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Well made it through the danger zone so i I expect I'm on the home run now,
I also drink 3 cups of coffee a day and at the moment wouldn't dream of trying to stop as it makes the day manageable for me.

By the way redhead just wanted to say I read and really enjoyed your blog on your 60 hr fast, but couldn't figure out how to leave a comment(doh)

Looking forward to a fruit salad for breakfast tomorrow :smile:
I've made it past "meal time" too, so I should be fine now. Not sure what to drink tonight - not really had enough fluids today, but don't want to be up all night :oops: - may try a herbal tea, although I'm not really a fan.

Mild headache now, but nothing awful, and not surprising after heavy weekend on the red wine, and not sleeping well. Hoping for a good night tonight.

Will go out first thing for a C25K session (week 5), then a cheese and tomato omelette cooked in butter to break the fast !

Thank you all for the inspiration to give this a go
Ended up being a bust for me today :frown:
I was fine just drinking tea and coffee all day until I had to make dinner for the kids.
It smelled so good as I was cooking it and I ended up having some of their leftovers. I'm still under my 400 cals so it's ended up as a normal fast day for me today. Will try again on Thursday and ask OH to feed the kids and tell them to bin their leftovers straight away!!
Jenny don't think of it as a bust - under 400 cals is not much difference! And you'll have had a good 24 hr water fast which is great going!
wildmissus wrote: Well done Zahra, keep busy today and if you can manage to do it even only once then you've proven something to yourself. Be careful tomorrow, especially after being poorly, your mind might feel great but your body might feel stiff and tired. Let us know how you are getting on.

I thought I replied before but I think I lost my post somehow.

The fast went well! I just. . . missed chewing if that makes sense. :lol:

Like many of you, I didn't feel hungry at all when I woke up after the full day's fast, so the last leg of the fast was easy. I wasn't even that hungry when I broke my fast with an omelet and a nice hot cup of sweet tea at lunchtime.

Did anyone else feel a bit "acidy" after eating their fast meal? Maybe I overdid it on the hot sauce with my omelet. . . :bugeyes:

Would love to incorporate this 36 hour fast regularly, at least twice a month at first.

Thanks for your support!
I'm really struggling now. I've so far dealt with hubby eating soup and toast (his usual, and he never eats breakfast so I'm not begrudging him) at lunchtime, taking the children to the M place for a rushed tea as their school rounders club ended late and I had no time to feed them at home before brownies. Then they came out of brownies having baked double chocolate cookies :shock: and the smell was so strong in the hall it was unbearable! The girls have eaten two of their four and I'm praying hubby gets home soon to eat the rest, plus I have to cook for him ... I think I'm going to call it quits and have a small meal with him or I risk blowing it later :confused:

On the other hand, I don't want to let my first tough day beat me! I've found fasting so easy before so today has come as a shock. I've really felt hungry and had tummy grumbles for the first time.

Oh, Winsome I feel for you!! I've just fed DH & 3 kids with a Hairy Dieters bolognese which they all loved & it smelled divine!! I didn't have too much trouble preparing & cooking it, but watching them all sit down to eat it was a real toughie! DH is on his 3rd fast day and so I kept his meal well under his 600 cals and he had an M&S trifle for pud :shock: When preparing his, was my greatest wobble, I knew the calorie content in everything and it would have been so easy to tuck in BUT I have got this far and so just hid in the kitchen making their lunches for tomorrow and feeding the dogs :cry: I feel that the buzz of last week and this being my 3rd 40 hour water fast has made this one less enjoyable somehow, you know? It's the knowledge that I know I can do it but having the mental strength to actually DO it!!!
Anyhooo, the nice smells have disappeared now and I'm ironing some school and PE uniform now so am keeping busy.
Have kept up to date with everyone today and wish everyone well for the rest of their fasts-you've come this far-what's a few more hours???? Xxx
Keep going Sarah & Winsome. I know it's tough but you are both highly disciplined (you must be to do 500 cal fasting). Think how far you've come since starting 5:2 then think how a 36er is just your new normal.
Well the madness is spreading - lol - I've enjoyed reading how you all got on with 36 hour fast that I decided to try & join you today.Bit spur of the moment but so far no food - just herbal tea, water & just had 1/2 bouillon cube in hot water which I think is probably cheating but could feel I needed salt.Not bad for first attempt,may even do it again if,that is,I manage to last.Think I might do now its 8.30 pm already.Roll on bedtime :starving:
It's my third water fast today and found this the hardest so far, maybe because it's TOTM. I am glad dinner time is over, kids are in bed , time to watch some tv and read some posts. Made it so far so I am sure I won't give in now.....well done everyone for getting through it, tomorrow morning we will feel amazing.
Well I've managed 25.5 hours up to now and I feel fine, a little hungry but not starvin marvin so I think I will be ok till the morning. At tea time I made some raspberry, white chocolate & almond blondies which strangely kept me occupied especially with the thought I could eat them tomorrow......may even have one for breakfast!

The only thing I have noticed is that my tongue doesn't look too good - bit of a funny colour see :razz:
Thanks Bssh!!! You're right and I will do it-once I've said I will that's it but it's the testing tea time and the whole family together time that I seem to be struggling with tonight. Thanks again Bssh, I'd be really interested in how your maintaining is going and how you do over the next few weeks-I've altered my goal weight a few pounds lower than I originally set out and really want to have a set plan in place if and when I reach my new target so I'll be keeping a close eye on your news over the next few weeks or so-well done on doing so well!!
Malteserr, it's my TOTM too and my 3rd water fast! Spooky! You could be right as to why this one's such a struggle then-that'll help me feel a bit more positive about the next one as I thought my resolve was weakening!!! Well done on getting through the day and to you too, Scotty, nearly bed time and then we've made it :victory: xx
Tough it out folks! Plan something nice for breakfast - something small, but delicious and you'll find it's gourmet after a day with no food. For me, the proper appreciation of food the next day makes it all worth it. Reminds me how mindlessly I ate for years.

Maltesser, I'm with you on TOTM - forum members synchronising?! Water bottle and sofa for me. Drinking even more water today to avoid a headache too.

And Scotty, I don't think you should worry about a slight 'cheat', many of us, including me, drank/ drink coffee with milk so we're not over zealous about 'water' fasting, rather it's 'liquid' fasting.
You too Yoyosam, posted before I read yours-btw your tongue looks gorgeous!!! :lol:
Redhead, I'm loving this whole synchronised TOTM-at least we're not alone feeling bloated and a bit low!! THEN we'll get the mid month munchies and start snapping at each other too!!! Oh, how much to look forward to!!! Hope you feel better after your water bottle & sofa time, just think how fab we'll feel in a few days eh?? X
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