Simon Egan wrote: ... Does anyone have any tips for carrying water on a run? I don't like to run with a bottle in my hand but am unsure what alternatives are available. I am at the point now where I will need to hydrate mid-run especially when the temperature start to rise again.
Three styles are popular at longer foot races and all have their tradeoffs.
One, the Camelback, is essentially a bag of water backpack with a tube clipped to your shirt collar; take a sip of water whenever you want it virtually hands free. Probably the second most popular system on this side of the pond. Disadvantage? Water is heavy and chest straps can be confining. Do you want to carry water weight higher up on your back?
Another common and probably the most popular style, holds a varying number of ~200 ml rectangular slimline bottles - like ammo packs - on a waist belt in either clipped or elastic strap holders. Pull one out when you need it, drink, then and return it to its holder. These bottles are frequently seen on the ground along half and full marathon courses. They are always selling more bottles at the expos, so reattaching a bottle can sometimes be problematic. These are ideal if you prefer to take a variety of fluids along.
A third style holds one or two half to one liter bottles that are identical in shape and operation to those always seen clipped to bicycle frames. These are attached to a waist belt with a single bottle held front-center (rarely) or one to two bottles held along the back (providing arm swing clearance on the side) in either in vertical or 45-degree angle. The angle is quite useful. It makes the bottles easier to remove and return while on the run and it tends to keep them from falling out.