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The verdict after the first uses, it's a really wonderful oil but only for cosmetics, as far as I am concerned.

I tried to put some in my coffee again, it couldn't pass my lips
I took a small spoon and tried to "eat it" but I had a gag reflex and had to spit it in my sink :dazed:

On my hair.... woaw.... I have really long, thick, with natural curls hair and it's very dry, it can look like wheat straw at times. So I did like Azureblue said, and this morning my hair is soft, beautiful and I can wear it "free" for the first time for weeks :heart:

On my skin it worked wonders as well, even on my face. I massaged my body with it just after the shower, as my skin was still wet, as I did with baby oil and olive oil before and, excuse me to be a bit redundant but woaw.... My skin is soft, not sticky, not oily and it's very difficult to obtain with a skin like mine. I have a very sensitive, thin and dry skin, which tend to become "purple" when I am cold and to find the right product is not easy, believe me. The next morning you can still smell coconut on my skin :grin:

Next step, try to put on a toast as I don't want to give up to put it in my mouth just yet :razz:
@manderley My cat loves coconut oil too. I only found out when he once started licking my shins :lol:
Well I plucked up the courage to try "pulling" this morning - not as bad as I was expecting! The worst part was liquifying it to start with (mine is solid in the jar) and then keeping my mouth shut for 15 mins! I did have a cup of coffee ready for when I had finished! Glad to have found a use for it as it has been lingering in the cupboard since I bought in when on a previous WOE!
Tried to put it, once melted, in my mouth once again but still can't. I love the smell, though, and I even use it as hair gel to try to discipline my curls a bit and it works wonders

I also put some on my hands and gently massaged my cats' with it. I read that it's a natural fleas repellant and, more than that it helps to prevent hairballs which are a big problem with one of them
I find it works well to prevent athlete's foot and helps keep my heels soft too. I haven't got around to trying it on my hair because I usually shower and wash my hair first thing in the morning and don't have time to wait an hour with the oil on my hair. But I must try it because my curls are always dry and frizzy so I have to use loads of conditioner to try to tame them.
I haven't tried coconut oil on my hair, either, because I don't want to rinse it off down the drain. I am afraid of clogs!
There is also another way to use it on your hair without having to rinse it, that's what I did last night and it worked fine : I keep a small jar in my shower so, at the end of the shower, the oil is in its liquid form. Just after I finished, I massage my body (still wet) with the oil, take a tiny bit in my hands and massage my hair (not touching the scalp). Don't need to rinse after, my hair is soft and easy to brush :wink:
Will have to try it on the cats Manderley - thanks for the tip!
I SWEAR this stuff is having an affect on my cellulite.....or is it just the diet? I am not as lumpy as I used to be. I have been using the oil on my arms, legs and face at night. As a moisturiser it works wonders and much, much cheaper than my previous one. I love the stuff.

p.s. cats know a thing or two!
I try to use it on my hair but so often I don't have time to drip around the house but I will make an effort to do it more often. I have tons of the stuff and it's the only use I can tolerate. The strange thing is I love coconut but I hate this stuff, can't stand the smell, pulling is disgusting, I look like something left over from the Torry Canyon oil disaster if I put it on my skin and as for eating it, EATING it, oh, please, no thank you, AND I couldn't bear to cook with it, so, all in all not a great success for me folks, sorry :frown:

Ballerina x :heart:
I can't eat it either but I discovered it's a natural antibacterial which helps to repair the skin in case of cuts, bruises, eczema, etc plus it's a wonderful moisturizer, even for my face, very nice lip balm, even for OH who has very dry lips and a really good shaving lotion (I used to have issues just after I shaved my leg, skin becoming red and very sensitive for a day or 2). The smell is not too strong so I am fine with it :wink:

I also think it does something with the cellulite, maybe even with the stretch marks, only time will tell....
I have been persuaded by all your (in some cases, most interesting!!) comments to try some.
I shall report back, as I love coconut - both smell and taste.
Don't know when I'll get round to the pulling though, as I need my coffee fix on waking!
This is what I have found using coconut oil:-
Melted and left on hair/head it has an amazing effect on my frizzy long old hair. It can be left on over-night and shampooed off in the morning if you haven't time otherwise. Use an old pillowcase though!
Rubbed over my hands and feet at bedtime it transforms my dry cracked old skin into something much softer and healthier.
My cat licks the spoon too. I will rub some over his fur, he's old too!

Now, eating it, not so nice. BUT eating coconut butter (look up Artisana) oh yes please, by the (not cheap) teaspoonful, absolutely yummy. It contains a little less oil and some coconut meat so is not so claggy in the mouth.

Keep at it, it's so worth it.
I think I will try the oil on our old pussy cat as well. Thanks for the tip.

I'm still using mine all over, the only bit of me I can't reach is the middle of my back at bra height. I had noticed, before starting to use coconut oil that I was getting a scabby patch of skin on the bridge of my nose. My Grandmother had the same, but hers turned into a horrid 'witches' warty nose and I really thought I was going to end up like that, with a growth on my nose. I can't understand why the residential home she was in didn't get it treated, as she kept on scratching it and making a mess of it. But, I started to put coconut oil on my face, not heavy amounts, just what was left on my hands after doing my legs etc. concentrating on the scabby patch on my nose. Its totally gone now, just smooth skin left there. I was complimented on my hair today by a male nurse as he was sliding me into the torture chamber (the MRI scanner), seeing nthat my hair is definitely going grey, it was a lovely compliment at the right time.
Didn't say my last word on trying to put it in my mouth :wink:
I'll do some pancakes tonight and I'll put some of the oil to cook them, if the taste is not too strong, it should be fine

My skin is softer and my dark circles seem to be lighter. There is something reassuring on putting something totally natural on my hair and skin, even more since I watched a documentary about what can of stuff you can find in most of beauty product, like animal grease for example. And OH loves the smell of it so it couldn't be better (imagine how difficult it would be if he couldn't stand it.....)
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