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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Great replies so far folks, thanks - keep 'em coming!
I must admit I've never been one for diet 'groups' or support etc, I prefer to do it alone and just chat with likeminded souls - but I know not everyone is the same and that many dieters prefer a group for support.

Caroline: Glad they've made contact, thanks for plugging the forums :) I'm not sure we'll get any coverage (though I do wonder if the forums might get some kind of mention in 'references' or something), but that's not really what it's about. It's more about spreading the word of 5:2 to others who may find it helpful - and once they know about it, they're bound to stumble by this place sooner or later ;)
Being in the US, most of us have just recently heard about this diet. So I'm doing it alone, and this forum is my only source of encouragement. Oh, and the scales! :)
I've just joined you all. I have one friend doing it, but think that having online support will help me stay motivated. i think this is a great idea. thanks xxx
Going it alone.
My husband started a couple of weeks ago but was ill with a bad infection, so he's abandoned it meantime, but is quite keen to get back on track.
The forum gives me great support, and keeps me from eating on a fast day.
The inspiration and encouragement of the members keep me going especially when I don't see any results on the scales.
Hubby and I doing 5:2 together - and a lot of chatting we do about it too! My sister has just started, as have our 2 best friends (married couple). Caught the 2 men chatting about 'diets' on the phone the other night - never thought I'd hear something like that rather than football chat!! :lol: Use this forum to chat to likeminded people, get ideas/inspiration/tips - don't feel I actually need it as support as I think I've got the hang of it all, but love being part of this forum !!
Thanks Sue - if/when you are contacted by the publisher regarding the testimonial, would you perhaps mention that you have a group of friends for support in real life? They'll be interested to hear about that :)
Myself and other half have been doing it together since Sep....ith love it and it's just our normal now x
I've just completed my 32nd fast day, the 20th since the New Year. I've told no one I'm on 5:2, not sure they'd have heard of it anyway. Delighted to have found this forum, as it's nice to hear how others are getting on.
Doing it alone, only told hubby who is very supportive. Finding this forum a god send :grin:
I started doing this on my own then my husband joined in. I was then joined by a work colleague and now my daughter and her husband so at the moment we are a band of 5 and I continue to spraed the word !
Hubby and I are both doing 5:2 - support is from the forum and hubby is very enthusiastic telling anyone who is interested how easy it is, how much weight we have lost. So enthusiastic that when we were invited to join friends for a post St Patrick's day fry up for breakfast we both felt very happy to say that we were really looking forward to our usual 'fasting Monday'.
I'm on my own, OH is very supportive and I have friends who do this but I don't live near them.

Use the forum a lot for ideas, support, etc. Good particularly to see the science and some of the links to papers and websites have been very helpful.
My daughter and I are both doing 5:2
Husband not on 5:2 but very supportive as are work collegues
Find this forum an invaluable resource and great support
I started it because my brother did it at the end of last year and lost 8kgs. My French BF was skeptical at first, but he has started doing it now as he wants to lose a few KGs. I've also been telling my French students about it and a couple of them are going to start. I use this forum for support and to keep the interest and willpower going. It is good to know you aren't alone on fast days.
My mum started doing it about a month or so ago and I've joined in in the last couple of weeks. We fast on the same days so often arrange to do something together for the support and to keep ourselves occupied. My husband isn't doing it but has been very supportive of me.
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