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Re: *Marvellous May*
12 May 2013, 21:29
Hey everyone!

How are we all doing today? Yesterday went well, i had a nice long training in the morning, late lunch and had a lovely meal out. To top it all off had a few drinks.
Today i decided that I needed new work clothes (the new slimmer me needs some). They are a bit tight but i am sure t the end of May they will fit me :-)
To top it all off i went for a nice walk in regents park and the flowers are out - was a lovely walk.
Weigh day tomorrow so hope that goes well.

Everyone has been quite today, so team don't be shy :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
12 May 2013, 21:43
Hey everyone, I had a marvelous weekend. Went to SIL's house yesterday and had a wonderful taco salad supper prepared by nieces. Who knew that taco seasonings in lentils tasted so good?!? I returned the favor making blueberry scones for bfast.

Once I got home, I dug up a small dead tree, moved a small rose of sharon bush into its place, walked to the outdoor walking track and did 2 circuits (1.8 miles plus walking about 1 mile to and fro), then stretches and a little ab work. Kinda pooped out after that!

Will be fasting tomorrow, hope all is well with everyone else.
Re: *Marvellous May*
12 May 2013, 21:56
Good to hear from you debbiejgb. Well done today, i will be fasting with you tomorrow. Monday fasts are my favorite as it gets the week off to a good start.

Oh blueberry scones sound lovely. :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
12 May 2013, 23:32
My Marvellous May is not going so well... Still new to 5:2 and struggling to eat normally (ie. not overeat) on feeding days. I seem to keep losing the same kilo ever since I started 3 weeks ago. It's a little depressing...
I'm hoping this is just an adjustment period. Fasting today - I shouldn't have a problem as I rarely do on fasting days! Might check in at the end of the day.
Re: *Marvellous May*
13 May 2013, 05:38
Hi Guys,

Had a fast yesterday and for the first time I went a little overboard calorie-wise, nothing serious, I think it was the hunger switch. No harm done fortunately as I stayed well below the dreaded TDEE for the entire week. Was rewarded this morning with another drop of .5 kg. Weather lousy here (rainy and cold, more like autumn really). The mention of Regent's Park stirred up a few memories for me - next time you're there would you say hello for me Legoman? I'm off to do me morning things now, making coffee, clearing up kitchen and such like (fascinating, innit?). Have a great day, fasting or otherwise,

Re: *Marvellous May*
13 May 2013, 07:41
Well Done Josie50 with the weight loss a good reward for a long weeks work. I also went over the recommended amount on a fast day last week. I think every now again it just happens. I am glad to be back to my normal fasting routine this week (Monday and Thursday) and I sure will say a big hello for the next time I am back in Regent's park. The flowers were out in full force yesterday. If you want I can take a few pictures for you.

Fredi - Just keep at it and I am sure this way of life will work out for you. It is clear that it’s your normal eating days that are causing you trouble. Maybe try change something this week. You could count calories for this week (Just one week as this will help identify your "feed" day calorie intake). Also If you have not already done so you should calculate your TDEE. But just keep at it Fredi, it may yet be a marvellous May for you. It does sound like you have the hard part done and that you are completing your fast days without trouble.

I am back on my normal fast routine this week (phew!), no client meetings or trips away. I had my weekly weigh in this morning and I lost 0.4kg. Which I am very happy about as last week was a bit all over the place and I ended up drinking one too many pints of Guinness. I also increased my exercise last week and introduced some weights. That was on Friday and my whole body is still in shock and in pain (its sore just lifting my arms).

How is everyone else doing? :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
13 May 2013, 08:03
Hi guys,

Thanks Legoman for your very kind offer and if it's not too much to ask, yes I'd love a photograph! I visited the botanical garden here in Leiden the other week and it was in full bloom, because of the cold April all the trees were flowering at the same time. Stunning!
Fredi, your BMI seems to be in the healthy range, which might make it more difficult to lose weight. Legoman had some wise words there, it makes sense to count cals for a week or so to get a good impression as to what it is you're eating. Over time your appetite will diminish and you'll get there in the end. Weight that's lost slowly will stay off for longer. I wish you all a Marvellous day and best of luck! :heart: josie50
Re: *Marvellous May*
13 May 2013, 08:23
Morning Team Marvellous Amigos!
I'd love to see some pictures too , Legoman.
Had a horrible day yesterday because the numpty management ordered trees cut down and I no longer look out to see beautiful trees. It really threw me and I am still very upset. Fasted no problem but really could not manage to exercise and also had a rough night. So the 30 day shred has now extended to 32 days. But, just finished it and got all the way through without expiring.
I'm going back to Scotland in June and can't wait to see green again, and am also fortunate enough to be getting to Singapore later where there is a superb (I'm told) botanic garden.
Well done josie :victory:
Keep at it Freddi- it will settle down
debbie- lentils with taco seasoning? intriguing! May give that a try. May your roseof sharon settle and bloom prolifically. My seed dilemma isn't my storage but the shops- so many things spoil due to poor storage. I'm on my third batch of yeast that's dead! Hopeless.
The irises sound lovely- my favourite are reticulata- they always managed to survive the SHetland wind!
Hope your slugs are all awandering away dhana
How's your shredding going last push?
Good to hear from all.
Re: *Marvellous May*
13 May 2013, 08:55
A very sunny good morning Marvellous Mayers!
Just had my cup of tea outside in the garden, my patio table is a potting shed :smile: workspace at this time of year, just enough room for my mug of tea in between trays of seedlings and potted on cuttings. I go about for weeks with grimy looking finger nails which I always have to remind myself to scrub before I go out (bag lady - not a good look!) Grass is green and lush and long! must cut it soon. I love London parks and my favourite is St. James's - ahh, happy memories of my late mil and feeding the birds. It is still quite cold here and the sun takes turns about with the rain most days. As we say here, if you don't like the weather just wait five minutes! Janeg, so sorry about your trees - the brutes! They will grow again... Off to prick out a few more seedlings before the rain starts, bye for now.
Re: *Marvellous May*
13 May 2013, 12:06
Okay next time I am in any of the London parks I will take a few pictures. I normally try to get to one every weekend. This weekend I am planning on doing something (weather permitting).
I am having one of those hard fast days today. I don’t know why, but can't stop thinking of food. How is everyone else doing?
Re: *Marvellous May*
13 May 2013, 12:15
Considering that it is 8:15 AM here, just fine! Hope you're able to keep on!
Re: *Marvellous May*
13 May 2013, 13:48
Thanks debbiejgb,
I think it passed still going strong - just drinking a green tea with mint now. Best of lunch with your fast today :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
13 May 2013, 13:54
Hi Legoman,
Best of lunch with your fast today? :lol: Freudian slip perhaps? :smile:
Re: *Marvellous May*
13 May 2013, 14:33
I guess food its still on my mind..

That did make me smile.
Re: *Marvellous May*
13 May 2013, 17:23
Hello, hello :)

Sorry for being so quiet recently - I was away all weekend so didn't have the chance to keep you all updated.

The weekend away meant that I ate more than I would have normally, but I also walked around London a LOT - so I think I probably burnt a fair amount of the food off! (Well, I hope anyway... too scared to step on the scales to be honest).

I've also had a lunch meeting at work today so wasn't able to do my normal Monday fast :( I'm thoroughly looking forward to fasting tomorrow, however!!

It's great hearing how well you're all doing! I'm still running, dancing, walking and doing pilates! I'm enjoying the running a strange amount and would like to do it everyday but I'm trying to avoid getting shin-splints again so I'm 'behaving' myself and running roughly every other day.

I feel like I've fallen off the wagon a bit this last week so I really need to get back on it - there is still lots of may to be marvellous in, so I guess all is not lost!!

That's great that you've bought new clothes lego man!! I'm so looking forward to 'having' to buy some new, slimmer, clothes :D

I'm also really looking forward to being proud of my body instead of feeling a bit awkward about it!

Out of interest, do any of you have family/friends/office mates etc in 'the real world' that are fasting? Do people know that you're 5:2'ing? If so, what do they think?

H x
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