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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Hi @slimnana, love your avatar! Is she/he a personal friend?

Sounds like a great plan you have! I gather sprint8 is a program on your bike? I also plan for 3 HIIT sessions per week on my crosstrainer, but sometimes that competes with my desire to get out in the fresh air with my bike. Definitely HIT is helping with my fitness, both physical and mental, a lot. I have developed a bulge in my mid-quad area, which is fine btw(I'll take any muscle I can get!) but my Pilates teacher suggested trying to go backwards on my crosstrainer half the time in order to get more hamstring & glute working. I don't know whether I'm co-ordinated enough to do it at the required speed, but I'll give it a go today!

Happy HITing everyone!
Hi jools7! The guinea pig has been my avatar & mascot ever since I started IFing last year. Yes, Sprint8 is on my bike, but it can be done on any piece of cardio equipment. It consists of 8 rounds of 30 sec. sprints & 90 sec. active recovery periods.

I can't wait until Spring, so I can bike ride outdoors again. Best wishes on your continued progress! ~ Ann
A nice summary of the latest research for my fellow HIITstars: ... ealth&_r=0
Great article, @MaryAnn, thanks for that. So isn't it interesting that training everyday at that intense level is a definite disadvantage, and that a day's recovery seems important. And also that the recovery intervals themselves are also important! More evidence that overtraining is actually deleterious.
On Monday, I did my planned Sprint8 on my bike for 20 min. in a fasted state before breakfast. By Weds. morning the temps here were back in the single digits again, So I was really dreading going down into the cold dark basement first thing in the morning to do my next Sprint 8 session fasted. Which meant I'd have to tear myself away from my sunny southern exposure study, where my cat and I spend most of our time during the day. So I came up with a way to get my Sprint Intervals done on a mini trampoline by moving it into my study, and on Weds. & Fri. I did my HIIT workout while basking in the glorious sunshine that streams through my front windows. I feel great! I'm ready to break my fast at 10 am by having some coffee & coconut oil & whey protein powder.

I'll be away next week on vacation, so I am planning to do my 3 sessions of HIIT on either a bike or elliptical in the hotel fitness room. Best wishes! ~ Ann
#27 here! HIT session no 2 finished for the week, despite the slightly painful shoulder!

Gosh, you're very determined aren't you, @slimnana. Well done to you and I hope that you have a good holiday next week.

Thank you @MaryAnnfor the link to the article. I'm so glad that it confirms that I don't have to do more than three HIT sessions a week! If I thought that I had to do more, or longer, I don't think that I would bother! :shock: It doesn't take much to put me off exercise of any kind.

Good luck to all who are HITting. Have a good weekend! :smile:
@StowgateResident It's now or never for me, since I'm at the use it or lose it stage of life - as far as lean body mass & the production of any human growth hormone is concerned.

I've read that if you're able to do HIIT more than 3 times weekly, that you're not doing it with enough intensity at each session. So for the best results, it's better to increase intensity rather than frequency.

ETA: Video of low impact, high intensity Sprint intervals on a mini trampoline. Sorry about the very squeaky springs. It's much nicer to have a mini trampoline with quiet bands, like mine does. I do 30 sec. sprints & 90 sec. recovery intervals for 8 rounds, plus a 3 min. warm up & cool down.

:like: ~ Ann
I'm sorry I haven't been on for a while but I have to mention that I am now easily managing 10 minutes on the cross trainer using allof the settings, even if its at a low level. Last nights session I decided to go for it and my son says I was just short of sprinting on it. Go me! Its only level 2 but I couldn't even manage 4 minutes on level one 7 weeks ago.
Congratulations, @Julieathome. I have found that I can do more on the rowing machine and have managed a cople of sessions recently without needing my inhaler. There must be something in this HIT thing! :smile:
fantastic work, @StowgateResident and @Julieathome, that's really huge!! Keep it up!!

Very cool youtube link, @slimnana, I hadn't considered doing it on a rebounder before, looks fun! Gee with my pilates hat on, I reckon you'd have to be careful about keeping your hips, knees and ankles properly aligned, otherwise you could hurt yourself. She does mention this. I am so not a runner, but I might try it one day!

I'm off to HIT on Squeaky, happy HITing everyone!
HIT at high altitude = bad idea

Still... I lasted 10 min
How is everyone going?. It got quiet in here.
I am afraid I am failing miserably :cry: :curse: I just can't get motivated, I have a cold this week so that is my present excuse. I have always enjoyed exercise and have done it all my life so I just don't understand where my get up and go has got up and gone. I am trying not to get too stressed about it and hope I will waken up one morning with the strong urge to walk run exercise, or anything that is not being a slob. Part of the problem is that both my exercising friends are out of action long term at the moment and it's not quite the same heading out on my own. :frown:
Yes I was thinking it's quiet here too, Juliana. I haven't done any HIT so far this week, just too many other priorities. Feeling that I want to do some soon before I lose all the benefits, but realistically it mightn't be till next week, as I'll be in Sydney over the weekend, unless I can get my hands on an exercise bike or crosstrainer - now, there's a thought...
@Nessie, my exercise buddy is out too. She has a badly torn calf muscle. I've managed two HIT sessions at home this week, maybe you could try something like that instead of heading out.
Mind you I have to really talk myself into doing them as sleeping in is very tempting :smile:
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