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Re: Who's missing????
04 Aug 2014, 17:14
Silverdarling, I lived in Hull from when I was 11-21 then Leicester for a couple of years and I remember how nice northerners are. I've visited a few places like Liverpool and Manchester but it's not the same as living there, is it. I'm looking forwards to lovely countryside and kind, friendly people. Pretty much the same as here only cooler I hope. London summers are killing me! x
Re: Who's missing????
04 Aug 2014, 20:43
@CandiceMarie, nice to be missed. A lot of changes going on for me this summer. I haven't decided if they're good or bad yet. Haven't fasted since if found a recipe for microwave vanilla pudding, YUM. Only up a few pounds though. I am fasting today. Hopefully I am back on track. How is it going for you this summer? Lots of fresh fruit and veg I hope.
Re: Who's missing????
05 Aug 2014, 12:24
Hi Cuz @clairemarie going badly for me..not only overfeeding on non diet days but also now falling off the fastday wagon :confused:
I need to take a leaf from yr book and get a grip! X
Re: Who's missing????
05 Aug 2014, 13:07
I agree with those who've been saying that we should have those informational bubbles at the top of each page again. Not only are they so helpful to newbies and to those who want a quick refresher, but I found it very useful to mention them when recommending intermittent fasting and this forum to others.

Could we have them back@Moogie ?
Re: Who's missing????
05 Aug 2014, 14:28
@Candicemarie, it's always hard to fast when with family and it's a daily celebration come meal times for me on those occasions.
Re: Who's missing????
05 Aug 2014, 14:52
Oh @CandiceMarie, I know to well how hard it is to stay on the wagon. I look at he success stories of from members with such respect. They have to be very controlled people, stubborn. Somehow they have made up their minds that a fastday is a fastday and there is no wavering from it. Fasting is a discipline, a rule never to be broken kind of like the Ten Commandments. Well, I break the commandments a lot(lol) but if I didn't I would have avoided a lot of trouble. Work on self discipline with me and fasting may become easier.
Re: Who's missing????
05 Aug 2014, 14:55
@Candice thought you Brits had the stiff upper lip mentality. Maybe it would be helpful to think of that on fastdays. Just thinking....
Re: Who's missing????
05 Aug 2014, 19:36
Thanks @carieoates i' m allowing myself a day or two more
Then@clairemarie i' ll have to find some backbone ( dont believe in British stiff upper lip!) otherwise@janegwill be wielding her wet fish! X
Re: Who's missing????
05 Aug 2014, 22:32
Hi All - I haven't been on the forum much since the changes - just couldn't seem to get to grips with it. Have also been struggling with the fasting. At least I'm consistent I suppose - whenever I start something new I always do it 100% and get on really well and think I have found my solution, then something seems to go wrong and I fall by the wayside. I am determined to get back on this though - I have put about 9lb back on over about 10 weeks so my estimated time of arrival at my goal weight has gone back quite a long way. I fully intended to fast today but was so starving hungry I ate at lunchtime, thinking I would be ok, then my niece dropped in with cakes this afternoon and I caved in............. I also need to start exercising but just can't seem to get going. Tomorrow is another day though and I have a lot to be thankful for so it is far from the end of the world :oops:
Re: Who's missing????
06 Aug 2014, 10:47
Youre not alone@madcatladyand its good to see you again x
I' m struggling with fast days ..but am going to try a fresh start next Monday and in the meantime, do 16:8 to try to get motivated again..
Several of us are struggling,possibly we need the wet fish treatment, but isnt it a comfort to know we're all in this together x :like:
Re: Who's missing????
06 Aug 2014, 10:52
Honey, I'm home!
I've not posted here for ages, but thanks to your tagging, CandiceMarie, I popped back in today :) I'm still fasting twice a week and still maintaining - probably never going to be a skinny minny, but it suits me as I really don't want to make my eating days complicated by having to count anything!
Re: Who's missing????
06 Aug 2014, 11:02
Well done@Doodle on yr successful maintenance!xx
Re: Who's missing????
06 Aug 2014, 11:48
I'm doing exactly the same as you Candy. I'm going to start afresh (afresh doesn't that word sound lovely) on Monday and in the meantime do 16:8. Come ON we can do this

Re: Who's missing????
06 Aug 2014, 12:15
@Candicemarie You just enjoy your precious family time together and don't forget the 16:8 days are good fasting times for the health benefits, then lengthen your fasting window. :like:
To you and @nursebean And others struggling just remember my 7months of struggles this year, I didn't believe my own advice to "stick with this WOL" truthfully I didn't.
And my fast days are far from perfect so I'm bringing them closer to the norm, but for myself my TDEE has dropped obviously due to the 4 stone I've lost and now I need to reduce my feed days in accordance with that reduction.
Let's all gather together on Monday for a group hug before putting in one good true 500cals/ OR Less :like: :clover: :like: :clover:
Then on Tuesday morning well all feel how good we feel having got back on the way on again. :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: Who's missing????
06 Aug 2014, 12:26
That sounds good to me @Sue.Q I definitely need a good kicking!! I know that fasting is the only way to go...why did I give up on it? Why?

Anyway, I can feel myself getting back into the 'zone' so with help from you guys I think I'll get there.

Roll on Monday...

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