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I am in.......need to get to goal for Xmas. I tend to do better during the winter, prob as less school holidays. Looking at 8lb for now.
Now that I've finished my half marathon training I need a new focus.....apart from my next half of course. Lol.
Trying a low carb approach at the moment. So will go and re open the low carb tent flaps.
Yay, I'm in for my first challenge! :smile:
Bit late to the fray... I'm currently 76.7 kilos (as of Tuesday). I'm not going to set a specific weight loss goal in numbers for the challenge, instead I just (hah!) intend to lose, not put on.
I am currently working on 4:3, with fasts Mon Wed Fri, so my goal is also to maintain at least two fast days a week. I've managed to do this so far since starting late July (except for last week when I was at and then travelling back from a conference).
Fridays are the worst, which is what brought me here today!

Good luck everyone! :clover:
Hi! I'm in. Vacations put a 5 lb. :cry: bump in my maintenance schedule. So, I'm in for 5 and I'll raise the ante 1 more lb! I will weigh tomorrow at the crack of dawn here in the Nevada desert and know where I'm at and where I'm going. Down, down, down, I hope! :wink:
Welcome @carieoates @cwarrior @bordergirl and good luck with your challenges :clover:
Here is my weekly Sat morning check in. I'm on track, weighed in this morning, 1lb down on last week and comfortably within my 5lb maintenance range. Happy faster :grin:
A big challenge for me to get through during this challenge is when the daylight hours change at the end of October, last year I 'felt' it for the first time ever .... a really weird experience for a couple of weeks, it's hard to explain. I just felt very disconnected within ...., not down, sad or anxious, just disconnected with myself. They say adjusting to the changing of time gets harder as we grow older, it's hard for our children, our mental health and wellbeing. Time is regularly debated in the UK, any changes mean one or more of our regions will lose out, socially, economically ..... Last year I ate winter greens every day for weeks and VitD supplement. I got through :smile: This year to avoid being hoodwinked I'm preparing well ahead, we have winter greens for dinner tonight, I'm 6 weeks ahead of the game. Packing them in :wink:
Thanks for tagging me, looks like a great start @Lizbean! I weigh myself on Tuesdays, so will post then with this weeks progress...
Lizbean wrote: A big challenge for me to get through during this challenge is when the daylight hours change at the end of October...

Your link just sent me off on an internet hunt, I also find this time of year challenging. I think I may try lamp as I have a lot of studying to do and being stuck in my dark study space is very depressing, even though I have the main light on and two spotlights!
On another note, I started this fasting journey in summer, when salads are easy to eat. Any tips from seasoned winter fasters for hot food? I'm thinking soups... Any good ones using green veggies?
Thanks for the welcome! Yup, it's time! Weighed in this AM before coffee, and I was 139 lbs., just shy of the dreaded 10 stone. I'm fasting today--3 almonds for breakfast; chicken, steamed kale and tasty pico de gallo salsa for lunch; planning a salad with balsamic vinegar and small piece of broiled salmon for supper. I should come in right at 500 calories. :wink: Now I need to hop on the eliptical and elipt a bit. I'll check back in tomorrow. :cool:
This should be an interesting challenge for me. I won't be reunited with my scales until November 8. I want to maintain, but I'll have to use clothes as a guide until then. But I'm all in!
I'm fasting today - weigh in tomorrow. I began the challenge last Monday at 11st 3.75, up 1.25lbs in the 2 wks since the end of the last challenge. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back under 11st 3. I'd love to be losing but its years since I've weighed this little - even maintaining would be an achievement. Monday - Wed will be packed with work this week, then I've a family occasion & long weekend beginning Thurs. Not at all sure there'll be a second fast this week. Should be back on the wagon next Sunday though!
Oops - seems to have posted twice! Don't know how to delete this second one - if any one does, please feel free to do so.
Well, yesterday's fast went well--easier than the recent ones have gone. Maybe it's the Spring into Fall Challenge? When I weighed this AM pre-coffee, I was down a lb. to 138. :grin: Then, coffee and watching a bit of the Solheim Cup. It seemed to me that the U.S. was going down to defeat (something like US 8, EUROS 12.5). I came back from walking my dog Baxter around the block(25 minutes) to hear my husband cheering the U.S. win, 14.5 to 13.5. I thought he was hallucinating, but not the case. :smile:
Amazing golf from both teams! Eating normally today and back to a fast tomorrow. Tomorrow's scale number will be interesting. :?: Hope you all are having a great day! :heart:
Hi folks - 9 weeks to go by my calculations so I am going to aim for a stone - as I have a lot to lose I'm hoping it might drop off quite quickly to start with - ever the optimist, me!
Thanks my little beany @Lizbean I LOVE this challenge...a sort of pre-Christmas event that will make getting ready for Christmas that much easier!
I'd like to join in and aim to lose half a stone, although the rate I'm going I'll be lucky to lose a pound!! :(
Good luck everyone xx
Began last Mon at 11st 3.75, weigh in today 11st 2.5. Not really a loss as I've been this weight on & off since the end of August, but glad to maintain rather than pile it back on!
Great start Warrior Princess! :victory: I'm 138.8 today--but I am definitely calling it 138! Fasting today--a few pecans and much coffee for breakfast, for lunch and fish & veg for supper. Hopefully that will do the trick! Good luck everyone. :clover:
Hi all! I just done my first fast day.....wasn't too bed now, so relieved I stuck it out! Must say my 500 calls were tasty!!! Who knew cucumber could taste so darn gud!!! I'm up for doing
spring into Autumn. I've 21lbs I wanna shift! Cannot wait for toast n eggs in mornin!!!!!
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