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No 36 checking with a 1lb loss. To be honest, last week I was just a bit below 150lbs, but recorded it as 150. This week I am just above 149, so it's really just half pound, but with my rounding up and down its recordrd as 1lb.

@Hazelnut20, we probably have similar weight changes, but in different directions. I was slogging it out running, fasting and doing an eating window! :?: :bugeyes: but, like you I was feeling a bit deprived this weekend. I had totm, so all I wanted was carbs. I did stay within tdee, but made bad choices.

Still, I'm just about 2lb off goal and its my 100th day of this WOE today. :like: :victory:
@Hazelnut20 I've lost half what i put on last week just over the weekend by being careful. Just been for a jog as well.
Number 14 checking in, this week I am the same as last, which as I average half a pound a week evens things up but looks like I won't reach my goal :cry:
Number 9 reporting in with a gain of 0.6lb - which I'm quite pleased with as we were on holiday last week and no fasting was involved :wink: will not make target but I seem to be naturally maintaining so may switch to just maintaining instead!
#47 checking in with a 1.1lb loss leaving me with 1.9lb to go to hit my Solstice challenge according to true app. I actually recorded a weight under the magic 11 stone today so feeling pleased with myself.
Same as last week - nowt lost nowt gained, but only one fast so far this week, we'll see what happens adter fasting tomoz!
You may say that I'm cheating but I'm weighing in a bit early this week, because it's birthday dominoes pizza tonight.
I've weighed in at 12.6.4. Lowest I've been since before having my son 18yrs ago. :victory: WOOP WOOP. So a loss of 5lb since the start of this challenge, which was my goal.
I shall continue with 16.8, 4.3 and low carbing during the week. 11.11 being my current final goal.

Edit. Have updated my weight as I stupidly weighed in pre exercise class. So now I've beaten my challenge of 5lb by losing 6lb. Yipeeee
Some good progress here, challengers.
Two weeks to go and you CAN DO IT. Yes, I'm shouting!

Focus..... 2 weeks to go
No. 6 reporting a steady drop this week, having been horribly on 72.8 kgs on Sunday I am today 71.3 kgs or 11st 3lbs and going the right way!
No 20 checking in - weighing in at 129.8 lbs, that's a 0.8 lb gain, though I have been weighing in around lb lower all week.

So a little under 2lbs to lose in the challenge. Will I make it? Yes I will as I have just seen our cheerleaders@PennyForthem big red writing - you CAN DO IT :smile: :like: Thanks for the cheering Penny.

Calling buddy@spanner - what's the plan for next week, it needs to be a big'un? :wink:

I'm going north today to celebrate my Dad's 95th birthday this weekend, that is 3 days of celebrations! I will be good, honest :wink:

Good luck you challengers, you can do it! :clover:
That 3lb I gained last week has gone but it didn't take any extra with it never mind. Still pleased i managed to get off the 3lb. so that's 201.5 lb and still 6.5 lb to go.
#55 checking in. It's not my 'official' weigh-in day but this morning I weighed ten stone five and a half pounds! :grin: That's one and a half pounds under my original target weight and only one and a half pounds from my goal weight for this challenge!

It's not even the day after a fast day and yesterday was quite a 'carby' day, so I am feeling quite happy with that. However, 'official' day is not until Sunday and we all know the difference a few days can make! :frown:
Hi @PennyForthem #1 Reporting in with a good chunk of my holiday gain now gone forever. :like:
However I'm still 4kgs away from my goal with just 2weeks to go!! Won't stop me trying but unlikely to meet my challenge once again, just a little bit more to my lowest this year hopefully I'll make that goal. Lol
I'm down 2 more lbs., which is pretty good, because my fasts have been somewhat half-hearted! I have 2 more to go to meet my goal for the challenge! I am motivated to do it!
#2 checking in maintaining at 8st 13lb. 1lb under target. I have a big eating weekend this weekend so I'm not going to get anywhere near my target. Sorry, but I will join in with whichever challenge comes next and see if I can do any better. Perhaps if I'm really focused I will see a steady 8st 12lb by 21st June.
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