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Julieathome wrote: I might dab a bit of coconut oil on hubby's psoriosis thats on his scalp. Its part and parcel of his Rhumatoid arthritis. He's having a nasty flare up at the moment, so as well as not being able to walk at all, his scalp looks like raw meat with scabs. So I'm dabing and rubbing it in starting in 2 minutes.

OMG Julie! I hope OH's flare up is not due to our forced march to the pub last week??!!
Oh Julie! Your husbands scalp sounds really sore. I hope that the coconut oil does help soothe & heal it for him.
I think the forced march was the straw that broke the camels back Caroline. But we had already had a very busy week with visits, hospital appointments and everything else, it was a foregone conclusion he would have a reaction with or with his hobble to the pub.
I cannot mollycoddle him, I am his wife not mother. So I have to respect his wishes when he insists that he can make a walk anywhere. So all I can do is fuss and help him to be as comfortable as I can and let him be an idiot occasionally.
Good point! Still, give him a hug from me anyway!
Sorry, isis. I didn't see your question before and don't really know the answer, either. I don't recall people saying where they were from; many of the sites were basically just forums similar to this where people said they had fillings come loose. It was more than a handful of people and sites, though. Enough that it made me think twice about pulling. I have done it several times; though more like once or twice a week instead of daily.
Thank you for your reply 43tweaker. I have only read the books by Bruce Fife & he only recommended replacing mercury fillings with white amalgam to reduce mercury risks. Oh well I have just had a dental check up & everything was OK but like you I don't oil pull every day mainly because I forget to but I think I will continue because it makes my teeth feel smooth & shiny.
I've been reading the posts on this thread for some time and a couple of weeks ago found some virgin coconut oil in an 'ethnic' grocery shop. It was only a small jar and not too expensive so I bought it as it wouldn't be too much of a loss if I didn't like it!
Since then, I have been plucking up the courage to 'oil pull' as I wasn't too sure about it. Anyway, did my first one on Tuesday evening and also last night. (I now realise that you should do them first thing in the morning) I managed one this morning but at most I have only managed 5 minutes before I really wanted to gag with the oil swishing about! I have read that you are supposed to do it for 20 minutes so I will probably have to work up to that.(How do you stop swallowing it, when it has been in your mouth for that time?)
What I have noticed is that the plaque appears to be less and my teeth appear 'cleaner', (not sure about whiter but then it's early days) I have decided to do it every day for one week and thereafter once or twice a week (but you never know I may get to like it!) :grin: :lol:
hilaryjane wrote: I've been reading the posts on this thread for some time and a couple of weeks ago found some virgin coconut oil in an 'ethnic' grocery shop. It was only a small jar and not too expensive so I bought it as it wouldn't be too much of a loss if I didn't like it!
Since then, I have been plucking up the courage to 'oil pull' as I wasn't too sure about it. Anyway, did my first one on Tuesday evening and also last night. (I now realise that you should do them first thing in the morning) I managed one this morning but at most I have only managed 5 minutes before I really wanted to gag with the oil swishing about! I have read that you are supposed to do it for 20 minutes so I will probably have to work up to that.(How do you stop swallowing it, when it has been in your mouth for that time?)
What I have noticed is that the plaque appears to be less and my teeth appear 'cleaner', (not sure about whiter but then it's early days) I have decided to do it every day for one week and thereafter once or twice a week (but you never know I may get to like it!) :grin: :lol:

hilaryjane I've been wondering exactly the same thing! I've wanted to try oil pulling for a while and the coconut oil I ordered online arrived today so I'm hoping to give it a go in the morning. Trouble is I really hate the taste of anything 'greasy' in my mouth so am not sure I'll be able to tolerate it, especially for the recommended 20 minutes! Any tips very welcome!
I am very interested reading all this about coconut oil :smile: .

But I am not sure, if I understand it right - coconut Butter, does it have the same benefit as coconut oil? I am asking because I just bought coconut oil in a box, very thick and very fat to eat just raw on a teaspoon, so I was just wondering if I could eat this teaspoon of coconut butter instead and get the same benefit?

Pia :smile:
Coconoil are having a sale, I think.
I have oil pulled for a while now and I don't do it every day but when I remember. I used to do more frequently with a different oil to coconut but find the coconut is lovelier. Just a teaspoon chew swish until I feel that's enough. Healthier gums, whiter teeth and I approach it as a gentle process. Our fillings over time come out anyway, think about what happens when you chew on a sticky lollie and bingo you know you have removed some amalgam.

All things in moderation oil pulling rocks I say
Just did my second 'oil pulling' in the morning and managed a longer time than yesterday. I still have to force myself to do it (I really find it hard to put a teaspoon of grease into my mouth). What I find amazing is that you should use a tablespoon :shock: I find a teaspoon is more than I can manage!!
Did the pulling whilst in my shower and managed about 7 minutes so gradually increasing the time.
Gillymary, you seem to be very practiced at this sort of thing. When do you oil pull? How long do you oil pull for? How do you manage not to swallow the gunk as I have found that I have to be really focussed and keep my head down otherwise I seem to automatically want to swallow what is in my mouth?
Will still continue everyday for another week, then we will see! :smile:
I am oil pulling as I read & write. I also can still only use a teaspoon of organic virgin coconut oil to swish & my organic Coconoil has just run out so I have reordered from Amazon. I can only swish for about 7 minutes. Also it doesn't matter if a little gets swallowed because it is just saliva & oil but I always keep a small glass to spit into by me & some tissues in case I dribble! I know not a nice thought but accidents have happened. :shock:
I have noticed that my gums are much firmer & no bleeding when I brush them which I sometimes had from my gum around a back tooth. My husband uses it on his rather bald scalp & previously had discoloured & patchy rough areas & also some recurring keratosis & everything has gone & he now has a normal smooth evenly coloured skin. He was not convinced before using coconut oil but now rubs some on to his scalp every night, without me reminding him :grin:
I am convinced how beneficial coconut oil is now & eat & add it to soups, did fried eggs with a little that were delicious but am yet to make chocolate with it. I do seem to have slowed down with my weight loss which is really annoying so you do have to take the extra calories into account , unfortunately!
Well I tried oil pulling for the first time this morning and must admit it wasn't nearly as bad as I imagined. I only used a teaspoon of virgin coconut oil and much to my surprise did manage a full 20 minutes of swishing. Nearly spat it out early though as I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror looking like I was entering a 'gurning' competition! Can't say I've noticed any immediate benefit but my teeth did feel very smooth and clean afterwards.
Hi all,

I have a question about the use of coconut oil. I would love to try it. Sounds wonderful for skin, teeth, and hair. I would like to use it in the shower, as some of you say you do. However, if the oil hardens at room temperature, I am afraid the oil will clog the drains. Can someone please tell me how they handle this?


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