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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I am still here after almost 3 months (will be 3 months next week) and still going strong! This is the longest I have ever stuck to anything! Glad to see lots of familiar names are still here too.
I am still here - 3 and a half months. I am trying to increase my exercise now rather than lose weight. I am hoping this will help me tone up and lose inches that way. I only do a kind of half fast - just tea/coffee through the day then a light meal at night with the family.
Hi, I would really like to be here in 3 months time. I started this a week before I went on holiday and restarted this week. I have found this week tougher, work stress has always played a big part in my junk eating and this week was stressful. However I did manage 2 fast days. One at the weekend and one during the week. I have to say that the day after my fast day I do feel, bit like out of sorts.... Hungry and bit grumpy. Just wondered if this settles down? Fast days I'm focused on not eating anything I haven't planned and hard though it is in the evening, I have managed.
I love the focus being only 2 days, and I feel the most 'normal' I have ever felt in a long time.
So, yes I will be here in 3 months and be able to say, yes I have settled down into a pattern and life is good and weight is not only coming off but staying off!
:like: :grin:
Yep. I'm still here. Over 3 months now for me. I find this so easy to do, so can see me doing this long term.
I wouldn't say I 'look forward' to fast days but accept them as being a normal part of my life now.
Here's to another 3 months!

I'm still here too! - 3 months 3 days - and so very happy to be here. :smile: This is the most amazing forum - the knowledge, information and support is absolutely invaluable - thanks to everyone. You are all making this so much easier - there's help/advice/support at the end of the keyboard and, having met up with the lovely Doodle, there's even new friends - how good is that :like: Will I still be here in 3 years time ? - well not necessarily on the daily basis that I am now ('cos at the moment I'm fanatical) - but I know that 5:2 is now with me for life and so, if nothing else, I'll be popping back on and off this forum to keep track of my new cyber friends! Thank you everyone :heart:
Me (from today).

I do not have to eat foods I do not like.
I do not have to shun foods I love.

I just need to follow the guidelines (600 cal. or less two non-consecutive days a week, an average of 2400 (for me) for the other five days), and I lose a pound a week.

I'm still here, must be about 3 months now.
I'd forgotten about this! I'm still here too. At the start I had a goal of 28 fasts in mind because I find doing something 28 times forms a habit for me. I have 36 fasts under my belt now and really feel like it's a normal part of my life.
Thanks Redhead for reviving this thread, I'd forgotten about it as well. I will certainly be here in three months' time. I started 4:3-ing on the 1st of April. If all goes to plan I will have reached my target weight by the end of July and definitely will want to stay here for the information, support and contact. So best of luck to all of you.
redhead wrote: I have 36 fasts under my belt now and really feel like it's a normal part of my life.

I agree; I'm nearly five months into this and fasting fits right into my life so easily. I'm retired and happy to be flexible about when I fast; I wake up and think about the day's activities and decide whether or not I'm going to fast that day. No big deal either way, but if I've had several days without fasting, I find myself actually looking forward to the next fast as a relief!
Yes still here! It is so easy to do and part of my routine now. I have not weighed myself for over a month but i know I have lost weight. I can tell by my clothes and the mirror! Fasting two days a week is something i will do forever now! I wll weigh myself soon and post the results, but it will happen in its own time and the fact that i feel so good is the most important thing.
I'm still here too - over three months fasting Mondays and Wednesdays. I find it really easy now and quite enjoy the fasting days. I love the flexibility as sometimes I have to shift the fasting days for work or social reasons, and also like that I can have treats on feed days if I want to without feeling guilty and still lose weight. I have been surprised to find that I generally don't overeat on feed days as my sugar cravings seem to have diminished.
This forum has been a huge support to me so thanks to everyone who contributes :smile: .
It's great that this post is still going over 3 months from when it started, thank you Gillb.
I am still here & it's good to still see many oldies as well as lots of international new people. I will certainly be here for another three months & more until I reach my goal weight & then will need the forums support to try to maintain the new slim me. That has always been the difficult thing for me to do. But so far I have lost 14 lbs 5:2 ing & a total of 22 lbs since Christmas so I reckon I will 5:2ing at least until next year to get down to my goal weight.
However this is great because I can have a foody social life, lose weight after being on holiday, get health benefits & most importantly feel in control of my eating rather than feel guilty about eating in case I put on weight :grin:
I have also considerably revised what I eat so NO low fat foods anymore & smaller amounts of everything since my appetite has also been re-educated so this is now a WOL for life. :smile:
But is Gillb still here???? Cooeee, are you there Gill?

I've been 5:2ing since the start of November so that's 6 months now...
Hi started with 5:2 in Feb and still here. My whole attitude towards food has changed, I no longer eat everything on the plate as I can actually realise for the first time when to stop! It's brilliant. Have just returned from a five day break, did not eat in between meals and continually graze, however enjoyed eating out every night and drinking wine...only had one desert! Another amazing milestone for me!! So I plan to continue with this WOE as I actually am begining to feel comfortable in my body ...if that makes any sense.
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