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Hello! Recently I haven't been on the forum as often as I used to, but did take a peak now and then. What have I been doing when I wasn't here?

- I took a step away from the scales and stopped obsessing over a silly number (especially when it went up) every morning - what a relief!
- For the past 4 weeks I went sugar, starchy food and processed food free (not 100% free, mind you) - it can be called going Paleo or low-carb. Although I don't like to call my way of eating either of those two. Paleo sounds to me like a new religion and low-carb sounds like a deprivation. Could I possibly call it a real food diet?
- Have been cooking with vegetables like mad. If you add enough fat to veggies they taste soooo good, and you can lose weight too! Who knew!
- Have been discovering the workings of macro-nutrients in our bodies. Have been learning how different food produce affects our bodies. Saturated fat is not bad at all and doesn't cause raise in cholesterol levels! That's a revelation! Too much sugar in any form (whole wheat or actual sugar) gives your body a really hard time.
- Have been switching my mindset from weight loss to health gain. The weight loss is just a bi product now.
- Have been feeling great these past 4 weeks. Bags of energy to do strength training and HIITing after work. Had a restful sleep most nights.
- Have been doing an eating window 17/7 most days, 12pm tp 7pm.

What has pushed me to make those changes? I have seen somewhere on the forum a phrase "fasting fatigue". I guess that's what I was experiencing in January/February. I felt tiered of fasting and couldn't do it any more, at least not the 5:2 style. I tried 16:8, or an eating window, but it didn't work and I started to put on weight slowly. I figured I had to do something else. Something that would keep the weight loss preserved and that didn't involve day-long fasting. One day Carorees posted a link to an article on and since then I was hooked :)

As to SMART Easter Challenge, I can call it a success even though I haven't and won't reach my goal :) At least not by 18th April ;)

Good luck everyone! One more week to go! :clover:
Well today i've found out I've lost 2lb this week. Which means just 1lb left to meet my Easter Challenge . can i do it ?
Just a note @PennyForthem to say Member #53 reporting in. I made it!!!
Weight today 153.1 lb, which is less than my goal so hopefully I can hang on to it 'til Easter.
Very chuffed :victory: :like: :lol: :cool:
No.29 reporting in. All week I've been 118.5lbs with no fasting and overindulging at mum and dad's for three days. However on official weigh in day I am 119lbs which is still good and I'm happy.
#78 reporting.
90,2kg today (89,9 yesterday and 89,6 the teh before that). Trendline says 90,15kg. Seeing a number in the 80's this weeks is the goal I was hoping for. Hopefully my trendline weight will crawl under 90 in the last week :)
gorba wrote: Hello! Recently I haven't been on the forum as often as I used to, but did take a peak now and then. What have I been doing when I wasn't here?

- I took a step away from the scales and stopped obsessing over a silly number (especially when it went up) every morning - what a relief!
- For the past 4 weeks I went sugar, starchy food and processed food free (not 100% free, mind you) - it can be called going Paleo or low-carb. Although I don't like to call my way of eating either of those two. Paleo sounds to me like a new religion and low-carb sounds like a deprivation. Could I possibly call it a real food diet?
- Have been cooking with vegetables like mad. If you add enough fat to veggies they taste soooo good, and you can lose weight too! Who knew!
- Have been discovering the workings of macro-nutrients in our bodies. Have been learning how different food produce affects our bodies. Saturated fat is not bad at all and doesn't cause raise in cholesterol levels! That's a revelation! Too much sugar in any form (whole wheat or actual sugar) gives your body a really hard time.
- Have been switching my mindset from weight loss to health gain. The weight loss is just a bi product now.
- Have been feeling great these past 4 weeks. Bags of energy to do strength training and HIITing after work. Had a restful sleep most nights.
- Have been doing an eating window 17/7 most days, 12pm tp 7pm.

What has pushed me to make those changes? I have seen somewhere on the forum a phrase "fasting fatigue". I guess that's what I was experiencing in January/February. I felt tiered of fasting and couldn't do it any more, at least not the 5:2 style. I tried 16:8, or an eating window, but it didn't work and I started to put on weight slowly. I figured I had to do something else. Something that would keep the weight loss preserved and that didn't involve day-long fasting. One day Carorees posted a link to an article on and since then I was hooked :)

As to SMART Easter Challenge, I can call it a success even though I haven't and won't reach my goal :) At least not by 18th April ;)

Good luck everyone! One more week to go! :clover:

@Gorba absolutely love your post and how you have approached fasting and nutrition and exercise of late. 17/7 sounds a bit more feasible to me than 19/5 though if i did it I might consider 4pm to 11pm as thats my usual eating time. And the fact that its a success for you is great.
With calorie intake, are you restricting that in the new 17/7 eating window style.

and yes you can certainly call it a "real food diet"
member 24 reporting in.

libra weight dropping finally. down to 70.3 due to 2 x 69 something readings and even and all time low of 69.3 on Wednesday

Im a bit out of my usual eating habits due to starting major kitchen renovations so im surrounded by boxes, moved all essential kitchen stuff to lounge room, eat only simple foods but have this great appetite for some reason. Probably just all the upheaval and still needing to get work done.

Anyway cant complain as I vow to get back to baking fast. As i said to someone, if i can create gourmet meals in the shabby kitchen ive had for 2 decades, imagine what i will be able to do now. And OH has promised me special lighting so i can photograph my food better. yippeee.

With all the baking im planning, I will be mindful though of the importance of not eating too much sugar and carbs.

Not going to make Easter target of Libra 69.99 unless i see about 3 x 69 something readings in next week but im ok with it. As Gorba said in her post, focussing on health not weight loss is a good way to be.

Friday 11th Apr 2014 70.50kg 11st 1.43lbs
(155.43lbs) -- -- 24.11 -- No notes
Wednesday 9th Apr 2014 69.30kg 10st 12.78lbs
(152.78lbs) -- -- 23.70 -- No notes
Tuesday 8th Apr 2014 69.80kg 10st 13.88lbs
(153.88lbs) -- -- 23.87 -- No notes
Sunday 6th Apr 2014 70.60kg 11st 1.65lbs
(155.65lbs) -- -- 24.14 -- No notes
Saturday 5th Apr 2014 70.20kg 11st 0.76lbs
(154.76lbs) -- -- 24.01 -- No notes
Friday 4th Apr 2014 70.50kg 11st 1.43lbs
(155.43lbs) -- -- 24.11 -- No notes
Thursday 3rd Apr 2014 70.50kg 11st 1.43lbs
(155.43lbs) -- -- 24.11 -- No notes
Wednesday 2nd Apr 2014 70.40kg 11st 1.21lbs
(155.21lbs) -- -- 24.08 -- No notes
Tuesday 1st Apr 2014 70.50kg 11st 1.43lbs
(155.43lbs) -- -- 24.11 -- No notes
Monday 31st Mar 2014 71.30kg 11st 3.19lbs
(157.19lbs) -- -- 24.38 -- [show | hide]
Sunday 30th Mar 2014 71.20kg 11st 2.97lbs
(156.97lbs) -- -- 24.35 -- No notes
Saturday 29th Mar 2014 71.30kg 11st 3.19lbs
(157.19lbs) -- -- 24.38 -- No notes
Friday 28th Mar 2014 70.60kg 11st 1.65lbs
(155.65lbs) -- -- 24.14 -- No notes
Number 4 checking in. Sadly reporting a loss of only 2oz :frown:
There is no way I will make my Easter Challenge goal & this is despite my extra exercise cycling. Not sure if I will manage to lose 1lb 6oz to make my previous Christmas Challenge of reaching 12 stone 12 lbs by Easter but I will try! :confused:
Well done those of you continuing to lose weight & not on the snail train.
Not going to achieve goal but won't give up yet! Had a bad week and gained 2 lb - oh well .... hope there's going to be another Christmas challenge to fire me up again!
maryannemcconnell wrote: Not going to achieve goal but won't give up yet! Had a bad week and gained 2 lb - oh well .... hope there's going to be another Christmas challenge to fire me up again!

I will make sure of that!... the Christmas challenge that is. Im gonna need one too for that last kilo
#44 reporting in at 133lbs (9st 7lbs) I'm quite happy with that number - it was my Valentine's goal but I'm not going to hit 130lbs by Easter. I managed one fast this week,there has been so much going on in the rest of my life (good things) that another fast was too difficult to fit in.
:) Thank you @Juliana.Rivers :) I guess we are all on a mission of finding out what's best for us.

I don't count calories at all. I'm only watching my sugar intake (starch including), but not even counting that. I go by my gut, and if I don't have more than 4 tsp of sugar a day and no more than 20g of dark chocolate a day plus no starchy carbs, I know I've done well.

My typical day would include:
- for lunch some meat-veg stew plus some low carb veg steamed, or roasted root veg, or salad. Usually I don't have more than 150g of meat for lunch.
- for dinner there's some chunky soup, or scrambled eggs with spinach and smoked salmon, or some salad, worm or cold, salad would contain some chicken pieces, avocado, boiled egg, steamed veg
- for nibbles there's usually a handful of nuts/seeds (macadamias, hazel nuts, almonds) or a couple of pieces of dark chocolate 70% cocoa or more, or some pastrami or hard cheese
- to drink I have Turkish coffee with a teaspoon of honey in the morning, several mugs of herbal tea, a cup of coffee with cream and one sugar in the afternoon
- when I work out I have a protein shake

I don't skimp on fat (ghee, butter, olive oil, dripping, coconut oil) and add generously when cooking. I also use copious amounts of herbs and spices.

I wish I knew my calorie count for the day, but can't be bothered with counting. I would have to add every ingredient I cook with into MFP and that's just too much work. Although it would be interesting to know how much fat calories I take in, and what is the total count.

A new kitchen is something to look forward to :) I hope everything goes well for you with the kitchen and that soon you can cook/bake your heart out in it, if you wish :)
@Gorba - I find MFP to be so easy to use and such a great resource for information. If you entered everything once you would get a good idea. Also, if you eat similar things, then once you've added them, then they are there for next time!

I am the same weight again, which is NO WHERE near my goal of 165. :frown: I really thought I had a realistic goal. I think that perhaps my starting to do C25K has affected my weight loss. I really hope that's what it is and it kicks in again soon.

This week I'm on vacation, so while I still plan to fast, I'm sure I'll go over my TDEE on other days. So, I don't imagine next week's WI will be much better. Oh well. After break, I'll see what changes I can make!

Good luck everyone!
Even after a feast day I registerd 69.7 today so this brought my Libra trend weight down to an all time low for me of 70.2 meaning i only have 200g of Libra trend to go by Easter. Not bad despite inhaling 2 Easter hot cross buns with loads of butter. Its me being on my feet all weekend i think and thus doing loads of incidental exercise.

Is Easter Friday or Sunday for the purposes of this challenge?
300g loss on Sat morning even after a failed fast day on Friday - my 1st failed fast actually just couldn't concentrate in work in the afternoon. Still only had about 1000 cals but still 1.2 kg to go to get to easter goal :(
On the plus side I am feeling good in my clothes etc.
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