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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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windsinger123 wrote: Just checking in. I'm member number 24 but in the list on page one I have changed to a duplicated 25 - would you mind amending please Juliana?

I have been following the club rules and weighing every day. I have stayed below 66kgs so far which is my goal. I find it harder as winter approaches as I start craving carbs so this club will really help me to stay on the straight and narrow :grin:

fixed. thanx for alerting me.

great to hear re staying on track. do you have a 2 month goal which is a specific weight or are you happy with your weight as is. as long as you dont go over 66?
Marybeth wrote: OK, I'm in on the personal goal idea. I need to lose 4 more pounds to reach that comfy feeling of size 12 (US) trousers feeling a little loose as opposed to a little tight around the waist. I'll be looking at those rules every day to make sure I'm being "good". :)

4 pounds it is for you. Member 94 @Marybeth

Stay "good"
Member #44 here
Just weighed in after 2nd fast of the week - I hate yo-yos lol. Been yo-yoing between 98.6 and 99.9 since 2nd September. I might change my Christmas goal from 94.9 to just 98 LOL

Never give in. I'll find myself out of this plateau eventually *sigh*
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
Minigill wrote: Count me in Juliana, 69.9 the aim for Xmas, and no doubt some more clothes not fitting, but the sales will be on :like: :smile:

Is there an easy way to see how progress is (and going forward) going ? Confess I haven't read all 23 pages, so apologies if this has been discussed :oops:

Would be nice to see at a glance how everyone in the table is doing as its difficult to keep track with individual posts on this thread, and people joining :smile:

Seeing people achieving their goals and/or progress will be a great motivator :grin:

Then in January we can have a quick couple of weeks of who maintained the loss over xmas without gaining :lol:

woohoo another 69er. you are member 89 @Minigill omg its 23 pages!

re keeping track of everyone i thought once october 25 passes its the big 2 month countdown to dec 25 eek. and ill figure out a way of posting, where available the member's goal loss and where they are up to.. (tent doors are tightly sealed. you cant escape :grin: )

so on this basis if in your original post you didnt say you actual weight loss in kg (need to try to stick to 1 metric as i cant get my head around pounds) then come back and let me know in a post.

ill put it on the summary board in post number 1. means you can just go straight to post 1 to see how your going and how everyone is going thus far. use the inital weight loss goal when you first registered as a couple of weeks has already passed by.

if we get to 100 members that will be say 300 to 400 kg across the whole club by Christmas. now thats a lot of inches.

Brilliant, thanks for adding me :grin:

To loose 3.85 kg to take me to 69.9 ! and normal BMI !!! so two goals :like:
Hi I would love to join. I live in Sydney Australia. I am new at forums etc so please let me know what I need to do to go forward. I would love to support other ladies if i can.

In the meantime I will work through this thread.

Warm Regards from Australia Alexandravr
Hi I would love to join the Christmas Club. I live in Australia. Is there anyone else in Australia that has joined? Alexandravr
Welcome Alexandra, yes, there are a few Aussies on here!
Number 78 checking in - scales were very kind to me this morning, showing 131.8 pound (I weighted twice to make sure!)

Clearly my tactic of "more running, less drinking" is paying off.
Juliana I usually weigh in stones & pounds but according to my tracker on here my last weigh in was do I just post what I weigh on this thread when I weigh-in next Saturday? are the rules that I am supposed to weigh every day because I usually weigh once a week? so I suppose I am working towards losing 6.3kgs.before Christmas to get to roughly 80kgs.? :confused:
Isis wrote: Juliana I usually weigh in stones & pounds but according to my tracker on here my last weigh in was do I just post what I weigh on this thread when I weigh-in next Saturday? are the rules that I am supposed to weigh every day because I usually weigh once a week? so I suppose I am working towards losing 6.3kgs.before Christmas to get to roughly 80kgs.? :confused:

You can of course continue to weigh weekly if you just feel more comfortable about it. Only have to check in with weekly weight then if thats all you have.

I was just personally encouraging the daily thing but im not imposing it as a hard and fast rule at all. hopefully thats cleared it up.
Thank you Juliana & sorry should have included member 88 last post :lol: onwards & downwards to 80kgs. That would be miraculous!! & at least I no longer weigh 88kgs.
Hi, can I join this group please?
This is my second attempt at the 5:2 diet - I hope to loose 12lbs for christmas - currently 10st9.

Today is my 3rd fast day!
alexandravr wrote: Hi I would love to join. I live in Sydney Australia. I am new at forums etc so please let me know what I need to do to go forward. I would love to support other ladies if i can.

In the meantime I will work through this thread.

Warm Regards from Australia Alexandravr

Hi @Alaxandravr, fellow Sydneysider, where I am. You are member number 95!

hope we can all support you to get to your goal weight by December 26
Melanie Cheeks wrote: Number 78 checking in - scales were very kind to me this morning, showing 131.8 pound (I weighted twice to make sure!)

Clearly my tactic of "more running, less drinking" is paying off.

well done 78 .. i do that too. weigh even 4 times moving the scale to make sure its accurate
niamo wrote: Hi, can I join this group please?
This is my second attempt at the 5:2 diet - I hope to loose 12lbs for christmas - currently 10st9.

Today is my 3rd fast day!

Hi @Niamo. Welcome aboard you are member 96

12 pounds.. go for it.
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