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I'm doing very badly. Very very badly. Hope to 24hour fast tomorrow and then only eat less than 400 cals until as late on Monday as I can. Got to get a hold on this runaway train :0/
Seem to be up a pound this morning, but measured for first time since before Christmas and hips and waist smaller - waist now 32in and hips 38.5 - so I don't think it's anything to worry about :victory: :cool:
Checking in & 1/2 lb. down but still the same weight I was before Christmas & very fed up. I have been bouncing around the same 2 pounds in weight after losing my Christmas gain & I seem to have completely lost the plot when it comes to regularly losing weight again. Help! my sons wedding is in September & I need to look slimmer :frown:
No.29 checking in a day late as I've been away. Strangely enough after a week of no fasts and institutional meals served at regular intervals I am 0.5lbs down! Where is the logic in that, not going to argue though. However I suspect after the East Anglian meet up today I may weigh rather more :)
Checking in for Sat 8th March. I am only 0.2 lb down over a fluctuating week. Glad that I managed to stabilise back down again after a big weekend of parties. My cold/ cough is taking a while to heal but I am working on daily TDEEwith MFP and exercising. I recognise that I find it hard to stop snacking when have time off, therefore I am going to try occupying my mind not my mouth....keep reading on the forum.......I would so love to succeed with that small drop in weight for my Easter goal. :smile:
Hey! I can't contain my excitement any longer. I weighed in at 11:5 this morning (3 pounds off this week!). This is my lowest weight since being a Faster...yippee! I think I'm on track for my Easter goal :grin:

By the way, what happens AFTER Easter! I like having goals to aim for. When will our next goal be?

Bean :confused:
nursebean wrote: Hey! I can't contain my excitement any longer. I weighed in at 11:5 this morning (3 pounds off this week!). This is my lowest weight since being a Faster...yippee! I think I'm on track for my Easter goal :grin:

By the way, what happens AFTER Easter! I like having goals to aim for. When will our next goal be?

Bean :confused:

Well done my buddy. :victory: :victory: :victory:
I have achieved the first part of my SMART Easter challenge! I weighed yesterday, prior to going to the brilliant East Anglia meet-up, and, since Christmas, have lost the thirteen and half pounds, which I had regained since October. This means that I have got back to my target weight of 10 stone 7 pounds! :victory: :grin:

Now the more tricky part of my challenge begins because maintenance is not what I am good at! :frown: However, I am determined to give it my best shot, so I intend to fast as usual this week, especially as it is my 65th birthday on Tuesday and I ate a lot yesterday at the meet-up (and afterwards)! Last time I managed three months maintenance so this time I will aim for longer - much longer!

Stay strong, fellow SMART Easter challengers! We can do it! :smile: Onwards and downwards!
Well done you @nursebean. That is great :victory:
Meanwhile, I am more like @azureblue and@Isis, struggling with the same 2 pounds for over a month. Definitely on the "Scenic Route" to weight-loss. :dazed: :frown:

Six weeks from today is Easter Sunday. :shock: ..must start graph moving down again.
Member 86 checking in slightly late!

It is only a plateau for me but I am still very happy as I feel more in control of my eating again and feeling positive about everything again!
I will be back next week and hopefully report a loss!!
Very well done to those of you that are managing to keep on going down in weight. Those of us who are stuck let's try & refocus this week because Spring might be here & the sun is shining in Sussex :grin:
I have been out in the garden clearing dead stuff away & also taking part in the village protest to aircraft overflying the village. An experimental new route has been implemented from Gatwick. Our local MP came & said it is proposed to go on for six months! Oh well there was a very good turn out with a very English silent protest apart from chats with people greeting each other & applause when the MP said he would try to get the flyovers stopped early because "the experiment" was obviously unpopular.
Diet wise I am trying to go back to basics just keeping within my TDEE & 500 calories on fast days. 4:3 didn't suit me because I just seemed to overeat on inbetween days :frown: Good luck everyone for the next week :like:
nursebean wrote: Hey! I can't contain my excitement any longer. I weighed in at 11:5 this morning (3 pounds off this week!). This is my lowest weight since being a Faster...yippee! I think I'm on track for my Easter goal :grin:

By the way, what happens AFTER Easter! I like having goals to aim for. When will our next goal be?

Bean :confused:

Congratulations @nursebean !!!!!!! Summer is a coming folks so....I think we should go for the Swimsuit Challenge! Notice I don't say bikini there as I have always had too much flab to expose all bits of me on the beach. What do you think???????? :heart:
Errrrrrrrr .... Scary! :shock: :shock: :shock: :bugeyes: :bugeyes: :bugeyes: :wink:
Silverdarling wrote: Errrrrrrrr .... Scary! :shock: :shock: :shock: :bugeyes: :bugeyes: :bugeyes: :wink:

Yep!!!! and photo's required too......NO, just kidding!!! :heart:
I am joining the Easter challenge. I would like to lose 6kg.I am 60kg I would like to get down to 54kgs.My first fast day is tomorrow. I will be fasting Mondays and Wednesdays and weigh in will be Monday mornings.
Goals for this challenge :
Remain positive and kind to myself and body
Do not overeat on non fasting days
Try stick to whole foods

I look forward to reaching my goal weight.
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