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Weighed in this morning and have lost 2lb :grin: Very happy with that but I know it will slow down as my body gets used to this. 6lbs in three weeks so definately going the right direction and next weigh in will hopefully have broken my next stone barrier and I will be 13st something :victory:
Yes please - start weight 9st 3lb - target 8st 12lb :grin:
#49 Easter Challenger checking in for the first weigh in :smile:

My trend weight is 58.5 today, so that's a loss of 0.3 kg for the week. This is fantastic for me as the trend weight is not so easy to move. :smile:

Good luck fellow SMART Challengers! :clover:
Okay so I have just finished the valentines challenge and am in at 1lb over my goal, but still a 1lb off this week so all is not lost.

so I set my smart target at 10lb this would then take me to 13st 5lb ok so now I know the figures and what I am aiming for so onwards and downwards with this next challenge.

psst... my un-smart goal is 12stone anything :silly:
Hi @PennyForthem

May I join in please?

When I started 5:2 my goal was 140 lb (currently 2 lb off this). It was based on what I reached (and maintained for quite some time) on WW years ago, and that hitting 133 lb after illness left me looking awful. I'm 5'8".

However I still have some fat, and it seems to have come off differently this time. I definitely don't look pinched or gaunt, nor do I have 'arms like chicken legs' as someone told me before!

So I reckon 136 lb is a realistic target - 6 lbs to go - then look to maintain between 136-140?

Thanks for running this challenge!
#27 reporting in. Current weight is 11st 7, so 3lbs down. Happy with that. :cool:
Not doing well on sugar free front, what with grandkids and rotten cold, intentions as always to improve. Weight currently 71.8kgs rising rising :0/
I hope for better times with better health. Might full fast on Monday if the cold has abated.
Well done to everyone who is achieving their goals and commiserations to all who struggle like me.
Onwards dear forumites, onwards :0)
#28 here. I will be recording my weight on Sunday, as that is my usual weigh-in day.
Well done to those who have lost weight this week and well done to those who are persevering towards their goal! :like:
Good luck to all. :clover: Onwards and downwards! :smile:
Ok I've set my goal today.
Currently doing 5.2 old stylie with the added bonus of 16.8 on all other days.
Wey Hey weekends with loads of lovely "happy juice" producing exercise.
Start weight 12 stone 8.4 176lb or 80kg. See signature for weekly weigh in.
Fingers crossed. :victory:
#17 checking in... down 2lbs this morning... 12 more to go. I sure hope that was a realistic goal!
#16 checking in. I usually officially weigh myself on Mondays, but I won't be around Monday and wanted to put my final weight in the Valentine's Day Challenge. I am down 1 pound since Monday! So, well on my way in this challenge! :)

I have not started the C25K yet. I only walk/run outside and it is still too dark in the morning and at night for me to do that. Also way too much snow and ice right now. But, I hope to get started very soon.

Have a great day!
Well done all weighers and losers!
You're on a roll - and @azureblue hope the cold is better by Monday.
I usually check in on a Friday, but ...

I've been down with flu this week and my fasting has gone a bit awry, plus I haven't been able to go to the gym due to the fact that I can hardly drag my body out of bed... plus it's my TOM.

So I won't weigh myself now until next Friday. Wish me luck! :confused:
#32 Checking in with a 2 pounds loss 12 to go!
Hi @PennyForthem and all Easter challengers. I am in and transferring my Valentine"s failed challenge and hoping for success. With less total weight to lose and a longer time interval, there is more chance of making it this time. If I could just get off this plateau and start going downhill again...... :frown:
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