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Wow how great is that J! Well done on your recruiting
Hmmm number 42 reporting..should i have reported in last week? Cant remember what date i took the pledge to drop 10 lb by Xmas,but have lost 4 lb since 10 October X
Thanks Juliana! :smile: I lost 1lb this week, which is roughly .45kg. I'm very pleased to have lost anything as i had a lovely birthday meal out this week. :grin: :victory:

Ooooops, sorry! Member 91 checking in! :wink:
Hmmmmm, debating now (get me.. :?: )when I get to 11 stone (2lbs away), whether to take a break until Jan, then 'go for it', or to carry on and get down to 10st 10lbs while I'm 'in the groove'.
Oh booger, how many weeks till Christmas? Enough to lose 6lbs?
Carry on it is, then.
Decision made, then.

Support me please, you lovely 99 people... xxxxx

No 3 checking in (not The Prisoner...)
PennyForthem wrote: Hmmmmm, debating now (get me.. :?: )when I get to 11 stone (2lbs away), whether to take a break until Jan, then 'go for it', or to carry on and get down to 10st 10lbs while I'm 'in the groove'.
Oh booger, how many weeks till Christmas? Enough to lose 6lbs?
Carry on it is, then.
Decision made, then.

Support me please, you lovely 99 people... xxxxx

No 3 checking in (not The Prisoner...)

lots of support :like: Keep going girl :). You CAN do it :wink:
Penny, aiming for the lower weight would give you a few pounds leeway over Christmas so if you did re-gain slightly over the festive period you would know you could easily lose the excess again afterwards having done it once already. x
Hi #26, I think, reporting in. I have been keenly weighing daily. My weight is hovering between 72 and 70 point something. In the last week it was : Sunday 72; Monday(fast day) 71.6; Tuesday 71.5; Wednesday 70.9; Thursday(fast day) 71.6; Friday 70.8; and today, Saturday 71.2. Three weeks ago, when I joined the club, I was mostly hovering around 72 , but as you can see, I am now hovering around 71 with the occasional dip into the 70s. My new smaller sized work pants are beginning to feel loose!!!
Sallyo wrote: Hi #26, I think, reporting in. I have been keenly weighing daily. My weight is hovering between 72 and 70 point something. In the last week it was : Sunday 72; Monday(fast day) 71.6; Tuesday 71.5; Wednesday 70.9; Thursday(fast day) 71.6; Friday 70.8; and today, Saturday 71.2. Three weeks ago, when I joined the club, I was mostly hovering around 72 , but as you can see, I am now hovering around 71 with the occasional dip into the 70s. My new smaller sized work pants are beginning to feel loose!!!

Well done Sally? whats your lowest. i find thats a great metric and its the one i am seeking for when i talk about my Christmas goal of 69.999

and per my other shout out NL forum


coulnt believe my eyes as i could never go below 71.1 yet and i actually saw 70.4

Initially i thought something was up with scales as it showed 155 and then i realised it had overnight changed it to pounds. anyway .. its party time .

4 notches is deflinitely achievable for Christmas
Disappointed #90 checking in here. I am up half a pound from my last weighing. As discussed at length in my progress thread, The Pilgrim's Progress, I'm not sure I even believe this. But that's what I'm reporting anyway.

I can't weigh daily - I feel like the weekly weighing I've been doing for months now is a more honest reflection. Especially when my scale apparently has a mind of its own. Admittedly everyone's weight fluctuates. I'm okay with that. But it shouldn't, no CAN'T, fluctuate one and a half pounds in 5 minutes.

@Juliana.Rivers, I think you requested kilo reports. But that just wouldn't make any sense to me - I think illicit drugs come in kilos, not people :grin:

Well, @Betsysgr8 just gave me a stern talking-to (thanks again, Betsy), and I've decided to use my first weight of the morning (which did repeat three times, after all). So now I'm down half a pound, am posting success for the week, and am in a better mood than I was earlier.

But I'm still thinking of buying a new scale....
wendyjane wrote: Disappointed #90 checking in here. I am up half a pound from my last weighing. As discussed at length in my progress thread, The Pilgrim's Progress, I'm not sure I even believe this. But that's what I'm reporting anyway.

I can't weigh daily - I feel like the weekly weighing I've been doing for months now is a more honest reflection. Especially when my scale apparently has a mind of its own. Admittedly everyone's weight fluctuates. I'm okay with that. But it shouldn't, no CAN'T, fluctuate one and a half pounds in 5 minutes.

@Juliana.Rivers, I think you requested kilo reports. But that just wouldn't make any sense to me - I think illicit drugs come in kilos, not people :grin:

Well, @Betsysgr8 just gave me a stern talking-to (thanks again, Betsy), and I've decided to use my first weight of the morning (which did repeat three times, after all). So now I'm down half a pound, am posting success for the week, and am in a better mood than I was earlier.

But I'm still thinking of buying a new scale....

No problem wendyjane to weigh weekly if you feel better doing it that way. No hard and fast rules in this club and we make the rules up as we go along. as long as we are heading closer to our Dec 25 weight goal and it can put a smile on your face thats all that matters

and yes, buy a new scales

and yes, ok to talk in pounds

lol @ the drug thing
Mine's a November 28th goal. Which adds to my stress level. On the other hand, mine is also a final goal, which adds to my excitement level.

And I do smile when I look in the mirror, which makes me happy even on the toughest days.
thanks for all the updates on start of weekend. thats the Christmas spirit!

thought i best not reply to all with a quote or by dec 25 theres be 2000 posts.

@Minumonline #63 size 10 sounds great. congratz on normal status on tracker

@Chickvic #29 another 2 pounds is great. keep going

@Wmr309 #68 whooohoo NL (new low) .. love em. vindaloo curry youm. dont regret.. you need to enjoy food on feast days. theres always "tomorrows fast" i so love this way of dieting. as we dont have to deny ourselves each and every day like the WW'ers

@Rawkaren #56 - hehe re the party - we can have our own private parties around the world all 100 of them . weigh weigh dont be scared.

@Betsysgr8 #12 2 pounds loss. excellent! keep going

@CandiceMarie #42 this really is the office 2 month countdown .. last few weeks was a gathering the numbers exercise only. ill get the date on the summary i will work on (on first page post).. as soon as i have the time. 4 pounds 10 since October 10 is awesome!

@Tracy22 #91 1 pound is good. or 1/2 kilo. Happy birthday!

@PennyForthem #3 .. yes its enough to lose 6 pounds. its officially 8.4 weeks. i use then divide by 7 keep going for it when you lose another 2 pounds as you say while you are in the groove and have 99 supporters in the tent.

@Sallyo #26 well done

@wendyjane #90 only 5 weeks for you. i smile too when i look in the mirror. im looking more these days too. obsessed with scales and mirror now! i used to cringe.

well done girls.. where are the boys in the tent?
Member #47 checking in. Friday is my fast day so weighing in on a Saturday I know does not reflect my true weight buuuutttt.... I saw a new low today of 59.5kg. Tomorrow when I get up and weigh myself I know it won't be a 59.5kg anymore but I have scream out from the top of the mountains...

I have seen 59!!!!!!!!!!

Totally focused on seeing the 5 as often as possible and looking forward to saying goodbye to being in the 60's.
TheFrog wrote: Member #47 checking in. Friday is my fast day so weighing in on a Saturday I know does not reflect my true weight buuuutttt.... I saw a new low today of 59.5kg. Tomorrow when I get up and weigh myself I know it won't be a 59.5kg anymore but I have scream out from the top of the mountains...

I have seen 59!!!!!!!!!!

Totally focused on seeing the 5 as often as possible and looking forward to saying goodbye to being in the 60's.

Absolutely. shout and carry on as much as you want. but why do you say it is not your "true weight" i dont thing a Low weight can not be considered a true weight. i see a forum thread in that ? :grin:
#75 checking in! Here's my daily weigh in:


It has its ups and downs as can be expected. So as of this morning I'm 56.1 kg , that's 2.1 kg to christmas goal weight (54 kg). But I saw 55's this week for the first time in years!! :grin: Now I'm focusing on settling in the 55 zone.

I have a party to go to tomorrow, I hope I can control myself not to overeat... and monday is my fast day, so hoping that will do some damage control :P

Have a nice weekend all!
@@wendyjaneYes, , I know what you mean about scales.

My lowest weight so far is 70.5.Only saw it once.
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