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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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#43 reporting in today. Stayed the same but as its TOTM I am hoping for a good loss again next week. Clothes all feeling slacker.
Hello everyone, no 63 reporting in. 7 Feb 1 was 139.2 and today I weighed in at 139.2. During the past two weeks I've weighed in between 140 and 140.8. Hoping next week I'll move marginally in the right direction, below 139.2!

Hey, :doh: I've just realised I ate my first slice of organic crusty bread today, since 31 December! It was nice, but I have not missed it at all. I've cut out potatoes, pasta and rice too - I don't miss them either .... :victory:

See you all next Friday ....... enjoy your week ahead. :clover:

Is it too late to join @PennyForthem?
With only 6 weeks left to go my goal is to get under 90kg by easter :)
Checking in for Weigh-In No 2 - Hooray! Lost 2 lb - getting there slowly ....
Can I join?

Sw: 94 kilos
Gw: 88 kilos
Well, what can I say? The movement is still downwards, but pretty slowly now. I've lost 0.6 of a pound this week.
Reporting in on Saturdays as Friday is our second weekly fast. I have LOST about 0.6 lb this week.
I have watched my TDEE on MFP every day and have been in excess yet averaging out with fast days. I hoped that "re-feeding" might push down my daily zigzag plateau but it hasn't. I confess indulging, although without guilt - just with a little disappointment afterwards! I am confident that I can reach goal by Easter if I do not go above TDEE between fasts. That's going to happen this week.
Body feels the same and clothes still fit beautifully, although I will take measurements again. Why should I want to lose more weight since the goal is just a number? Well, it's motivational, practises self control skills (!!!), we are all aiming for our goals together, and it reminds me of my fitness and well-being on healthy enjoyable eating.
Have a winning week everyone! :clover: :heart:
No 22 reporting in and despite losing 4lb last week I managed to put on 3lb this week, so back up to 11st 11lb. My mind is will but the body isn't! Ah well, I'm sure my body will get the message eventually.
We're up to 79 challengers now - well done everyone for signing up.
I know there have been some disappointments this week, but keep going, everyone and keep the fasting faith xx
Unfortunately I'm going in the wrong direction for a second week having gained 2 lbs :frown: I blame it on dinner & lunches out plus too much wine! I must get back on track & go back to the basics of just sticking to my TDEE & fast day calories. Well done everyone who is managing to lose weight :like: perhaps we are absorbing all this rain through our skin & it's just water weight gains :lol:
#33 reporting in late this week. A disappointing week - a couple of special occasion dinners (husband's 60th bday plus Valentine's), was sick for a couple of days and so had only one fast day yesterday. Hoping for better news on the scale this morning but it told the story - I'm up.8 of a pound. I'm thankful, however, that I'm keeping track and not letting this get out of hand. Congratulations to everyone who lost and hopefully I'll be joining your company next week.
Hi @PennyForthem,here is my one week check-in with a loss of 1.6 lb. :victory: My overall goal is to weigh 154 lb so you can add that to the Easter challenge roster "front page". Thanks for setting up this challenge. Hopefully with a smaller goal and longer time period than Valentine's challenge, I will be successful this time. :like:
My random fasting week of one or two 20-24 hour fasts and four or five 16/8 fasts and a bit of way-heying seems to be working with a drop to 70.8kgs today. Hurrah!
Listening to my body at last and relaxing. :geek: :cool: :smile:
Hi all, #47 checking in here; I should be checking in more often I suppose. I am trending in the right direction, although slowly. I know there's room to tighten up my eating on "eat" days, as I am going over my desired carbs count too many times. But I am hanging in there!

Did I hear someone say there's only 6 weeks left??? Eeegads, I really need to get it together if I am going to meet my very first challenge here! :razz:

Hi i know i'm a bit late for this challenge but I would love to join in as I've only just become a member here. What do I have to do ?
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