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Re: *Jubilant June*
05 Jun 2013, 21:55
You guys are all inspiring me. Will definitely be going for a run tomorrow - as I pledged I would for jubilant June. Will let you know how it goes! X
Re: *Jubilant June*
05 Jun 2013, 22:13
Not had chance to post since Monday as I've just been too busy. Well done everyone on the exercise front. Glad the shoes are working Hummingbird - I bet they make all the difference. A two hour walk is great on a weekend when you have the leisure time Legoman, but I'm not sure I'd want to do it after work - quite an achievement there!

I feel like I've let everyone down on exercise as I failed to make it to aquafit this evening despite telling you all that I would do. I will do better and go to next Wednesday's session though. Meanwhile on with the Callanetics for those batwings. When I last did them I was in my twenties and I didn't have batwings - now I do and they need to go! I'm also just generally trying to fidget more, particularly my legs. So whilst sat working at the computer I'm keeping those toes wriggling flexing my feet and rotating my ankles. I do think that's having an effect as they are definitely less puffy than they used to be after a long work session.

I had meeting out today (rare for me) and while waiting at the bus stop I made sure I was working those core muscles. I'm just generally trying to fit in Pilates-type moves whenever I can and trying to make it a proper habit. The people met up with haven't seen me since the start of March and whilst they are the type to all be too polite to mention weight, I did get a few saying 'you're looking really well' so that felt really good.

I'm doing better portion sizes on non-fast days too - I'm finding that I don't want to eat as many carbs as before, so I've finally learnt to cook less pasta/potatoes and haven't had that carb-bloat feeling this week (we are only a few days in though, so not sure I've totally dealt with this one yet)

Tonight I'm afraid I've been messing around with chocolate and silicon Lego moulds. Good job it's not a fast day! I did have a smaller evening meal to make up for chocolate sampling as I knew I'd be doing this. It's my youngest's 5th birthday next week and we have a joint party at the weekend with another child in his class. He has requested a chocolate Lego cake and I found these moulds on the internet, so I'm aiming for a simple square cake, covered in icing and then these moulded bricks and men just stuck on round the sides and on the top. I will find out in the morning if they come out of the moulds OK. Officially they are meant for icecubes, but I'm hoping it will still work with chocolate. Thankfully for nibbling purposes a 200g bar just fills the moulds up with hardly any left for me to scrape out of the bowl, so I haven't sampled too much of it!

Tomorrow is a fast day, so I must not eat any failed Lego bricks! I must get them out straight after the school run as I find I'm not hungry in the morning, so will be able to resist them whereas it might be a disaster for me to see them in the afternoon!
Re: *Jubilant June*
06 Jun 2013, 06:48
Good morning Jubilant Juners!

How did the Lego chocolates come out No_More_Mrs_Michelin? I've used those moulds for jellies before with great success so hope you had success too! Not sure I could have made them without eating at least half of the melted chocolate though :oops:

I was at a show last night (Rock of Ages) so had perhaps one or two too many beers. Still fast day today and then off to Cardiff/Barry Island for a long weekend. Love taking Friday off work!
Re: *Jubilant June*
06 Jun 2013, 07:23
Wow well done everyone,

By the sounds of it we are off to a great start. Wow that present sounds amazing Faye! I am sure he will love it, and I hope that you’re not too hung over this morning...

That’s great about the shoes and well done, if you’re running for 10 minutes straight now you’re not too far away from running a 5k :-)

Did you get your morning run in Beckiec101? I am thinking of going for a run either this evening or tomorrow morning – this Jubilant team has a way of motivating you doesn’t it..

No_More_Mrs_Michelin – Look at my name.. I just have to get a chocolate Lego brick... Yum (with a capital Y!). I too hope that they come out of their moulds intact. Like you I am fasting today second fast of June and really looking forward to it.

What was Rock of Ages like Imajen8tion? I need to start going to more shows and was thinking about going to that one? And Wow Enjoy your long weekend :-)

So yesterday went pretty well, my first bit of intense exercise since Sunday and my body held up, my cut is on the road to recovery, and I have a tight hamstring but nothing serious.
I might try a liquid only fast today as I might indulge myself this weekend.

Good luck everyone and especially today’s fasters :-)
Re: *Jubilant June*
06 Jun 2013, 08:09
Another fast day today, I didn't sleep much last night so I took the dog for an early walk. Instead of our usual 20 minute amble we had a 50 minute not quite brisk walk, it was so pleasant, the Cornish hedges are at their best at this time of year, masses of colourful wild flowers everywhere. What a lovely way to start the day and at the same time the extra exercise should be good for me.
Good luck Team Jubilant, especially anyone running today. :smile:
Re: *Jubilant June*
06 Jun 2013, 08:32
Today is my 2nd 5:2fast within16:8 window soon to have my soup dinner and I am going well. It's wet here so no walk for Maxy our dog, will make amends ASAP. It is a relief to feel back on track as first fast gave me doubts.

Hope everyone else in jubilant June going well :)
Re: *Jubilant June*
06 Jun 2013, 08:56
The Lego chocolate bricks have turned out fine. No failures at all with them, so no need to nibble on them and ruin the fast today! Secret trick is to let them set naturally and then pop them in the freezer for five minutes just before you turn them out (otherwise the studs might snap off). I did lick the spoon last night, but that's OK, there wasn't much left over once I'd filled the moulds.

You can get the moulds on Amazon, so you could use the site link on here and go get them that way. I had a feeling that you Legoman might be a fan. :razz:
I'll definitely be using them again for ice cubes, icecream and jelly too. They are heatproof as well, so maybe even little cakes? The men are probably too small and detailed for that, but the bricks might work. I've kept them hidden from the boys so they've no idea what the cake is going to look like - hope they'll be impressed!

My brother had loads of Lego bought by our grandfather when we were young and I always loved playing with it (my grandfather was old fashioned, so I got dolls but never played with them!)

Both my boys are Lego obsessed right now and we have it everywhere. We took them to Legoland in the Easter holidays just to feed their obsession. We've got a lot of my brother's Lego here now (my mother kept it, and my brother now lives abroad). Plus we've bought lots of new Lego since and I've bought various items on ebay.

Anyway, another fast day today and I'm already down on last weeks weigh in after the first fast this week, so that's looking promising for this weeks weight loss. Normally after a Monday fast I am just back to my Friday weigh in weight, as the weekends tend to be a bit more indulgent but the nice weather last weekend meant we had salad at every meal, and I think my new-found lack of snacking is starting to help too.
Re: *Jubilant June*
06 Jun 2013, 16:04
Legoman wrote: Wow well done everyone,

By the sounds of it we are off to a great start. Wow that present sounds amazing Faye! I am sure he will love it, and I hope that you’re not too hung over this morning...

Haha luckily not as I had a long day of placement - we kept it civilised and only had one pitcher!

I, too, am on my 2nd fast of June today and it's going fine. Off home to my parents' tomorrow though which is always a calorie-fest!
Re: *Jubilant June*
06 Jun 2013, 17:36
Wow - lego chocolates!!! That sounds amazing... maybe I'll ask for a lego cake for my next birthday! I'm happy being a big kid :p... I wonder if anyone has ever had a lego themed wedding cake.... (google says yes).

Today exercise is, sadly, not going to happen as I'm feeling quite unwell... some kind of mix between flu/a cold and laryngitis I think... my voice had abandoned me! I'm hoping that it will return in time for an important meeting tomorrow, otherwise I'm going to be interprative-dancing my PhD to some very bemused professors!

On the plus, feeling unwell is making my fast surprisingly easy as I'm really not interested in food anyway! So this one is definitely going to be a 36hr fast :) swings and roundabouts :)

How is everyone else doing?

H x
Re: *Jubilant June*
06 Jun 2013, 20:26
No_More_Mrs_Michelin - Glad to hear your Lego chocolates turned out well. I hope your son loves the cake!

Legoman - I love the theatre but there aren't many shows I would see twice. Rock of Ages is definitely one of them. Don't judge me - I've seen it several times with different groups of friends and family. It's all 80s rock ballads and fishnets so exactly what I want from a night out! Highly recommended :smile:

As for today's fast, I've made it through. Helped that work was manic so only just got back - no time to think about food. Now ready for a good weekend away with good company. Hope you all have a good one!

Re: *Jubilant June*
06 Jun 2013, 20:31
And Hummingbird, I hope you feel better and that your meeting tomorrow goes well. Take it easy, though I love the idea of you interpretive dancing to your professors!
Re: *Jubilant June*
07 Jun 2013, 00:02
Great news! I lost1.6kgs this week and total 8 kgs in 11 weeks. What have I done different this week? I have completed 3 of my 4 walks that I committed to here and I ate 3 small meals on my Tuesday fast and managed to last till dinner yesterday but only ate about 300 cals as that is what I am used to eating for fast dinner. Anyway, am very happy and Thankyou ThankyouThankyou for all of your support and interesting posts. : )
Re: *Jubilant June*
07 Jun 2013, 01:59
Greetings to all from Indiana! It sounds like y'all are doing great - except Hummingbird - and I hope you are feeling well now!

Since I was traveling I did not feel like doing a strict fast, so I changed to a 8/16 and think I will do it for the rest of the week, I hope. My son and I are here and he is attending a comedy festival. I am the designated driver (he does not drive yet). So we went for a long walk around downtown (from the motel, there and back, about 3 miles). I was tired after that! I will be doing more walking, check out Indiana University, and maybe sneak into one of their practice rooms and play my clarinet a bit. I am enjoying not having to be anywhere in particular.

I hope everything continues to go well for everyone. Take Care!
Re: *Jubilant June*
07 Jun 2013, 02:17
Hello Jubilant Juners - can I play too ?? :smile:

I joined a few days ago and I'm having a sneaky peak at the website at work, which helps me keep motivated to stay on track whilst my workmates eat lunch... and, as I write from a wet & cold Melbourne, the smell of soups and left-over dinners are wafting around the office! :starving:

But after 3 weeks of 5:2, the fact that my clothes are a little looser and the scales are little lighter is great incentive not to waiver. :grin:

So now I just need the motivation to step up the pace a bit and include some exercise apart from walking my very energetic dog who tends to pull me up hills anyway !

Reading through all your positive posts and knowing if I'm to report back to you all in a week will make me jump on my exercise bike and get the yoga dvd back out of the cupboard... but oh... excuse already :sidefrown: we have a long weekend here (yeah!) and we're heading off for the weekend. But I promise to walk the dog ! (not that she'd let me forget !!) :grin:

Wishing you all a good weekend too !
Re: *Jubilant June*
07 Jun 2013, 06:05
Good morning all :)

It's another beautiful day here in my part of the UK and I'm feeling a bit healthier which is a relief!!

Welcome roserobin59 :) I hope we can motivate you to do more exercise! I know what you mean about being able to smell everyone else's' lunch at work and quickly having a peek at the forum for motivation/support!!

I've successfully completed my liquid fast! *Hurrah* Not running today, but I have ballet rehearsals later so I should get a reasonable amount of exercise from that :)

Talking of dancing... there is a 5:2-er in this flash-mob :p

Good luck today everyone - whether you're fasting, eating healthily or squeezing in some extra exercise :)

H x
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