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It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 09:56
This day last year I did my first fast. Gosh it was a hard slog! But I succeeded! And now a year later, today's weigh-in shows that I've shed 31.5kg (69.5 lbs; a smidge under 5 stone)

  • My waist has shrunk by at least 25 cm (10 inches)...not sure exactly how much as I didn't measure my waist at first.
  • I've gone from a size 20 (UK) to a size 12.
  • My BMI has decreased from 38.6 to 27
  • My % body fat has gone from at least 50 (I didn't get body fat analyser scales until nearly 6 months in) to 36.7.
  • My blood pressure has dropped from 150/100 to 127/80.
  • I've learned a massive amount about weight loss, nutrition, metabolism, exercise.
  • I've discovered that being hungry is just temporary.
  • I've gone from feeling that my weight would continually increase until the associated health problems would send me to an early grave to feeling that I am in control of my weight and also my health.

And last, but by no means least, I've met a lovely bunch of virtual friends here on the forum.
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

In summary...its all good!
:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:01
Congratulations! What an inspiration you are :heart: Happy Fastiversary :clap: :clap: :clap:
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:05
Congratulations, time for a real celebration. Perhaps a nice holiday? :wink:
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:09
Happy Fastiversary Caroline and big congrats from me too!!

Your journey is so inspirational indeed, yes you must celebrate, you deserve it!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:10
Congratulations and happy fastiversary :like: :grin:
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:12
My hero, along with Moogie, and you inspire me every day. Thank you for all your meticulous good advice, long may we all continue x :heart:
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:15
Wow - well done celebrate in great style. As a newbie I start my first fast day tomorrow. You are such an inspiration. Many thanks

Cheers Maggie.
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:15
Happy fastiversary Caroline :cake: That's low fat carrot cake by the way :oops:
Your 'story' was the first thing I looked at and it was inspirational.Congratulations on your perseverance and thank you for all the support you have offered others on your journey. :victory:
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:18
Happy festiversary Caroline! :party: :heart: You're truly an inspiration and the rock for our lovely forum :)
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:26
OMG Caroline - that is all absolutely amazing :victory: - you're such an inspiration to so many of us on here - and as for your knowledge and expertise... well that's just mind blowing. My brain scrambles itself at some of your sciencey type posts :confused:
Absolutely BRILLIANT - Congratulations all around. Happy Fastiversary :heart:
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:27
I'm so happy for you Caroline. You are aninspiration to me and so many others.
Thankyou for:
-all of your reading of boring research and relaying it to us in simple, interesting form.
-your balanced, well thought out comment to peoples posts-especially when things are maybe getting heated-your comments seem to calm things and give people a more informed perspective.
-and lastly ,as our start and goal weights are similar- I watch your beautiful transformation with great interest.
Best wishes and congratutions, :like: :clover: :heart:
Xxx julianna
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:
And his your fastiversary cake cos we know you love:cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake:
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:37
Well done Caroline, you are an absolute inspiration and you post some really interesting reports etc. Happy fastiversary, hope I will be able to say this by next year!! :heart: :heart:
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:39
Amazing, fantastic, brilliant. Happy Fastiversary to you.
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:45
That is amazing, well done. I'm always inspired when I see how much weight you have lost and how much younger you look now from the before photo. Congratulations.
Re: It's my fastiversary!!
23 Oct 2013, 10:52
Brilliant job Carorees you are an inspiration.
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