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#16 checking in. I'm down 1.1 lbs today!!! I'm pretty excited. I think this WOE is really starting to work for me. I also started my C25K training yesterday and it went well! It's still a bit of stretch for my Easter goal, but I'm optimistic!
#11 checking in. As I suspected, my new low recorded last week was due to me having had flu all week and hardly eaten or moved, so probably lost muscle. This week I've been feeling quite weak but my appetite returned so I've bounced back up a bit. Stuck at 67.3 kg for several days now, that's 800g from my target weight so I'm hopeful that I can lose that in the 6 weeks left til Easter.
Gutted put back on what I lost last week? Possibly hormonal back to it this week.

Struggling to stay focused and willpower now going to pieces :(
I am still 600g away and it's not shifting...grrrrrrrr......maybe by weigh in day it might move a bit.
Stay with it@barney77.....good luck. :clover:
Hiya #43 reporting in, sorry I'm late but I was away for the weekend. Anyway stayed the same this week which I am happy with. Fasted yesterday which I was actually looking forward to and then normal eating today but I still feel a b it bloated from the weekend so probably won't have too much today either.
Sorry, I've been away too, so a bit late on duty here.
Congrats to the losers and encouragement to those who haven't.
I weighed in with some trepidation this morning after a weekend's eating and drinking, to find I was still 10 7 and a half.
Five and a bit weeks to go...
Thanks for the reminder @PennyForthem and welcome back. Things were definitely quiet around here!

Sorry to hear you've had a rough week @Carorees hope you're beginning to feel more human now xx

Hmm only 5 and a bit weeks to go. I must JUST make it...but it's gonna be tight! :shock:

Bean :bugeyes:
I'm starting to worry I might not reach my target :( my fast days have been screwed up so far this week. I'm home sick and didn't fast yesterday but I fasted today. I'm going to try again on Thursday so I can have Friday off to go out and Saturday to keep up with my 4:3 routine....that's my plan at least, not sure if I'll be keeping to it. It's my birthday over the weekend so there will be cake and sweet things (and booze) which is going to hinder some weight loss. But yes, I fear I might not reach my Easter target :(
daydreamer21 wrote: I'm starting to worry I might not reach my target :( my fast days have been screwed up so far this week. I'm home sick and didn't fast yesterday but I fasted today. I'm going to try again on Thursday so I can have Friday off to go out and Saturday to keep up with my 4:3 routine....that's my plan at least, not sure if I'll be keeping to it. It's my birthday over the weekend so there will be cake and sweet things (and booze) which is going to hinder some weight loss. But yes, I fear I might not reach my Easter target :(

We can both enjoy trying Sammy doesn't matter if we don't make it they are just numbers and our body has a mind of its own sometimes, so enjoy your birthday what day? @daydreamer21 you've done so well "buddie" and look fantastic let's just go with the flow and just see what the Easter Bunnie brings. :heart: Sue
Sue.Q wrote:
daydreamer21 wrote: I'm starting to worry I might not reach my target :( my fast days have been screwed up so far this week. I'm home sick and didn't fast yesterday but I fasted today. I'm going to try again on Thursday so I can have Friday off to go out and Saturday to keep up with my 4:3 routine....that's my plan at least, not sure if I'll be keeping to it. It's my birthday over the weekend so there will be cake and sweet things (and booze) which is going to hinder some weight loss. But yes, I fear I might not reach my Easter target :(

We can both enjoy trying Sammy doesn't matter if we don't make it they are just numbers and our body has a mind of its own sometimes, so enjoy your birthday what day? @daydreamer21 you've done so well "buddie" and look fantastic let's just go with the flow and just see what the Easter Bunnie brings. :heart: Sue

Yeah you're right @Sue.Q I guess I need to focus more on the journey than the destination. I'm turning 32 on Sunday and a group of friends from work want to go out for dinner and drinks on Friday (assuming I feel up to it) and then Sunday is celebrating with family and cake!!
I weighed myself today and I am 2193/4 lbs I am hoping it sticks til friday :bugeyes:
Just checking in to let everyone know I am on a big bad plateau :/ I have been eating a lot as there have been birthdays in the family and duck confit, mashed potato and stuffed duck on the menu (duck every second day yum, yum, yum) so given all the indulgent eating I am glad that I am still the same weight and I have not ballooned.

I did fast inbetween all the feasting and in the past I would expect to add a kilo or two so given the feasting I am happy with me still being the same weight. I am now back on my normal diet so hopefully weight loss will continue soon.

(The duck was worth it, the confit just melted in my mouth.)

Anyways, onwards and downwards.
Late to the party, but can I join the challenge? On a superlong plateau at the moment, but there's still 5 weeks to break it! :)
SW: 131.4 lbs
Challenge GW: 128 lbs
Other goal would be to run for 30 minutes straight by Easter. No walking! I currently run 4, walk 3, but tomorrow I ramp up to 5:2!
This is my Friday weigh-in (a day early as I fasted yesterday instead of my usual Thursday) - have lost exactly 1.1 lbs ... happy with that!
#44 reporting in a day early as I will be without scales tomorrow.
I haven't fasted this week as my usual fasting days have been overtaken by other commitments.
On Tuesday OH and I went for an 8 mile hike along the South coast. The terrain was described as 'undulating' this is a euphemism!,_Sussex, and not something to be undertaken on a fast day.
Today I am driving the 270 mile to visit my Mother in South Wales for the weekend, also not something to be done on a fast day.
I was pleasantly surprised to see 9st 8.2lbs (134.2 lbs) on the scales this morning, a loss of 1 lb.
I am beginning to think that this may be my natural body weight, but will give it a good go for a couple of weeks, and if I don't lose any more I will declare myself in Maintenace
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