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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Had a very busy weekend again. Worked out twice on Saturday (and am really feeling it still today :shock: ). Anywho, my weight on my Friday weigh-in was 147.2 pounds, which is a 2-pound loss since last week! Looks like the workouts are paying off. I just hope to continue with a downward trend and not to go into another yo-yo phase.
Poo, started a long message and it vanished :shock:
Anyway, I'm low carbing and have been for just over a week as part of my challenge, the proof will be in the lack of pudding when I stand on the scales in the morning.
Low carb in the dust bowl ain't easy I can tell you. Good quality cream is as rare as hen's teeth, most of it is adulterated rubbish. I wouldn't touch the meat with a barge pole and the imported cheese and free range eggs are expensive.
However, I have discovered a world of local cheeses and labnehs and weird and wonderful dips, mostly involving aubergine. Luckily we don't buy into the whole expat brunch scene so that saves us calories and money. We are also dry at the moment until I get my liquor licence so that has also saved calories although OH has been a bit angst ridden over it :lol:
Jersey milk double cream.
I'll just leave that there.
Hi everyone: My weigh in on Saturday I was down 1.8 since starting this challenge. I'm hoping to lose 10 lbs. by the end of this. I'm doing 4:3 and low carb most days. Oh and I tend to allow myself more than 500 cals. on my fasting days because of doing 4:3. Between 500-750.
Hope everyone is having a good week and a good start.
I've lost 2lb so far.... But I had gained some during my race training so a way to go yet. :victory: :victory:
cwarrior wrote: Thanks for tagging me, looks like a great start @Lizbean! I weigh myself on Tuesdays, so will post then with this weeks progress...
Lizbean wrote: A big challenge for me to get through during this challenge is when the daylight hours change at the end of October...

Your link just sent me off on an internet hunt, I also find this time of year challenging. I think I may try lamp as I have a lot of studying to do and being stuck in my dark study space is very depressing, even though I have the main light on and two spotlights!
On another note, I started this fasting journey in summer, when salads are easy to eat. Any tips from seasoned winter fasters for hot food? I'm thinking soups... Any good ones using green veggies?

Hi @cwarrior my advice is just eat what you would normally enjoy in autumn but be mindful you eat good carbs and watch your portion size. Last year I upped the veggies to compensate my reduction of carbs. Yes, soups, casseroles with a good balance of protein. I increase oily fish, mackerel, herring, salmon, sardines, anchovies for omega-3s. Also Flaxseed, hemp, canola and walnut oils are all rich sources.
I've also decided to invest in a lamp(s) for the family. Yet to research the best reviews. It would be great to be able to change the home/work light bulbs instead! :clover:
Madcatlady wrote: Hi folks - 9 weeks to go by my calculations so I am going to aim for a stone - as I have a lot to lose I'm hoping it might drop off quite quickly to start with - ever the optimist, me!

Hi @Madcatlady once you drop quickly, easy does it as you can roll on your remaining goal to the Xmas/New challenge and beyond to 2016. Drop a bit of weight and then maintain for a good while, and then lose and maintain again seems to work for many. My advice is not to slash and then burn x
Hi @Lilygarden welcome and congrats to you on your first fast with fastday. We are a friendly and supportive group :wink: There is an introduce yourself thread .... where we share our goal and anything else we feel is relevant ..... I lost 23 lbs, it was very attainable for me thanks to my fab fast day friends support, now 9 months maintaining, whoop :heart: A daily visit is my prescription for success. Check out the maintaining conversation thread, we check in regularly to keep on track so do join us as that is our end game. What days are you fasting? We have a daily fasting thread, have you seen it? Take it easy and do keep in touch. :clover:
Lilygarden wrote: Hi all! I just done my first fast day.....wasn't too bed now, so relieved I stuck it out! Must say my 500 calls were tasty!!! Who knew cucumber could taste so darn gud!!! I'm up for doing spring into Autumn. I've 21lbs I wanna shift! Cannot wait for toast n eggs in mornin!!!!!
Weekly weigh in is 126lbs, up a tad, still on track, comfortably within my maintaining range. It's been an interesting week - two away days with work. The venue was great but the food was disappointing, think they had forgotten food is best fresh :shock: . Guess I saved a few cals there which I made up for by sitting on a 'bake off' panel, tasted 16 lovely home made goodies. :lol:
Congrats to this weeks losers, maintainers and determined tryers - I think that covers us all :like: :wink:
Oy. I think I jinxed myself with my last post. I have crept up a little (0.8lbs) this week with a weigh-in of 148 pounds. I've been watching my calories so this is very frustrating to say the least. Oh well. Must forge ahead and ignore the pesky scale!

Of note, I had a very tough workout last week and was extremely sore for days. My weight had shot up to 150 the following day. I know that was due to muscle repair and what not. I'm sore from a workout on Thursday so I'm sure my weight probably has something to do with that as well. At least I hope so! :confused:
Hi all and well done!
I didn't start until Monday but will use last Sat's weight as my starting point and on that basis I have lost 6lb this week.
I have been a very good low-carb girl!
Nice one @Madcatlady :like: :like: :like:
Fasting today - back on the straight & narrow for the next week after a fab long weekend but tomorrow's weight will surely be a gain & maintaining in October could be quite an achievement for me, let alone losing.

Doing my best in the face of calorific assault though. Seem to be able to keep things relatively level on hotel breakfasts & good dinners if I have neither lunch nor snacks in between. I know I'm barely half-way there, and probably stuck for the moment as life is definitely intervening, but the last half-stone that's gone (possibly combined with more running) has made such a difference. Although my hips were slimmer I've worn trousers in size 16 for years so I could do them up at the waist. On Friday I tried a pair size 14 and the shop assistant took them away and brought me a 12 - which both fitted & did up. Then she said 'this top will look very good with them because you have such a nice waist'!!!!!! I was honest & told her I'd only had a waist at all in the last few weeks - don't think she quite understood!
Terrific job, @warriorprincess and @madcatlady! Down 2 pant sizes, warriorprincess?! Wow! That's the best feeling when you go try on a size you think you wear and end up needing a smaller one! I can't wait for that day again!
Hi @carieoates, @Madcatlady, @Wendy Darling & anyone else Cambridge-way. Though I'll be in Cambridgeshire in early October, it turns out its Ely not Cambridge. And I'll be staying with someone locally so no evening pass, and the second day is my b/day -even if it was otherwise a possibility, staying for a meet-up that evening would go down like a lead balloon with OH! I'm really sorry - I'd have loved to reprise the Fortnums experience (although possibly with a little less cake!) Will try to arrange things better next time.
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