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Date coconut and coconut oil treats??? Recipe please as I have all those ingredients in the house.
Drat, its a fast day and now I just want to eat dates!

Coconut oil has an SPF of about 3 or 4SPF. So its not too bad. My Gran used to sit in the sun, rubbing the coconut oil in every summer. She had the most wonderful soft skin. When they put her in a residential home she couldn't get her coconut oil and her skin went down hill from there on.
How are you all doing?
I'm still swishing & I find a teaspoonful of coconut oil in my coffee really keeps me going on fast days until supper & when 16:8ing. But trying to lose 1-2 lbs of holiday weight gain this week. Must have been all the wine although I did 16:8 each day but only fitted in one fast day :frown:
Those couple of pounds will soon disappear Isis. Hope you had a wonderful holiday.
I'm still pulling and I think my teeth are a little whiter. I actually enjoy the coconut flavour first thing in the morning.
Thank you AnnieW. I have just weighed myself & have gone down in weight so I guess fast on fast off is true :grin:
Now a pile of ironing to tackle having completed all the holiday washing. That should burn a few calories :lol:
I'm still here and busted through a slow down semi plateau that lasted month, busted quite spectacularly. I am now only about 1lb off being out of the morbidly obese range and merely obese. I was hoping today would be the day, but only a normal loss today. Next fast you should see me bouncing all over the pages with joy.
Coconut oil is magic in a jar (or 10kg bucket, as I now get it). I use it for everything, skin, hair, cooking, baking or just eat it from the tub, when it's solid. I oil pull daily but often use virgin sunflower oil for that because I find it's just as good for pulling and it's a lot cheaper. The best thing (by far) to make from coconut oil is the chocolate. My 11year old daughter and I have stopped eating 'normal' chocolate as we got used to the texture of this one and now like it better ( just have to be fast before it melts in your fingers). I also make cereal bars using muesli and coco choc, great snack if you're in a hurry. We should all be eating it every day as it has so many great benefits, including aiding weight loss. I have to say I don't have any on my fast day as not sure if it will work for or against me. It is still a fat but a good fat so I may have to do some experimenting in a few months to see how it effects f/days. Go out and get some people, it's the healthiest oil in the world and the only thing man has found that contains the same acid that's in breast milk. A little gift from mother nature.
Justdee a chocolate made with coconut oil sounds delicious can you post the recipe please? Also your recipe for the cereal bars?
I much prefer making my own treats but have chocolate fudge bought on holiday to eat first but the more the merrier :grin:
A quick google and I found this.. I may have to try this tomorrow whilst the boys are away on a sleep over.
Hi Isis, all you need is coconut oil, a good quality cocoa powder, a good honey (also very good for you) and an ice cube tray. If your c/oil is solid put some in a jug and stand it in warm water, don't melt it completely (just so it's a smooth paste) or it will not mix with the honey and the honey will fall to the bottom. If your c/oil is liquid put it in the fridge to set a bit.
Now I can't remember the exact quantities because I've been making it for so long, I now just chuck it together in 2 minutes.
So I have my smooth coconut oil paste (say a couple of heaped table spoons)in a jug and mix in a table spoon of honey. Make sure it's well mixed together. Then add a heaped table spoon of cocoa powder and mix well. Have a taste, you may want to add more honey (if it's a bit too bitter) or cocoa. Now it may have melted by this point if not stand the jug in the water again and let it melt so you can pour it into the ice cube tray. As soon as it's pourable, pour it in the tray mixing as you do so the honey doesn't stay at the bottom of the jug. Pop it in the fridge for 15 minutes or until fully set. I put raisins,nuts or dried fruit in the tray before pouring, for an even yummier treat.
Now for the cereal bars. I just use paper oval muffin cases. Put muesli in the cases, pack it in nice and tight then cover with the mixture and set. I keep ours in a tupperware in the freezer, I like it even better that way, you also have a bit longer to enjoy eating it before it melts.
Sorry this is so long, I think I've made it sound harder to make than it is. I've tried to include all the tips I've picked up while making it. And I love telling people about it. After all it's a health chocolate. Who's going to say no to that?? It's got so many health benefits, you'd think the powers that be would be telling us all about it. May be they don't want us to be healthy :shock: :shock:
All I ask of you is to try it and pass it on to anyone who will listen.
P.S. Final Tip: If you're not used to eating coconut oil start off with no more that one cube a day for the first few days or it may send you to the bathroom. I normally have a bar and a cube per day but saying that I have pigged out on it occasionally and been fine (my body is well used to it)
:) let me know how you get on :)
Thanks for the link julieathome I have tried it like this but find the ice cube tray to be easier. I also don't like the vanilla or the salt, everyone's different and others may love it. I will be trying the chocolate pretzels in the next few days. They look great. I have also made them with orange and lemon rind before and they were nice, but raisins wins every time for me. Hope you all enjoy making some health chocolate soon :smile:
So your recipe is in a ratio of 2:1:1 . coconut oil, honey and cocoa powder? Right, got it and I have all the ingredients. Homemade chocolate tomorrow.
I'm not really sure of the ratio but yes, try that and add more honey or cocoa to your taste. You can't go wrong. I've only ever put it in the bin when I added vanilla and really didn't like it. You could try different flavor with a small amount of mixture. Please let me know if you find anything that works.
Enjoy your chocolate tomorrow :)
The honey coco choc sounds good; but I would have to save it for the weekend when I eat higher carbs. I make something similar but with peanut butter instead of the honey and 3 splenda packets dissolved in vanilla. I found several coco crack recipes at a low carb site and tweaked them. I use 2 parts CO, 2 parts PB to one part cocoa and 1 tsp vanilla with the splenda.
Homemade chocolate definitely on the cards for this week! Cereal and choc mix will also be made. Thanks Justdee and Julieathome.
Looks like my first jar of coconut oil won't last much longer. Hope H&B have a decent offer on very soon.
Happy to be of some help ladies. I'm sure you'll love it as much as I do. I have tried it with the peanut butter in the past, it's not for me. If I remember, it went in the bin too. But if you don't like it when you've made it, please don't give up, just tweak it until you find out how you like it. We're all different. Please all let me know how you get on and pass on this delicious HEALTHY treat to all who will listen. :)
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