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Re: Excess skin......
24 Jul 2013, 16:24
I've been quite fortunate with the loose skin. I've lost over 5.5 stones with 1 more to go, but it's been slow going at about 0.75lb per week and that's probably helped. Plus I do a lot of exercise. My stomach isn't bad but I do wish my boobs were perkier: lost 3 cup sizes but would be a lot smaller without the extra skin. Trying some creams from Boots but I'm realistic that probably only cosmetic surgery would really help (and I'd rather spend the money on a holiday!). One reassuring thing I've noticed is that the sagginess under my former double chin has improved with time / more weight lost / neck exercises.
Re: Excess skin......
24 Jul 2013, 16:46
Wow! 5.5 stone, thats amazing. Was it all fasting? How long has it taken you?
Re: Excess skin......
24 Jul 2013, 17:21
Thanks Julie. I started last January and first lost a couple of stones on Weight Watchers but I got very bored with the point system and it didn't seem sustainable to me, then calorie counting with MyFitnessPal and sparkpeople (but ditto for the sustainability). Started 5:2 when I first watched the documentary and did it for a month maybe and then in earnest from December. I've had plateaus lasting weeks and sometimes lost several pounds in one week but it balances out at just under 1lb / week and I've not had significant gains in that time. I know the big challenge should be keeping it off but I'm so used to 5:2 now that it doesn't feel scary.
Re: Excess skin......
24 Jul 2013, 22:36
5.5 will be just past halfway point for me. I am hoping to have reached 4 stone lost by Xmas. I've also done Weight watchers, about 8 times. Slimming World about 6 times. Sparkpeople helped a lot, but their food pyramid was just so wrong for me I just kept the calories in mind. What jerked me out of the 'believe the doctors and nutritionists' groove was reading 'Wheat belly' by Dr. Davis.
Then when I needed to start losing weight for a serious medical problem I couldn't do it. I just couldn't calorie count anymore, not everyday. Somebody pointed me towards Dr.Mosley's film and Bingo, I'm here to stay by the looks of it.
Just wondering about the crepey skin I now have. I know that age and sun exposure contribute, but losing weight has definitely made it worse! If it's the price for having been overweight, and now being healthy weight, I'm prepared to pay it, but I'd be interested to know if it improves at all?!
I moisturise every day...
NO ! :shock: :lol: :cool: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Ballerina x :heart: :frown:
Hmmm, I suspected not, but kind of hoped I was wrong! :cry:
I know, I hoped against hope as well, but as you say rather the saggy skin than the fat :cry:

Ballerina x :heart:
Maybe I'm an optimist, but I read somewhere that it takes about 6 months for the skin to catch up with what happened. But you need also to increase your raw food intake to help the process.

Never say never but then again I don't want to give you false hope. Maybe Ballerina is right :like:
I have caught it too, wrinkly skin everywhere now! Hope you're right Karen.....

Love the new picture by the way!
My friends Mum always says..
" you never see wrinkles on a blown up balloon"

..the only way to get rid of the crepey wrinkles is to put the weight back on which of course we arent gonna do!
The only real answer is to lose excess weight and keep it off before we lose the elasticy collagen in our skin!
" too late " for me :cry: ..they say they are the two saddest words..apart from " if only"
* sigh* ..sorry to be such a miserablist ! :confused:
Ballerina wrote: NO ! :shock: :lol: :cool: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Ballerina x :heart: :frown:

You could have broken it more gently B..... :wink:
I've binned the sleeveless tops and opted for the camouflage look!
Minigill wrote:
Ballerina wrote: NO ! :shock: :lol: :cool: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Ballerina x :heart: :frown:

You could have broken it more gently B..... :wink:

Why? :?: You would not have laughed otherwise :lol: :grin: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
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