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Navwoman wrote: :no one warned me about the sound effects when swishing and I was laughing so much I thought I was going to have a major spillage! my teeth ... make such tuneful noises?

That's so funny! :)
I tried a bit of the coconut oil on my toothbrush and I concur that it was a frothy experience. I will however stick to oil pulling though so don't put everyone completely off as it has its benefits especially for those who will benefit from it

I have intermittently oil pulled for years and it is not that bad an experience. The principle is that it is good for the health of your gums and really cleans out your mouth of all the tiny particles which flossing and the little interdental brushes don't get. If you ever have any issues with your gums you will be grateful to know of this simple procedure
All really fascinating stuff. Mind boggling actually. I am dying to go ask our health food shop in the village whether they sell 'acite do coco'. Probably not.... as Tenerife is at least 20 years behind in an awful lot of things.
I shall have to wait until my bi-annual visit back to Blighty in December. :frown:
I have wifi yeah ha! But snail slime ? Yuk yuk :shock:
But off to bed with my too many Chardonnays? :lol:
Rather swishing with chardonnay than coconut oil :shock: :wink: :grin:
Pinot Grigio would be my mouthwash of choice but I'd rather just have it the old fashioned way, you know the one, chilled and in a lovely glass, sitting by a swimming pool, talking to the resident toads, and hubs :rotfl:

Ballerina x :heart:
Well I did the swishing this morning and it wasn't too bad. Now do you brush before you swish or after? Is it better to do a non-toothpaste brush and water swish first, swish, then brush your teeth afterwards with toothpaste or what? I felt that brushing my teeth immediately after swishing was defeating the object of coconut absorption or is it not?
Julie, I can't help you on that one as I am never going to do it again. :confused: I just wanted to update on the coffee front which everyone else seems to love. I tried it again this morning but I really cannot take to having an oil slick just sit on top of my coffee, it looks ghastly. :shock: I normally drink my coffee black and sometimes with cream but never with milk so I thought it may be better with cream, looked worse! :starving: I haven't tried cooking with it yet as I hate to waste perfectly good food so I'm a little nervous about that. Hubs put some on his 'sore arses' yesterday and a couple of ours later it had taken all the skin off, not sure if this is good thing or not :shock:

It must be me :bugeyes:

Ballerina x :heart:
Julieathome I think the idea is to swish first thing in the morning before drinking or eating anything. Then you carry on as usual to have coffee or breakfast then afterwards clean teeth with toothpaste. :smile:
I've been quietly lurking on this thread for a few days and was looking online for where I could get hold of some in Riyadh after not having any luck in a couple of shops.

I found this link on how to make your own. I might give it a go and thought others might like to try too :). if you can get hold of coconuts for a reasonable price, it might work out cheaper and it will definitely be fair trade! ... nut-oil-2/
Ballerina someone somewhere said that they blend their coffee with their coconut oil and it tastes creamy. It doesn't take long to sip the oil slick as you call it and as I have it on my fast day about 1pm just give it a good stir and it satiates so well. I am grateful to not feel hungry then until dinner. It makes that difficult stretch from previous night much easier so I guess I would drink anything to make it too my 5:2 main cal dinner.

Are you sure you have the right stuff as it sounds like you have got a bad batch. My coconut oil/butter is Melrose brand and is is rather uneventful compared to yours with just frothy on the toothbrush. No skin off but it is more oily than regular moisturiser so I use it sparingly but it is in my arsenal.
Powla wrote: All really fascinating stuff. Mind boggling actually. I am dying to go ask our health food shop in the village whether they sell 'acite do coco'. Probably not.... as Tenerife is at least 20 years behind in an awful lot of things.
I shall have to wait until my bi-annual visit back to Blighty in December. :frown:

[color=#400080]I have only been and found smallish village, just north of Los Cristianos. I went into the shop and said in my best Spanish, 'do you have such a thing as coconut oil please???' ...'It is a new thing mind you!'
The girl went to, a clearly yet, unpacked box and fished me a jar out
How impressed was I??? And excited....and €13.20 for the pleaure of a 340 ml jar...not out of the way price wise, me thinks.... (Hubbs thought differently, but there we go.
Yes Ballerina for a great cup of coffee pour your cup of hot black coffee into a blender add one tablespoon of coconut oil and blitz. The black coffee will turn creamy like milky coffee and be sweet too. Try it you'll like it.
I make the yummiest low carb biscuits with coconut oil, they taste like those Bounty chocolate bars, even my carb adoring husband scoffs them!
Coffee update,

Gillymary, yes, I have the real McCoy, paid a lot of money and bought from H&B so I' m putting this down to me, anyway, as Clairemarie and your good self suggested, I put the coffee and the oil in a blender and after I had cleaned up the kitchen I realised that it did indeed look creamy and the oil slick was ALMOST gone. It tasted slightly bitter to me so I added a little bit of single cream and hey presto, a palatable cup of coffee, thank you all for persevering with me. :victory:

I did use it to make my omelette but that won't happen again, eggs and coconut, for me, are not a good combination but at least I've got there with the coffee so it won't all be wasted. :neutral:

Warpath, love the sound of your biscuits, any chance of the recipe, please :?:

Many thanks everyone for all your help,

Ballerina x :heart:

Can't believe my predictive text turned Waratah into warpath, sorry about that :lol: :lol:
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