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#82 reporting
130.6 lb.. 5.6 lb to easter goal weight :(
Number 18 reporting in to say that I have changed my goal weight to 56k, as I think that's where my body wants to be, but I shall still try and get to 55k for Easter.
214lbs at the start of easter challange, now 206lbs an 8lb loss so far just 2lbs to go :grin:
#36 reporting that Easter goal has been reached and passed. True app is now showing 164.1lb which is 3lb less than last week and 3.9lb under my goal app weight.
This will be my last weigh in before Easter as we are away over Easter, hoping that when we come back I can report that my weight hasn't gone over my target. planning on 2 more fast before we fly on Thursday so hopefully I will see a bit more loss before our break to give me a good buffer to enjoy our break.

Good luck to all Smart Easter challengers
#39 logging in with a 1.8lb loss. You can tell there were no birthdays this week :lol:
Number #73 reporting, have lost 5.5kg since starting this challenge, but only a .5kg loss this week (although yesterday weighed almost a kg less!). My goal is only .3 kg away now but am off to a 3 day conference next week so it may all go wrong :(
Morning! #58 reporting a half pound gain this week. So 2 pounds to go in the last week. It's going to be tough, with exercise classes finished for Easter holidays, but I'll dig out the 30 day shred DVD and try to fit in an extra fast day.
64# reporting in.

I met my challenge 135lbs a few weeks ago - since then bouncing from 132 to 134 - today 133,2. I'm on leave next week - whoopee, so I am considering a really good go at breaking the 132 all time low by next Friday. That means planning all meals ahead, considering 4:3(Sunday/Tues/Thurs) and getting a lot of exercise in the garden.

As you can see I am persuading myself this is a great idea. Ok, decision made, it is a great idea. That is the plan!

Good luck to all in this final week.

Lizbean x
#15 reporting in after this morning WI - another STS!!! Not at all likely now to hit my target for this challenge :cry: :heart:
Hi @PennyForthem My goal was set at 95kgs as on page nine and after my trial week with Debs I'm happily
Reporting in at 96*2kgs getting closer. :heart: :heart:

Edit to add its been that long since I last reported in I forgot to add my number @PennyForthem #20 checking in.
susbut65#52 Thought I was being really realistic by setting myself a 5lb in this challenge :geek:However,I have reached that goal already :victory: I do weigh virtually every day but here are my FRI stats for this challenge - 7th Feb 64.0K / 14th Feb 64.5K 21st Feb 64.3K / 28th Feb 62.8K / 7th Mar 62.5K /14th Mar 61.9K / 21st Mar 61.9 / 28th Mar 62.7K / 4th Apr 62.0K / TODAY 11th Apr 61.7K :smile: :grin: :lol: :victory: 64K....61.7K
Number#5 checking in just a .75 lb loss this week but hardly surprising my exercise this week has gone a bit by the wayside and have been doing 16:8 and half fasts. Plus we had birthday cake this week that needed to be eaten. Off to Skeggy this weekend so will try and be careful but want to enjoy my hols as well. Still met the goal and trying to keep it off. My MIL and SFIL stayed last weekend and they have noticed the difference in me so was all good.
Forgot to weigh myself this morning, as I got up silly early - but its been a high weighing week, so doubt I've lost anything. I'm away now till Easter day, so will have to report my (post choc) Easter Monday weight. Hoping to be fairly low carb while I'm away to support my son whose doing paleo.
Stuck on 10st 13 at the moment, but have fallen off the wagon a bit these last two weeks. I'll be strict again next week ready for the final weigh-in. Presumably that will be Good Friday, a week today?
#77 checking in. :oops: Not a great week too many distractions! :curse:
But not far to get to my target, so chin up and get on with it! :smile: :like:
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