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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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janeg wrote: @Julianna.Rivers swimming? just a thought..
YAY! despite the changed routine (not hittinh HIIT first thing)I have just done my HIIT for today. And managed to increase slightly again. The knee is ok- new trainers and put on a compression sock. I know it's there but it's not sore.

Increased regime
5 mins warm up
5 sets of going at it hell for leather 20 up, 40 sec recovery
1 minute recovery
3 sets (up 1 from last time) 20 up 40 down and
1 min recovery
then off madmax for stretches /cool down.

15 mins madmax time - that can be pushed to 20 mins in the future. I can see where this is going :)
pulse 132 after maxfight
120 after stretches/cool down.
No intention to push it any further for this 6 day set.
Tomorrow the shred thing. Still the same one- that will move to a different level in the next 6 day set.
So, all in all, doing not too badly.
*quietly chuffed*
Good luck to fellow HIITers :clover:

i know its strange for an Aussie, dont like water, swimming, indeed cant swim properly. tried learning once then got distracted by being a mom. and never went back.
I understand JR I am the same don't really like the water
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
Hi you are member 40 Ana @slimnana Welcome aboard the fast and active train

janeg wrote: Join at your own risk @slimnana! Only joking but if you read the last few posts it looks as though HIIT is turning us into invalids!
Recumbent bike sounds interesting. I've seen a couple of road bikes like that and it scares the bejesus out of me :shock:. Stationary ones must be safer.
How long have you been doing it? Are you seeing any improvements in your fitness? How do you ramp it up if it starts getting a bit easier?

Thanks for your welcome! I have a Vision Fitness recumbent bike, which comes with the Sprint 8 program. I aim for my 30 sec. sprints to be at least 50 RPM above my 90 sec. ARP (active rest period). It has taken me 3 mos. to work up to doing it 3 x weekly in a fasted state. I use powdered BCAA's in water before & after to help not lose muscle mass, according to 16/8 Leangains.

BTW - A little about me in a nutshell: I live in the U.S. :usa: On Easter I'm going to be 55; am a Nana to six grandkids; I have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism; had a total right hip replacement 18 mos. ago & am in the midst of going through Menopause-hormonal hell.

I hope to get to know you all better while HIITing.
:turtle: ~ Ann

Video of Sprint 8 on a recumbent bike.
How are we all doing HIITers?
I'v done mine for the day and am quite pleased. It was hard going and I thought I would just get on madmax and row, but before I knew it, I was doing the intervals and it was over!
Felt really bagged up and lethargic this morning. It was a very late night with a meal out and then taking non diving daughter to the airport. That's the holidays over :(
It's going to be a window day today for fasting. It's Beloved's birthday so food will be involved. I'm not hungry sonwill go as long as I can, then eat. Lightly? Maybe, depends what's on offer!
Am befining to think there is something in the lower carb thing for me. Yesterday was a carbocalypse (thanks [tag]Fatdog[\tag] :) of epic and deliscious proportions. I'm thinking that when I am 4:3ing it is probably ok, but when i'm not fasting it builds up. Interesting. So looking forward to getting back to fasting too!
And keeping on HIITing. :)
Yoo hoo *waves*
Bit lonely in here....anyone about?
I'm still getting there. Plodding on and wanting to do it, which is good.
I'm going to be travelling a fair bit so making plans for keeping it going. How odd is that? ;)
hello, @Janeg and everyone! I'm here, only been managing 2 HIITs a week for the last couple of weeks, but just about to get on Squeaky for a session. Had a nice medium-length ride yesterday while fasting - beautiful weather for it, nice and cool! I sailed through 40 km without hitting the wall, and felt fine afterwards, didn't need to stuff myself with carbs. Blood sugars were low-normal, but that's fine. I'm so happy because I must be getting much more fat-adapted, which is great for losing weight and for my diabetes. And my cyclemeter said I'd burnt 1800 calories or so (250 g or so of fat I believe, although some will be glycogen I guess) - I do tend to take that with a grain of salt, however, as when I was training for my Kangaroo Island tour last year, I'd ride 65 km and the cyclemeter would say 3500 calories burnt, but my weight was steady as a rock throughout. But I guess fasting changes all the metabolic parameters, bless it and MM!!

I really think HIIT is really helping my performance in many ways, on my bike and while dancing. Also when I'm acutely stressed at work (like I was on Thursday), I think my body and my brain are handling it much better, perhaps because they're used to getting some short-term adrenaline surges from HIIT. I used to have to sit in the tea-room afterwards and refuel, but no longer!

It sounds like you've been doing really well, Jane, full marks for adaptability as well! I'm sure you'll get some strategies for travel too.

happy HIITing, everyone!
Ohhhhhhhh can I join???

On non fasting days i do the cross trainer at level 10-20 that burns 500 calories for 40 minutes.

On fasting days I walk for 30-60 minutes.
#26, training session completed. Another (relatively!) easy one it seemed, max HR got to 162 at one point, then the standard 130 after 5 min cool-down - but much quicker recovery after that, down to 87 after my 10 min garden soak-up (usually 100 for ages). And that's after a fast day and before breakfast! So I think it's working!

a gorgeous, almost autumnal day in Melbourne today, clear blue skies & a cool breeze, so I might not be able to resist a short bike ride later, but I will need to eat something first!!

how's everyone going with their HIIT??
anyone from Australia.. theres a great adjustable dumbbell set at Aldis as of yesterday. One of their Saturday special. I meant to post this earlier

anyway its worth it just for the exercise guide it comes with ... ell-set-1/


i had some dumbells but not at 3kg
@jools7 only managed two sessions? Good gracious woman! That's brilliant that you're doing it at all! No beating up allowed :D And it sounds as though Melbourne is delightful just now. I am quite jealous - I was very active with walking and cycling before and so enjoyed it. It is nigh on impossible to do it here, hence needing to do HIIT and exercise.
Did you get back on Squeaky? Sounds as though it's making quite a difference to your fitness levels as well as good for you mentally - really cool! :cool:
Hard one for me this morning as I am back at work. MadMax was calling and I SO wanted to stay in bed and snuggle up to Beloved, needed to hang washing out and other stuff and it would have been so easy to skip the MadMAx fight.
I did it- and it was HAAAARD! Don't really know why- probably psychological ;)
Anyway, that's it done. Back on the fasting today too :D
Keep at it folks. Please tell me it's making a difference
#28 reporting in after a patchy week! I have had a sore shoulder this week and didn't row for a few days. When I went to see my osteopath, Garry the fitness guru, he said to get on with it and stop making excuses! My two granddaughters were fascinated to see their grandma rowing! Having an audience certainly made the time whiz by! :smile:

I have achieved my original target of four weeks of HIT - in fact, I have done five without noticing! I shall have to think of a new goal and work out how to achieve any HIT activity when visiting family in Germany in a few weeks time. It's only ten days, so perhaps I just will give it a miss!

janeg wrote: Oh, we're all falling to bits! And this exercise thing is supposed to be good for us.
I was eyeing up padded bike shorts yesterday as MAdMax is really hurting my tail and bum. The seat isn't padded so I must investigate if that's an option and also maybe try and get my posture and position checked out. The 20 minutes are getting painful towards the end and if I am to improve I need to increase time as well.
Ho Hum...mutter mutter ...good for you...mutter

@janeg. My rower (I suppose I should say 'my son's, rower!) has a really good foam pad which came with the machine. It is made to fit the seat and is really comfortable. Mind you, I only do 2000 metres, so about twelve minutes rowing for me! The thought of twenty minutes would be enough to make me stop completely! :shock:
Yes, @janeg, back on Squeaky - he/she seems to be holding up okay, no bits flying off for the mo'. Enjoying it actually, not beating up too badly for being a bit irregular - I can show you a REAL beat up for contrast if you like - but on second thoughts, maybe not! Sorry to hear Max was hard on you today, sometimes there's no rhyme or reason for that I find!

Happy HIITing!
My exercise buddy bailed on me this morning so I was going to just have a sleep in but then got the guilts and managed an at home HIT. Wednesday will be our stair runs. I still can't get motivated to do a third day, but you never know maybe this is the week for it.
I used to exercise 5 days a week, I've never enjoyed it so I guess that is why it's so easy not to.
Happy new week HIITing brave hearts.

My plan is to complete 3 fasted sessions of Sprint8 on my recumbent bike, for 20 min. in the a.m. on Mon. - Wed. - Fri. What's yours?

It's Ready, Set, Go Time! :like: ~ Ann
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