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Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Apr 2013, 15:29
Hi Elaine

I'm doing the Leeds 10k you mentioned.... you probably have enough time to prepare but just take it easy, and plan for walking breaks if you need them....

If you're finding the podcasts not too difficult, you could do 4 runs a week instead of 3 to build up faster, but just be guided by how you feel after each run, and don't try to go faster just now - work on being able to run each interval comfortably at "talking pace" - eg you should be able to talk to somebody running with you at least in short sentences

The main thing is that you enjoy it and keep going :)
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Apr 2013, 16:24
It wasn't that long ago that I couldn't imagine ever being able to do a 10k especially without walking a substantial part of it. I now do two 10k training runs a week and only stop to cross the road if it's busy.

I don't wory about how long it takes, as long as I can finish it. At about 6k I find there is a point when it gets easier and you sort of get into a stride and regulate your breathing. I'm not saying it's effortless but I actually find it easier than doing Parkrun when you are trying for a PB.
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Apr 2013, 21:12
Thanks everyone. It's really great to have this level of support! It's really keeping me going. I've just done my first week 4. I can't honestly say I jogged for every step of the 5 min intervals (is that what you call them?) but I gave it a good go and I kept up with the three minute runs so there's definitely improvement. I probably won't be able to go out till Friday because I'm planning to try yoga on Thursday evening.

Does anyone else get/got slight tingling in your hands when you're running/after running bit pre-pins and needlesy? I don't know if I'm just tensing my shoulders up a lot?

Eckat, have you done the Leeds K before? I remember last year, we were trying to get somewhere and the roads being closed because of it and me thinking 'crazy running people' (though also impressed and not impatient). Never did it cross my mind that I would ever even consider it! But it's really nice to have everyone here say it's possible, even if I walk some of it. I mentioned it to my housemate and she said, 'hmm that's a long way'. And I have no doubts that it is but you've given me courage to think it is doable. So thank you!
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Apr 2013, 21:30
Hi Elaine

No I haven't done Leeds .... I did Bupa Great Manchester Run last year and I've done Race4life 10k a couple of times, and a trail 10k a couple of years ago...

This year I am more focused and have 3 10ks booked plus I am planning a few other runs, and am now thinking of doing a half marathon next spring... I can comfortably run 10miles now and I am working on my pace as well as distance - it takes a while to build up so you don't get injured which can be frustrating cos I want to see big improvements quickly and have to accept that it won't happen overnight ;)

Keep posting about your progress and ask any questions too .... I'll help if I can and there are a few runners on here.... But be warned, like 5:2 you tend to get obsessed ;)
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Apr 2013, 22:17
Oh don't worry, I will and I am! I like new hobbies and the the 5:2 and the running are very much linked in my mind. (Dunno if you can call 5:2 a hobby, but nevermind) Obsession is probably the word now. And this forum and this thread in particular are nicely placed to feed the obsession. :)
Re: Are there any runners here?
24 Apr 2013, 20:06
Just got back from interval training with OH - not so much HIIT, more SH!!T, but it puts things in perspective - the girl who won London Marathon on Sunday ran the whole race at a faster pace than we managed 100 meters! The idea was to do one fast lap of 400 meters then rest for a minute, repeat 4 times. But the temptation to blast down the straight was very strong. It certainly puts you in your place when you find out just how fast the girls are running now...
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Apr 2013, 04:56
I want to add some interval training to improve my 10K times. I couldn't for ages because my running partner would get shin splints whenever she ran faster than our plodding 10k pace. She's left now, though (which is very sad), so I may give it a try now. I'm very worried about my joints though... I guess I should just be careful not to overdue it...
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Apr 2013, 05:49
I've recently joined the forum ( not fasted yet) and haven't resd all the messages on this thread. Just wanted to add that I joined a running club about 18 months ago. Previously I ran about 3 miles three times a week and managed a few races over the years. Since joining the club I now run 6-8 miles three times a week, have improved my times and just recently done a tough fell half marathon. I feel fitter and stronger than when I was in my 20's! Through the club I have also discovered the joy of off road running. So much kinder on my knees and much more interesting than ( for me) plodding along flat tarmac. I'm not keen on the park runs because I struggle to run first thing in the morning and not keen on running fast for short distances. But I think they are fab for others. So - if there is a club near you I recommend it for support and encouragement from more experienced folk - and knowing I was meeting others meant I was more motivated to turn up! Good luck!
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Apr 2013, 06:03
Question from a Newbish Runner.How often do you run?

I started running last week after a longish gap, so far I have done 4 runs (5K ish) and a parkrun. How often should I aim to run and do you run on Fast days?
Unlike you Pete I'm not on Maintenance and I come back from a run absolutely ravenous.
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Apr 2013, 06:27
Because my hips are wearing out and painful I am limiting running to parkrun and perhaps one other run (like last night) per week and getting fitness from cycling a couple of times and walking the other days. When younger I trained 5 or 6 days a week, last time I was really fit (2009) I was running alternate days - as you get older it seems to take longer to recover. I agree with Anne51 that off road is kinder to knees etc, road marathons used to take so long to recover from compared to long fell runs just because of the constant pounding with the same stride. I would say that running three times a week should be fine for you at the moment, and definitely try running on a fast day - just before your meal, to minimize the starving feeling after your run!
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Apr 2013, 07:54
I'm quite overweight and running, much as I love it, is tough on my knees. I run at most 3 times a week, followed by lots of ice. One of my main motivations for losing weight, actually, is so that I can keep running longer (really worried my knees will quit on me any second). Some training programs have you running everyday, but each day might not involve long runs. I always run (or I should say jog) 6-12K. At this point I definitely shouldn't be doing that every day!

I mentioned trying interval training above. If/when I try it, it will be on a track with a nice spongy surface.
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Apr 2013, 09:06
At the minute, it's 4 times a week, but that's cos I'm training for a half-marathon. A more usual approach would be 2 times a week.
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Apr 2013, 09:53
Hello all - do you mind if I post in here with you guys? I've just joined the forum (and second week on the WOE) - I run probably 4 times a week or so...I'm slow that's why I haven't done any of the Parkruns...and because I'm slow I like to go longer - so I've finished 5 marathons (and I think about 8 halfs - I can't remember lol!) and finished a very slow and long Ironman in 2008!

I was training for VLM but took very high blood pressure at the start of the year and was told not to run until they ran tests on me...that put me out of action for 6 weeks so that scuppered my plans - I've deferred until next year. (I'm a 5 hour + marathoner)

I'm excited to see how this diet works in conjunction with running.
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Apr 2013, 10:55
Hi gingerfurball, nice to see another runner on the forum. I'm sorry to hear about your blood pressure issues, I'm sure that this WOE will help with that.

I've never run a marathon so I have nothing but admiration for those who do. I'd like to have a go at a half marathon sometime though.

I find that running and 5:2 are quite compatable. I often run on a fasting day and have experienced no ill effects.
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Apr 2013, 13:14
Welcome Gingerfurball, it'll be great to have your input on long endurance runs!
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