear.

Hope the forum can help you along the next few weeks...because that it what it is all about.

Take care xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Keep strong everyone xx
Patchwork- hope your spirits lift...

I'm sort of a combination of the previous few posts. I dropped to 136.6 then went back to 138.8, and it's been up and down since. Yesterday, it was 137. I feel both upset with myself and also really pleased. It wasn't long ago that i just wanted to get into the 130's and stay there. I feel like I've already done that.
#40 shuffles apologetically into the tent with her head bowed......

She has not had a good week......

Oooh, the shame!

She winces as she recalls all the unscheduled eating of naughty naughty things........

Would like to blame hormones.....& having a bad week......but decides that confession is good for the soul...& she should just admit that she took her eye right off the ball...... :sleepy:

As a result, she now weighs 12st 6.4lbs...& is therefore quite a way away from getting into the 11stone-something the next 12 days!

Ooops-a-daisy.....and all that.....

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
No 13 here. Have not posted every week as have gone round and round in circles. However I had 2 occasions in mind - a wedding on the 7 June and holiday on 5 July. I normally record my weight on the tracker on a Monday morning - always the highest after the weekend. On Saturday morning before the wedding I was 9st 0.5lbs which was pretty close to target. This morning 9st 2.75lbs which is slightly down on the previous weeks where I've been carouseling round 9st 3 or 4 so quite pleased and will keep trying for the last two weeks of the challenge.
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