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Re: March Equinox Challenge
07 Feb 2015, 13:01
@egregious @Madcatlady I hope you are able to rid yourself of those colds and feel better soon. A friend has been unwell since the new year, it just keeps hanging in there and coming back.
After a week of being mindful (apart from 2 glasses of unintended wine) I've pulled back the upwards creep (which I did not record on my tracker) and I'm now at the lower end of my maintenance range. :grin: I received a lovely compliment this week from a friend who I had not seen since July ..... it felt so, so good! :cool: :cool:
Congrats to this weeks losers :like: and if this week did not deliver there is always the week ahead. :clover:
Re: March Equinox Challenge
07 Feb 2015, 15:57
#20 checking in, 89.3kg so a loss of 0.9kg this week, really happy and maybe a bit surprised. Good week with a couple of fasts and cutting back on carbs and sugar but I didn't expect such a big loss, let's hope I can maintain next week.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
07 Feb 2015, 16:36
I weighed in at 11st 4lb this morning which is the same as last week. I'm well pleased as it means that the previous weeks weight loss has stuck. Next week I want to lose 1lb :smile: .
Re: March Equinox Challenge
08 Feb 2015, 09:50
Well done wildmissus in not gaining weight!
After my indulgent pampered four day at a spa I have not unsurprisingly gained 3 & 1/2 lbs :frown: but I had a brilliant relaxing time & the food was very good :grin: the great thing with this WOE is the flexibility so I fasted yesterday because of travelling on Friday & will get back to routine next week.
One thing my OH & I realised having been offered hotel portions of food is how much smaller our usual food portions are now because we left food on our plates. But I was tempted to eat breakfast which I usually don't do now & because of the bitingly cold weather, although it was sunny & bright, meant I preferred to stay warm :lol: so we drove around but didn't walk far as I had expected we would do. The wine was also very drinkable :grin: Mea culpa!
Re: March Equinox Challenge
08 Feb 2015, 13:32
Brilliant week till Thursday morning- good behaviour on my part, fab response from scales. Then, I suddenly somehow put on 1.25 pounds by Sat morning. Decided if being careful & conscientious can have such disappointing results I might as well enjoy myself, which I did, with cake, biscuits, wine, pudding ... leading to no additional weight at all this morning!
Upshot of all this, 12.0.25 this morning, 1/2lb lost this week, 2.5lbs for challenge so far.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
09 Feb 2015, 00:54
I think I'm just about caught up. Send me a pm or post here if I've missed something. Congrats to all the losers and maintainers, and abstainers on another good week. I'm sorry my cheerleading skills are not up to Juliana's standards! I will try to do a tally of the total weight loss so far since we're nearing the half way point.

Nicky_94 wrote: Well done @MaryAnn! Did you change your maintenance range in the end? I think I read you were thinking about it somewhere...

You did read that correctly, I think in the Jan or Feb maintenance thread. Maybe part of why I'm struggling on maintenance is my head is all over the place. From the start, I haven't settled on a goal weight. I've always said 63, but at first with a mind to go lower. Then I struggled to maintain even that. I've spent more than a year trying to get back to that weight after gaining over Xmas 2013 right after reaching my goal. Now, since the Xmas 2014 challenge (Thanks, @Juliana.Rivers!), I'm doing a pretty good job of staying in the 63-65 range. BUT I had already joined this challenge to try to get to 63. I can't quit now, right? But at least it takes the heat off me, so to speak. This is a long-winded way to get to a point. My weight was 63.7 on Sunday morning. I haven't been in the 63s in a long time (maybe April 2014, before another holiday knocked me off course), so I'm really happy about that.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
09 Feb 2015, 08:41
@MaryAnn you're doing a fab job running the challenge.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
09 Feb 2015, 18:49
I weighed in at 10st 11.8lbs this morning - a loss of 2lbs since last Monday.
I'm quite pleased with this but aware of a potentially very wey-hey weekend coming up.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
10 Feb 2015, 08:41
#12 checking in .. up 0.4 pounds this week but I am entirely grateful its not more after my weekend carbfest !

So that puts me at 9st6.8 onwards and downwards for next week :-)
Re: March Equinox Challenge
10 Feb 2015, 11:21
Still well below the 73kg mark on any readings. well 500g is a lot to me.

so, Libra still under 72.5 which was my goal. It hit 72.4 on Libra average weight today. I blame my feast on the weekend. That chocolate mousse and cheesecake was worth it :-)

But pleased with results thus far.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
13 Feb 2015, 09:53
No 21 checking in with a 1lb loss that's 2.5lb off target. Half term next week so it gets tricky.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
14 Feb 2015, 08:47
26 checking in.
I'm pleased :smile: - to report to be within my maintaining threshold (123 to 127lbs) this week, today 125lbs.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
14 Feb 2015, 09:27
Checking in with a one pound loss :grin:
I'm not back to my pre IOW break weight which is disappointing but despite a slothful week & going out for an Italian meal with wine & a pud at least I am going down. :like: :like:
Re: March Equinox Challenge
14 Feb 2015, 10:19
#8 I'm 107.6lbs which is at the midpoint of my preferred maintenance range of 105-110lbs. :cool:

It's in my range but I have an upwards trend that bears watching tho' this has happened to me before - and I've lots of inflammation round my joints at present.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
14 Feb 2015, 11:55
11st 12.75 this morning - that's a 1.5lb drop this week & 4lbs overall. And its UNDER 12 STONE :grin: :grin: :grin: That's my first milestone of this Challenge achieved and the second on the horizon - 11st 12 is my BMI 25. In theory I could be there by next weekend but a second diet day is going to be really hard to fit in for each of the next 2 weeks, partly because I'm off for a weekend away with old friends next week ... which may also involve the odd excess calorie!
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