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gigi55 wrote: Me too, me too-please?
I've been hovering in the low 70's for weeks with an occasional peek at a 6 but just can't seem to go lower at the moment.
This will be a fun incentive to get there and stay- begone you 7!

Of course gigi55 - You are member 27 yes that number 69 something is hard to get to but we know we can do it.
Please can I join in?

I actually started at about 72 kilos in April so I'm now under 69, but I'd love to get to 62 by Christmas to make 10 kilos lost and pretty much my target weight. I'm hovering around 64 now and I have been for a very long time so if I just up my game a bit 62 by xmas should be possible!
Nicky_94 wrote: Please can I join in?

I actually started at about 72 kilos in April so I'm now under 69, but I'd love to get to 62 by Christmas to make 10 kilos lost and pretty much my target weight. I'm hovering around 64 now and I have been for a very long time so if I just up my game a bit 62 by xmas should be possible!

Sure Nicky_94 Member number 28

62 sounds great! You go girl.

At this rate we will have 50 members doing there thing!
Well at today's weigh-in I am 69.9kgs but I know it will, as ever, bounce back up tomorrow :0(
So want it to remain below that flaming 70kgs!!!!
You never know azureblue, this might just be the time it stays down! :clover: :like:
Can I join please? I'd have to split myself near enough in half to be 69 kg! At the moment I am 115 I reckon I can reach 111 by Christmas! That's nearly a stone in weight but I can be pretty determined if I want to :wink:
Chickvic wrote: Can I join please? I'd have to split myself near enough in half to be 69 kg! At the moment I am 115 I reckon I can reach 111 by Christmas! That's nearly a stone in weight but I can be pretty determined if I want to :wink:

Sure Vicki you can be member number 29

You started this journey about the same time as me.. Bring on 111 for you!
Just a thought club members. I know most or a lot of you dont weigh daily but could you do that this time, just in the time before December 25. Partly as its my personal view that measuring day to day will show fluctuations but makes you more aware of how you are travelling. Also with pre Christmas celebrations (which are particularly huge in Australia) it would be good for everyone to know that a couple of parties here and there may need you to adjust the days between.

Moreove, I want to see if this has any significance for people, many of which are just trickling down the numbers. i have approximately 20 notches to get down (from 71.9 to 69.9) so ever notch counts as we only have 11 weeks.

I also have been calculating my lowest and biggest weight in the past 10 weigh days. for me its 71.8kg as the lowest and 72.8kg as the highest in past 10 weighing days. You see we are aiming to get to 69.something (or most of some.. some have other personal goals) and it will mean that on December 26 we may indeed be a bit over 70 but im focussing at the lowest possible knowing i normally have about a 500 to 600g range

Im not looking for 69.9 to be the "moving average" just the lowest number for past 10 days once December 25 arrives.

so im hoping in the 10 days from December 25 to say Jan 4 of a range of 69.9 and 70.5. I just want to see the 60s. I suspect that if i continue my I.F into January i wont see 70something again by about the mid January mark.

I think it would be harder (for me) to make it a range of say 69.4 to 69.9 i.e not to see 70 again knowing that December 25 and December 26 is a lot of ham, roast pork and puddings so its the "lowest" number im looking for.

Anyway would others in this club be willing to weight themselves daily just for the days before Christmas and also calculate there lowest/highest number for past 10 days. After Christmas you can go back to weekly or monthly weighing of course.

Yes im slightly obsessive with numbers lol

But thinking this might have everyone as focussed on me on just what is happening in their weight. Of course, this is not a "strict" club rule thing and if you feel that daily weight is either onerous or just plain wrong, that's fine but at least weekly if you can.
So does this say you want club members to weigh daily for the 10 days before Xmas? Member 26.
Sallyo wrote: So does this say you want club members to weigh daily for the 10 days before Xmas? Member 26.

oops sorry Sallyo i wasnt too clear in my post. meant that i would like you to (if possible) weight daily from now (October 6 right through to December 25)

the 10 day thing was more about my thougth that one can track what their what theie lowest and highest weight was in "last 10 days" .. of course if you dont normally weigh daily for next 10 days u can only really say your highest weight in 1,2... to 10 days.

just to see what low-high range you have as you progress through these 11 weeks. nobody steps down in weight in a straight line and there will be ups and downs usually dependent on weight the day before was fast or not. everyone has different fasting cycles so just last 10 days lowest and highest weight is enough.

there are 79 days to christmas so in total you will have 79 readings. you dont have to post them here or anything, unless you want to
I weigh daily and record it on so I'm happy to comply.
I agree it's amazing the size of the ups and downs- as long as I'm down on what I was the week before,( or two weeks before at a pinch :wink: ), I'm happy.
Weighing daily definitely does help keep me on track, and the fluctuations don't worry me, just the trend.
Roll on 60's!
gigi55 wrote: I weigh daily and record it on so I'm happy to comply.
I agree it's amazing the size of the ups and downs- as long as I'm down on what I was the week before,( or two weeks before at a pinch :wink: ), I'm happy.
Weighing daily definitely does help keep me on track, and the fluctuations don't worry me, just the trend.
Roll on 60's!

Thanks gigi55

I know many angst about fluctuations. My sis for instance, (God love her) wont way more frequently than once a month. She tells me its angst she developed decades ago when in Weight Watchers. Was talking to her this morning.. gained all the weight she lost back in those days.
I'd like to join too please? My goal is to lose 4kg by Christmas, currently 101.6kg so 97kg.

Got two weekends away planned in October so it's going to be a challenging time. But I am feeling so much better on this woe, my food choices are starting to get a lot better and I feel satisfied with a small taste of something sweet rather than a large portion!
Like @gigi55 I weigh daily and record it on Excel, too. I don't stress about fluctuations any more. I also record intake on My fitness pal and plot my weekly calorie intake, so I can adjust if I go over.
I'm lucky I have time to do this at the moment (I am self employed) but we're moving into the Christmas season, which is my very busiest time. It starts this coming weekend with a two day Oyster festival! (I love oysters!)
Feeling inspired.... any room for me in your tent? Not too good at conversions but am currently 11 stone 12 and so so so want to be 11 stone 6 by christmas. In fact there is a bet on it so I stand to gain 100 pounds (the good kind) if I manage it!
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