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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'm completely on my own as I don't want to discuss it with family yet (or friends really!)

All I have told my family is that 'I'm eating less on Mondays and Wednesdays' and they haven't asked for any more info! I skip breakfast and lunch and have a small evening meal.
I'm doing it with my OH. I first suggested it and he is now very motivated to continue, despite neither of us losing any weight yet. My dad and his partner have also been doing it, for around a month longer than we have. Also, I know that you specified RL friends but I have a few OL friends (not on this site) that are doing the diet too. A couple of those began the diet after I told them about it.
Basically doing this alone, although I know one other person doing 5:2 with a degree of success. Both of us have been going since just after Xmas. We don't spend more than about 10 mins a month discussing it. (Both of us live alone.)

People have started noticing at work but I'm not interested in long explanations so I try not to get into conversations about it. When push comes to shove I just say - "less food - less booze - more exercise" and leave it at that.

When I've got a GREAT deal nearer target weight I think I'll be happier chatting about it.

My husband is doing it with me and the forum is my resource. We are on our 3 rd week and it is going great.
I'm doing it on my own but have told loads of people who are very interested and supportive. The forum is a great support and source of info.
Doing it on my own but my boyfriend knows about it and is very supportive :)
My husband and I are doing it together. He is having a harder time because he is at home taking care of our daughter feeding her, while I just have to go without food in my cubicle, so I would say I am his support network. ;-)
I started off 5:2'ing alone but have since gained a fasting ally at work and, just this evening, my sister has said that she's considering giving 5:2 a go too, having watched the horizon documentary :)

So far, my main support network has been this forum, which has proved to be invaluable in providing daily support and suggestions and has made me feel that I'm not alone in my quest to improve my health!
My husband and I are doing it together.... 2 1/2weeks. As stated new in US. It's going very well for us and our son and daughter-in law are going to do it. Love this forum. Very helpful and fun. :like:
After raving about it to two sets of couples (friends of mine) they've all started the diet! Now we text each other supportive texts as well as gloating texts ( I can pull my jeans down without undoing them! Ha!). And we share fast day food ideas and tips. I love coming on the forums though, knowledge is power for me and there's tonnes of it on here!
OH and I are 5:2ing together. The forum is a huge support to me and I support my OH.
Just me and my OH - he started today and I started last Thursday. I am not telling anyone except close friend and family. I am finding the forum helpful and supportive. As a life time dieter I am wary of results, not because I don't believe the science but because I have failed so often.
My better half pestered me to watch the original programme (which she had fortunately recorded), once I saw it I was hooked, so then we started it together - and we still are. She just does it, whereas I got interested in the theory and then, when I found this forum, a lot more interested. Our (adult) daughter is doing it (a bit, when it suits her).

I bore on about it to anyone who will listen, but most of my friends don't need the weight loss, and for the ones who do I don't want to appear judgemental by suggesting it!
I've been doing 5:2 alone, although my daughter's Grandma is quite supportive - she and her daughter started 5:2 a few months ago and I heard about this WOE from them. A few of my friends know I'm doing it and they are interested and encouraging.
This forum is my other main source of information/advice.
I told my sister about 5:2 on Sunday night, she bought the book right away and did her first fast yesterday! I expect we will support each other but she's in California and I'm in London, so it'll be long-distance.
I heard about 5:2 at about the same time as my OH was told by the doctor that he needed to lose some weight. He's never dieted in his life and wouldn't have known a calorie from an asteroid! However he's embraced the whole 5:2 way of life, he's lost over a stone since the end of January and I've lost 11 lbs. He's a very keen cook and is really enjoying the challenge of finding delicious very low calorie recipes. I have tried the odd diet in the past (never more than 1/2 stone or so to lose) but have always struggled because he's munching away as normal, but it's so much easier if you're both sticking to the same thing.
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