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Isis that was my description exactly '' LARD '' I tried not to think about that and did manage about 15 minutes by doing another task at the time like eyebrow plucking, and if I'd have seen results I may have continued but didn't get them !!! :shock: :shock:
Maybe coz i only did half teaspoon as a trial, or how long before you saw your results ?
I will try cooking with it, the thought of that sits well in my brain, so will report back and let you know how that goes.
:clover: Sue. :clover:
With 2, yes 2 HUGE jars staring at me from the fridge I decided that I had to do something with the blasted stuff. Pulling is OUT, I really don't fancy cooking with it, find it too oily as a moisturiser as it makes me look like a chicken fillet that has been left in a plastic bag to sweat so, what to do with it? I read that it is good for thinning hair and@Gillymary says it is making her hair thicker after using it for 6 months so, that's what I do with it. I read a lot on the net about it as treatment for thinning hair and it seems a lot of people have good results with it. You need to leave it on for at least 30 minutes then shampoo as normal. Watch this space....

Ballerina x :heart:
Haha - pic pleeeease!!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool:
I am doing my oil pulling while I read this. :grin: Sometimes I get carried away and do 30 minutes if the forum is particularly gripping :hypnotized:
Thanks annie i will use yr recommendation if i buy coconut oil..walked intoHolland and Barratt,saw it was£16+ and walked straight out again
Not sure whether to give it a try or not..must admit reading about pulling with lardy stuff in mouth makes me feel like i' m going to throw up! But wd be nice to have gleaming gnashers! ..and thick hair! X
The refined oil by KTC has all the health benefits but very little taste.I use it for all non cooking purposes. My daughter who suffers from asthma thinks it is great for her skin. The KTC is about £3 for 500ml online but it is £2.25 from Tesco if you live near a very big store or do on line shopping
@Ballerina got me confused about thinning hair, Not guilty, swish swish and floating on my bullet proof coffee are my uses for said oil. I am like you with the skin but my jar is nearly finished. Time for a new one
Oops, showing my age there, perhaps it was@azureblue, anyway! I'm giving it a go as I've got to do something with it all :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Haven't read all the threads but I give a teaspoon of coconut oil to my dog in his meal every day. It's truly helping his skin condition improve :)
This is how I use coconut oil on my hair, and it's stopped falling out, is soft and strong now.
I sit a jam jar in a bowl and pour hot water round the jar to melt the oil to liquid, only takes 5 minutes. I find 3 teaspoons in the old jam jar works well.
I then pour some of the (hot) liquid into my cupped palm and rub it on to my hair, repeat around the head until all hair is coated. Pop a shower cap over the lot and sit and read round the forum for an hour and a half, then go wash it all off with Palmers coconut shampoo. Don't use conditioner.
I do this on a Tuesday morning then wash my hair again on Saturday with the coconut shampoo and then I also use their conditioner. I have long frizzy hair.
Works a treat, smells lovely, gets admiring comments. It's all good. :0)
Thanks Azureblue for that one will try it later in week deffo.
Not sure if its this wol/woe but i'm losing lots of hair it does'nt look thinning /balding yet but i do have concerns :shock: :shock: :shock:
Candicemarie i got mine from Tesco about £6 with all cooking oils but not all branches stock it so had to shop around, but did'nt want to pay to much for the 1st trial
:clover: :clover: Sue. :clover:
Thanks Azureblue I started to use this for my hair last Sunday and am due another session tonight. I didn't melt an amount just grabbed a handful and let it melt as I used it, your way looks much better. I've also bought organic coconut shampoo and conditioner this week and will use today also.

Hair definitely thinner than this time last year (pre 5:2) but luckily I had a very full head of the stuff - so I'm the same as you Sue not sure if it's age, 5:2 or most probably, both, that's having this effect. Only realised it was thinning when I had my haircut around July and it didn't need thinning and hadn't been thinned at the previous cut. (I have it cut every 6-8 weeks and it used needed thinning at least every other cut, sometimes each cut.)

I am upping my protein intake too, since hair is mainly protein thought this might Help. Hope something in this works or I'll be looking for a wig
I'm losing more hair since staring 5:2. When rinsing after washing I have hair between my fingers. I didn't connect the 2 until now. Oh I don't want to go bold. :shock: I haven't put coconut oil on my hair since starting 5:2. Do others find it helps? I eat plenty of the stuff but must find time to put some on my hair, I think. :)
I think thinning hair is an inevitable fact of growing old for most ladies and I am no exception and like Sue I started out with loads of the stuff so I've still got lots but to me is seems so thin by comparison to how it was pre-menopause. I'm going to go down Azureblue's route and slap on the coconut oil once a week, I googled 'thinning hair'' and there are a lot of sites advising the use of the oil so I'm hoping it works as looking like Kojak (giving my age away there) is not the way I wish to go :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
Kojack oh they won't know what the don't know,!
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