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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Re: Are there any runners here?
14 Nov 2013, 11:39
Well done Andrea, and Happy Birthday!

I've missed 2 ParkRuns with being away the last couple of weekends - and have slipped to second place in the points table, the horror!

I'd joined in the training with a local C25K group, who will be attempting their run this Saturday, so the atmosphere should be great, even if the weather isn't.
Re: Are there any runners here?
14 Nov 2013, 11:55
You know it's been fun when you go out planning a "pavement" run and come back looking like this....



That was from Tuesday. They got bunged in the washing machine and have been languishing on the radiator until this morning. I went out earlier in my sparkling clean trainers and as I set off the heavens opened and the wind whipped up. Suffice to say they aren't sparkling any more!!!
Re: Are there any runners here?
14 Nov 2013, 17:13
Hello Parkrunners! I had heard of this but to be honest I thought my running days were long over. I ran a few 10ks when I was in my thirties (slowly though, 65 mins absolute best) but these days I prefer to run on the treadmill in preference to showing my lumbering limbs and bright red face around town!

Having lost some weight and finding 2.5 miles on the treadmill reasonably comfortable, I'm thinking a Parkrun might be fun to try. There's one near me in Hove. I'm a bit paranoid about overdoing it, having had an achilles strain earlier this year that really freaked me out. What do you think? Does anyone here run in Hove?
Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Nov 2013, 07:34
Morning all, another chilly one today, but at least this week I realise it's cold and am going to dress appropriately and take spare shoes, for the drive home.
@lizzieh if you can do the distance on a treadmill there's no reason not to give parkrun a try, it is very friendly, and encompasses all ages, sizes and fitness levels. If you are concerned have a look at the Results page for the nearest run and see where you would finish in the rankings (I couldn't find a Hove one btw, just Brighton and Preston Park).
Good luck everyone :clover:
Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Nov 2013, 11:21
Well I awoke with a headache.... which is very rare for me these days since I eat a lot healthier. Nevertheless I donned my running gear and headed off to Telford's park run for the second time. In the first km I contemplated giving up and walking back to car but then I figured that I'd driven all the way there, I may as well carry on, regardless of the time. Then of course, I found my stride, DIDN'T get stitch, so I managed to pace myself well - even speeding up for the last km (which is unheard of for me as I'm usually one of those who peak too early! lol) Finished in 30:24, which was a fair improvement on my first run of 31:15. So although I thought it would be a duff run, it turned out OK and I'm really glad I stuck with it now. Personal challenge is to rid myself of those 24 seconds by the end of the year.....
Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Nov 2013, 11:57
I nearly gave up in the first mile, really sore hips and no speed, but keep going after a fashion. Watch says 25:30, which is the slowest for ages but not as bad as I thought it was going to be...
Mrs Pete managed to crack 30 mins for the first time since her Achilles started playing up - not sure by how much because she did not hear the starter say go - so she is pleased, and knows she can do better...

Well done Domane, at that rate of progress you will be beating me by Xmas!
Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Nov 2013, 12:16
I had a rubbish run, no excuses except possibly one too many glass of wine, they had even fixed the pinch-point from last week, and according to my watch I ran even slower than last week at 30:48. I forgot my barcode and although they took my details, I'd almost rather today's time wasn't recorded for posterity.
Well done Pete,Mrs Pete and Domane :like:
Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Nov 2013, 19:32
Ooooh, oooh, oooh, much excitement!

I'd been joining in with the training sessions of our local C25K group, Jog Lisburn, and today was The Day that they all had their first go at running the distance. So we met up at 9 for warm up, photos, and most importantly - Tshirts! They're in a lovely purple colour which matches the laces of my trainers.

I wasn't aiming for a PB this week - have missed 2 PRs, and havent been training enough lately - but today was all about being with the group. So I was gobsmacked when they announced the winner of the October sweatshop £50 prize!!!!

Got a stitch half way round lap 2, but I think I've come in well under 30 mins, and it was so heart-warming to cheer all those first timers over the finish line. Record turn out for Wallace!
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 Nov 2013, 00:23
I ran a 10k on Sunday. It was a trim race- the winner is the one who gets closest to predicted time. No watches allowed. My PB is on this course 2 years ago. Sunday I beat that by 8'05"! I was faster than my predicted time by 3'01". I'm still slow, but getting faster.
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 Nov 2013, 11:07
Brilliant for the PB, rubbish for missing your prediction! Well Done MaryAnn, are you starting to feel better about your job etc now?
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 Nov 2013, 21:57
Thanks, Pete. I've got my head in the sand about the job, but I've got awhile to sort it out... (Basically, I need to publish some stuff before I start applying for new jobs, unless I stop being an academic scientist altogether)
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 Nov 2013, 10:36
OK guys help me spend my £50! Sadly there's no SweatShops in Norn Irn, so I'll have to order online. But I believe they're good about returns etc, so if I order something that doesnt feel right it's not the end fo teh world.

I had a pair of Asics which I loved. I retired them earlier this year and switched to K-Swiss during my half-marathon trianing. Should I stick to these makes, or are there any others I ought to look at (New Balance, Saucony?)
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 Nov 2013, 11:47
I like Saucony, but wear New Balance or Mizuno for parkrun at the moment. Neither of these pairs of shoes can be trusted not to give me blistered heels after 4 miles! I bought Brooks Ghosts for distance running, and they are now used for distance walking - very comfortable. Mrs Pete gets on well with Brooks, less well with Saucony. It all comes down to what suits you, I'm afraid, but if you have found shoes you have been happy with then maybe Sweatshop can advise you what would be equivalent or better? Worth enquiring...
Re: Are there any runners here?
21 Nov 2013, 07:04
**unpleasant topic alert!**

Do you guys ever feel sick when you run? I felt sick on Sunday, but I was sure it was because I was a bit hungover. When I ran again on Wednesday, it happened again! I am running faster just sort of naturally since losing so much weight. I was somehow subconsciously limiting my speed before to keep from hurting my knees. I haven't actually been sick yet, thankfully. I guess I'm wondering if it's normal or what I can do to prevent it. I try to leave an hour or more between eating and running...
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Nov 2013, 11:33
Although I have only ran two park runs, I decided to offer my services as a volunteer this morning so I was a short-term marshall at the beginning of the run (where they only pass once) and then convened at the finish line where I passed out the time tokens. We had 187 finishers today... not bad considering it was incredibly cold!!! And a GREAT time was had by me. I really feel I've got to know some of the people now and I can't wait to run again next week now....
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