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Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Nov 2013, 11:57
24:26 for me today, over a minute quicker than last week and nowhere near as painful - felt a bit like a runner again... Very good conditions, although a bit nippy.

MrsPete managed 29:01, another step in the right direction, so overall we are both pleased at the same time - which is unusual!

Edit: Now the official results are out, it seems MrsPete beat me on Age Grade percentage - so she is even happier now!
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Nov 2013, 12:20
Well done, Pete... that's a stonking improvement!!!
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Nov 2013, 13:11
Thanks Domane, but it followed a similarly-stonking worsening last week so overall I have not really deviated much from my standard winter pace!

Marshalling is fun, I nearly chose to volunteer today because I felt so stiff when I got up but I'm glad I ran now...
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Nov 2013, 13:14
I had another hopeless run today even slower than last week 31:24 :frown:
My left hamstring feels very tight, but apart from that I just didn't feel I could run any faster. I didn't run at all during the week which probably didn't help so I must try and get out a couple of times next week.
Well done Pete and MrsPete :like: and of course Domane for volunteering :like:
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Nov 2013, 16:45
CreakyPete wrote: 24:26 for me today, over a minute quicker ...

What kind of distance are we talking about here? 5K?

If so I've a bit more work to do to get below 30 minutes. Either that or I'll have to get a lot older so that the competition dies off. :smile:

Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Nov 2013, 17:08
Don't count on it ADF, we have a Veteran Man 80-84 who finished in 30:30 today, and yes that was 50 secs faster than me
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Nov 2013, 17:50
I finished my couch 2 5k last week, I have been doing free runs this week, today I ran for 40 mins in the Forest and only managed 2.78 miles. I am mapping it on my I Phone, on Wednesday I did not run as far as I did today and yet I am told I went 0.17 miles less today. To say I was not pleased was an under statement I went quite a bit further just to reach the magic 3 miles. Boo Hoo.
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Nov 2013, 17:54
I finished C25K in August but I have still to crack 30 mins for 5k. The programme definitely teaches you stamina rather than speed. If you are of the *cough* "older generation", like myself, I don't think you have a hens' teeth chance of running sub-30 mins when you first complete the programme! BUT I am inching my way there. This 50yo granny last ran it in 30:24, a full minute improvement on the previous one.... so I'm getting there. Target is to lose those last 24 seconds by the end of the year.....
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Nov 2013, 18:10
I would be happy with 5k just under 40min so I could go to park run and feel I wasn't keeping the volunteers back too long. at the moment I don't go to park run although I have my Barcode because I am just too slow at the moment. I am a granny 10 times over at 67 my son is worried things will start falling off me, I told him that was the idea namely FAT.
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Nov 2013, 18:46
Well done Mr and Mrs Pete!

I was volunteering today - was back-up timekeeper, until the main TK pressed the wrong button, so it was my times that were used for the results!

Nessie, most parkruns have people who walk or jog slowly round the course - 40-45 mins is fine.
Re: Are there any runners here?
24 Nov 2013, 17:50
WooHOOO! Whilst I missed out on the park run yesterday, I took myself off for a "long run" this morning and enjoyed a 12km'er.... my furthest yet. In one hour, 21 mins so no prizes there, but I had a lovely time.....
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Nov 2013, 08:33
I haven't posted recently but have joined a running club and still running, but further and less often. It seems to have worked - I did my first 10k race yesterday at Rennes. My time was 46 mins 28 seconds - I was 681st out of 2114 runners and 21st out of 270 in my category of Women's Veterans (I'm 48).
I'm really pleased - next target is to get below 45 minutes....
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Nov 2013, 10:52
Wow, that's speedy! I'm aiming to run a sub-60 10k next year.
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Nov 2013, 11:15
Hi Susan, nice to hear from you again! Brilliant first 10k, and not far off my best time (45:13, at age 59). Good luck getting under 45 mins, I suspect you will do it easily! Half-marathons will be the next thing, I guess...
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Nov 2013, 11:43
Thanks Melanie!
@Pete - I've got another 10k in a few weeks and will try hard to beat your personal best :smile:
I'm going to so my first half marathon in March. But think that I'm more of a 10k runner than a longer distance runner - and I know that sometimes you can't be good at both. But I'll give it a try. I should be running the half marathon with a (male) pace setter which should make it easier than doing it on my own.
It is amazing how different it is running in a race to running on your own, and how much reserve strength to go faster can be found. I enjoyed it a lot.
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