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This thread is very inspiring! Thank you everyone for posting here and sharing your experiences.

I am just clocking up a month on 5:2 and I have to say that I love this WOE; judging by my body's response it's exactly what I needed! I love how I feel on fast days, I love how I've stopped snacking, I love how I now eat less, and most of all I love how effortless and easy it has been. The weight loss feels less like the main thing and more like a wonderful bonus. I am definitely in this for the long haul!
Will def be here in one month. Have just had 2 and a 1/2 weeks off the plan (Easter chocs & all inclusive holiday!!!) and have put on 7 1/2 pounds - so need to loose it again. I had lost 1st since Jan so know it is achievable ...
My weight loss is slower than I would like but the weight loss is just one of the benefits. The benefit that has the biggest impact on my life is the freedom from guilt. This has been amazing.
In the last few months we have entertained numerous times; I have shared ice cream and treats with my kids; I have been on holiday; I have had a guilt-free conscience; I have lost several cms and a few I am a very happy bunny all in all.
I think weight loss is not just a destination but a journey to enjoy and I am enjoying it, including the fast days so there's no reason to give up.
Hi all, just checking in. 3 months on and I'm still here. Not lost a vast amount compared to some, especially over the last four weeks where weight has been up and down - but still finding the fasts pretty easy and am optimistic that I will lose some more. Here's to the next 3 months!
I reckon I'll still be here. I actually really enjoy my fast days. And I enjoy how creative it makes my cookery. I can't see myself giving up even if the weightloss does stop.
I'm getting married in September so I hope to lose at least a stone before then and get my tummy down in circumference a bit! I've lost 7lbs since starting 5:2 in Feb so I'm certainly planning to keep going!
I think that the obsession with weight loss (myself included) may be a problem. If there were ways, besides stepping on scales and getting out the tape, of measuring the other beneficial effects of fasting then perhaps the recidivism rate can be lowered.
I intend to be also. I actually look forward to the fast days. Never thought I'd be happy to go withoul eating all day!! Only been on this WOE for a short while but it seems so easy.
I will for sure as this is the first diet that feels sustainable in the long run. I'm not having any problem with the low calorie days and the fact that I can switch them around feels easy.
Gillb wrote: At present the Fast diet seems so sustainable.

Had to smile at present this seems so sustainable. :cool: I hope it becomes so. It doesn't feel that at present, week 3 and ate too much on fast day today
Hi, I started this post quite a while ago and love to read all the positive comments here. I'm still here at three months and plan to keep going. Fast days seem quite normal now.
Just realized I've passed the 3 month mark and still going strong. I started this WOE on 14th January and have lost a stone and am now no longer obese. Haven't lost anything in the last month (put this down to weekends away, social events and Easter) even though I've managed to continue fasting 2 days a week which is the longest I've ever stuck to a 'diet'. Still a long way to go so now the kids have gone back to school I'm going to make a real effort to curb my eating a bit on feed days and hope to get back to losing again.
Here's to another 3 months.
I'm not here anymore... ;)
I am quite optimistic about this. My fast days have been reasonably easy, once I realized that I am better at not eat while I am at work than I am when I am in my home. I like that I am learning what hunger feels like, and that I am learning to eat "normally". I will be thrilled if it also gets me to my goal weight.

Should weight loss stop though I will just put more control onto my non-fasting days.
I'm in this for the long haul, my weightloss is very slow due to underactive thyroid but as this is a condition for life, I will have to watch my weight for life, I have now lost 5lbs over 6/7 weeks which is not a lot but at least it is moving on a downward trend and I feel good on my fast days. SO, this is now my life plan! I doubt whether I will ever get to the maintenance bit but I'm not too worried about that.
I do hope that those of you who do manage to get to maintain will stay in touch and still post your stories or in a few months time I won't recognise anyone!! Toni x
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