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Re: *Jubilant June*
09 Jun 2013, 21:46
Thanks Lesley 54 and Legoman,

Yes, I will try and be good. Had a couple of 'off-days', but then I remembered this has happened to other people as well and they seem to have managed to pick themselves up again and go on, one of the great things of this WoE. At the end of another fast days again and I feel a lot better for it. Lovely video Hummingbird, glad to hear that your run went well. Will be watching your YouTube link now, Legoman, thanks! O, btw did you think about growing veggies in hanging baskets? The latest episode of GQT had an item about those. If you're interested, you can listen to it here: A lovely week to all of you!
Re: *Jubilant June*
09 Jun 2013, 22:32
Well done all of you! I'm new to this WOE but have already somehow managed to lose 4lbs in 2 weeks! So excited to see more results. I've got a long haul and my first goal is to look reasonably decent in a pair of shorts for the festival season!!! Plus I don't want to be looking like a beached whale if the weather stays like this! :)

Good Luck everyone!
Re: *Jubilant June*
10 Jun 2013, 07:26
Good Morning Team Jubilant,

Wow you’re off to a great start Hannahlou91, I know this WOE works, so just keep at it and you will reach your goals.

Today strangely is not a fast day for me, I have friends coming over to mine for dinner later on and its best just to push the fast day tomorrow. Feels weird having breakfast today...

Had my usual weight in this morning and I lost 300g last week, I am very happy with that as I had a really good weekend.

Good luck to everyone today, and I hope we all had fun weekends :-)
Re: *Jubilant June*
10 Jun 2013, 10:40
Hi everyone,

Had a lovely weekend with youngest's party. The Lego chocolate cake was a great success, and so easy to do. Afraid there were no leftovers for you Legoman! The recipe I do for the cake is Nigella's sour cream chocolate cake which is quite a dark cake, but my kids prefer it and it's much less sweet that a standard chocolate Victoria.

We didn't over-cater too much on the party food, and I made sure that the other parents ate up most of what was left, so I didn't over-indulge and we then had salad three times over the rest of the weekend, so hopefully not too much damage done on the weight front.

Fasting today - I'm now properly in a routine that works well for me. I have a large thermal cafetiere so I work my way through that during the morning, allowing myself milk in each mugful in it - I've tried it without milk but just can't do it. Then water, green tea and herbal tea throughout the afternoon. Just the one meal around 'teatime' (we eat with the boys) which is either stirfry, Asian soup, or a salad.
Re: *Jubilant June*
10 Jun 2013, 11:02
Um Lego choc cake sounded yum
Time to crash but got through a fast day around 400 cals in and have enough room for a lovely cuppa just as I like it in am until time to break fast. Maxy loving his walks but he was in such a hurry to get home tonight which was rather fabulous as we got a nice pace happening. Must have wanted his dinner, he will be slimmer too :)
All the best for fellow Jubilants
Re: *Jubilant June*
10 Jun 2013, 11:14
Had a fabulous weekend in Brighton, and walked from Rottingdean to Hove yesterday, on the undercliff walk. Considering that I really am a couch potato I was amazed at how energetic I felt! Rather overdid the alcohol which will probably counter balance the walk!
Another week 'jubilant juners' with fasts Tuesday and Thursday and 16.8 in between.
Re: *Jubilant June*
10 Jun 2013, 11:43
Getting homesick after reading that Hairyjane, I used to live in Rottingdean before moving to Cornwall. I've walked and cycled the undercliff walk so many times but never got as far as Hove, I'm sure that long walk will more than counterbalance any alcohol.

Another fast day for me today, I just had a half hour walk with the dog this morning, I'm feeling tired and weary atm. I'll try to take her further this afternoon as I'm back into size 16 trousers - I did get into size 14! I'm still 10 stone so I don't understand what's happening.
Re: *Jubilant June*
10 Jun 2013, 12:18
Hello all

Realised I joined this thread back at the start of June, but haven't really kept up with it - just had a good read through the last 10 days of posts!

Sounds like lots of people are having a more active June - the lovely weather we've had here in the UK has definitely helped. I was hoping to increase my exercise and I'm not sure how much that has happened. I'm generally fairly active anyway, I bike to & from work 3 times a week (45 mins there & back) and walk into town at least once a week (an hour there & back), and I've thrown a few morning runs in too.

I've just had a lovely long relaxed weekend with my husband after he was away for 10 days - lovely food balanced with getting out & about & active. Now half way through my first fast of the week and so far so good.
Re: *Jubilant June*
10 Jun 2013, 15:18
Hello All! I am back from my long weekend. Scales showed an increase of 2 lbs - but I am guessing part of that is the Chinese I ate yesterday. Although I did not fast on Thursday, I did the 8/16 Thurs through Sat - and, other than one day, ate pretty sensibly. So I'll check the scales again tomorrow and see what 's happened. Also, this week I'll be switching from Thursday to Wednesday as I am donating blood, so want to eat well before doing that! While away last weekend, I did a LOT of walking, some fairly fast paced, but a lot of crawling through museums. I really had a great time and am re-energized for the week.

Take Care all!
Re: *Jubilant June*
10 Jun 2013, 23:07
Good evening!

Got back from my long weekend in Cardiff last night and I had a fab time. Managed not to eat to excess - on Saturday we had fish and chips at Barry Island and a few hours later everyone wanted to go for dinner and I just couldn't manage it. Goes to show what 9 months of this WOE can do for you! Didn't feel like I was missing out, just felt like I didn't need any more food. Noticed all my "naturally" skinny friends did the same. Think I've finally found their secret!! Also spent a lot of time in the park playing games because it was so sunny. Seems I was lucky to avoid the cold weather back in London.

Straight back into a fast day today and feeling good. Haven't weighed myself in a while as I prefer not to see the fluctuations. Hoping that by the end of June I will have maintained my loss. It's been a busy couple of months so not hoping for any miracles!

Nice to come back and catch up with all your posts - seems that you are all doing well :grin:

Re: *Jubilant June*
11 Jun 2013, 07:44
Hello fellow Jubilant Juners :smile:

I'll be feeling more jubilant come 6pm when I "gorge" myself on my measly allocation of fast day soup. I'm trying to make up for my relaxed long weekend... but I did, as promised, walk the dog - long walks.. she however is loosing weight and being a skinny, pinny, pointer doesn't need to... whereas the 2 hours of walking yesterday made me ravenous for breakfast, lunch & dinner !

Silly me, stepped on the scales when we got home last night even though I vowed I wouldn't look at them until after my 2nd fast day this week... oh well that did motivate me to jump on the exercise bike and dust of the yoga DVD this morning. Now I just have to keep this up !

My weekend reading material was Kate Harrison's 5:2 book which was very motivational, informative & readable - I'd recommend - it was especially enjoyable with a glass of wine (and I even think she'd approve !) :)) :wink:
Re: *Jubilant June*
11 Jun 2013, 07:59
Good morning everyone,

Well yesterday was a strange day, I cooked for some friends and even made nice deserts. Was strange not fasting on a Monday. So that makes today my first fast of the week. I will do Tuesday and Thursday this week and I think the same next week – then back to my normal routine.

I have managed to hurt myself, nothing serious I hope.. but If I do not see an improvement today – will get it checked out in the doctors tomorrow.

I hope everyone is doing well, and happy fasting for those of us fasting today.
Re: *Jubilant June*
11 Jun 2013, 08:22
Morning all :)

Today started with my first ever 15 minute run!! I'm so chuffed that I actually managed it; on my app it goes from running 10 mins to 15mins which I thought would be a huge jump, but I survived! Next stop - 20mins straight! How exciting :)

My fast yesterday went really well... until my friend baked cookies :s So I ate way over 500, but still got a 22 hour fast in and ate less than I used so I guess all is not lost.... I do really need to stop doing that though! No wonder I'm pretty much not losing weight!!

You're hurt again Legoman? Noooo :( I hope you get better soon!!

Have lovely, healthy, active days one and all :)

H x
Re: *Jubilant June*
11 Jun 2013, 08:28
Hi everyone,

No_More_Mrs_Michelin I am intrigued by your lego cake, sounds like something my son would love - have you got any pics??

I'm still exercising and I fasted yesterday, the next fast is planned for tomorrow as I will be going to the dentist then flying to Edinburgh in the evening, so I thought it was as good a day as any to get the second fast done. After that we are having a long weekend with a bit of exploring Edinburgh, eating in restaurants and a wedding on Saturday before coming back on Sunday, so lets hope I don't go too mad!

Have a good day everyone!
Re: *Jubilant June*
11 Jun 2013, 14:22
Since you've requested, I'll have a go at getting my first picture posted on here. Here's the Lego cake in all it's glory. It's a 9 inch square cake, and I used Nigella's sour cream chocolate cake recipe, but iced with buttercream
Lego Cake.JPG
Lego Cake
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