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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I don't have any 'fast friends', but my close friends all know I'm on this diet and have started to ask questions about the diet now they can see the results!
I have joined a Facebook page but find the support on this forum more genuine and less combative! So I would say that this is my main support network, although friends and hubby are supportive they don't always understand the finer workings!
I'm doing it on Monday and Thursday. My husband on Monday and Saturday. He had a break during January and February.
My husband started the diet with me and not long afterwards my friend decided to give it a go too. And since then our mutual friend also decided to give it a bash so there are 4 of us.
My best friend and I started on the 4th Feb and phone and text on fast days to motivate each other and tell each other how marvelous we are! I know it would feel harder to do this without her support. We don't live close to each other but are catching up in April so hoping that 2 months in we will notice a difference in each other.
Doing the fast diet with my husband, dont think I could do it without him as he WOULD eat enourmous cream cakes in front of me on fast days.
Nice to share with others on here but my real support is my husband :smile:
Hi, Just started this week and am doing this on my own. I have not actually told the OH as he does not understand why people struggle to diet or addictions to food as he has remained the same weight for the last 20 years! So its nice that I have found this forum so I have somewhere to compare where I am and how I am doing. Also whether I am 'normal' if you know what I mean! :confused:
My OH did start with me but didn't really last very long! My sister and brother in law are also fasting - we started without each other realising so nice to have her to chat to about it but love the forum and hearing about everyone's stories and ideas.
I'm doing this on my own, with a lot of support from my husband. I do find this forum very helpful, especially when I'm hungry!!
I'm doing this on my own really although there are increasing numbers of people at work who are 5:2 ing and we do chat about how it's going.
I look to this forum for support and advice so would like to thank everyone - it helps to know others are feeling the same as you and there's usually a friendly word to keep you motivated and on track.
I follow this diet with my wife and sister, at the last count 3 friends and 3 colleagues were also doing it.

I look to real life for support and here for info.
Jules - would you mind if I passed your email address on to the publisher as I'm sure would be interested in finding out more about your group at work who chat about it!

Mole - do you and your workmates chat about 5:2/support each other?
I have no fast buddies. I've not told any of my friends or family, nor do I intend to. Thanks for this forum, it's my only means of support! :like:
Moogie wrote: Mole - do you and your workmates chat about 5:2/support each other?

Yes, we all discuss what’s happening, how and what we are doing etc. since xmas its probably been the most popular subject amongst those following the diet. There were more of us, but some have given up for varying reasons.
I have been on the 5:2 with my husband since I heard about it on NPR (National Public Radio). So far (only a week)no friends or family have joined us, and look at me like I'm crazy when I explain the diet. That's OK, when we lose the weight they may just change their minds!
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