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Re: Are there any runners here?
07 Dec 2013, 12:07
Morning All!

Rubbishy run for me again, 25:10, not helped by starting towards the back of the pack. MrsPete shone, though, with 28:34 (68.89%) which beat me by more than 3%.

That's the third week on the trot she has beaten me on age-grade, how long before she beats me to the finish..?
Re: Are there any runners here?
07 Dec 2013, 12:45
Morning! I didn't run all week because I was quite sore following my 14km last Sunday so I got up early this morning and did a short 5km around town. In hindsight, this was a mistake because it was REALLY hard going on an empty stomach, following yesterday's fast day! I guess I was burning fat rather than carbs this morning!!! Still, a lesson learned and next time I will have my porridge first on a run morning following a fast.....
Re: Are there any runners here?
07 Dec 2013, 14:04
No parkrun for me either, I saw the physio on Thursday who recommended slow jogging and stretching. I managed 4.5 km yesterday but at a desperately slow pace and I didn't want to risk getting all competitive today. Well done everyone and especially Mrs Pete. :like:
Re: Are there any runners here?
07 Dec 2013, 14:34
I am not a happy bunny. since I fell down the icy stairs on Wednesday and landed on my Coccyx I have not been able to run. I hope I will get back to it next week all be it slowly. The annoying thing is that last Saturday and Monday I ran the whole 5k and was sooo chuffed. If I miss 1or 2 weeks will I have to back a bit in distance or should I just grit my teeth and get on with it.
Re: Are there any runners here?
14 Dec 2013, 11:50
Good Morning parkrunners! A much better day for me, my 120th parkrun timed at 24:08 and a position within the first hundred...
The secret? Carbo-loading yesterday with all the things I don't eat nowadays (oats/rye bread/rice plus jelly sweets and chocolate), two cups of coffee this morning with a desperately sweet M&S flapjack and wearing my racing shoes again. Just felt less creaky than usual and happy to give it a good attempt. Bested some of my old rivals as well, even better!

Mrs Pete was 3 seconds slower than last week so is fed up - but she still beat me on percentage...
Re: Are there any runners here?
15 Dec 2013, 01:50
My running has gotten a bit too sporadic. My reliable running partner left almost a year ago. TBH, we weren't doing so well right before she left, but we both had injuries as an excuse. Anyone I've tried to work with since is either too fast for me (I don't like holding people back) or too unreliable. I guess I have to keep myself motivated.

I went Thursday for the first time in about a week. I only ran about 8k, but I am so sore.

My next race is scheduled for mid-Feb (one of the main reasons I sign up for so many is to keep me running!). It's only a 10k, but I'd like to improve my time again. I guess I'd better get cracking after the holiday!
Re: Are there any runners here?
15 Dec 2013, 15:15
Nice job Mr and Mrs Pete.
I really need to sort out my running goals for 2014. Definitely not decided what to aim for yet. Has anyone set themselves any targets to hit or races to do in 2014?
Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Dec 2013, 10:04
Well done the Pete family, thats a great age percentage!

Terrible run for me this week! It was blowing a gale, and really hard to run into the wind, which was strongest along the flat sections that I can usually pick up a few seconds on. And I was recovering from the works do on the previous day. But my wee legs just would not move. I suspect I have a problem with my back, that I'm trying to sepak to the doc about.

It was so bad, that the lady who's 3rd in the league table didn't even finish her run, gave up half way round.

Now then, points experts. We're planning a run on New Years Day. Does that earn points, or is it just for fun?

2014 goals - earn my 50 T shirt, and record a sub-60 10k
Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Dec 2013, 15:17
An officially-timed run will earn points, I think the parkrun authorities allow for two extra runs at Xmas and New Year. Certainly our extra runs counted in the points last Christmas.

Good luck with your back problem, and with your 2014 targets - should be a breeze for you!
Re: Are there any runners here?
17 Dec 2013, 02:05
I've got 3 races planned already: 2 10Ks and a half-marathon. I might try to sign up for another half marathon. Like Melanie, I'd love to do a sub 60 10K, and I'd like to beat my previous half-marathon time. Other than that, just to keep it up, get a good couple of runs in per week, stay injury-free. Have a good 2014, everyone!
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 Dec 2013, 02:46
I've just signed up for another half-marathon. Look at the high-low profile on this page: ...

Re: Are there any runners here?
18 Dec 2013, 06:29
Does anyone use green-lipped mussel extract for muscles and joints? I'm always a bit wary of the "magical" protperties of some supplements.
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 Dec 2013, 07:08
I was hoping to do a Park Run when I vieit the UK at Christmas but there aren't any where my parents live, sadly.
I did another 10k race at the weekend, 46 mins again, I was 15th out of the 206 women running. A nice glass of mulled wine was very welcome at the end for all the runners!
Am planning some races for next year and am hoping to do a half marathon in March and April, then the St Malo - Cancale semi in September which is beautiful to do as it is along the coast. I don't think I'd have the patience or stamina to do a marathon.
Mrs Pete must be really pleased with her runs now. ANd good luck with your back problems, Melanie, I can't offer any advice on mussel products!
Re: Are there any runners here?
21 Dec 2013, 12:09
Morning, all you parkrunners that are not desperately finalizing your Xmas shopping!

Good conditions today but windy, 24:29 for me but a disappointing 30:25 for MrsPete so I managed to beat her on percentage (for a change!) - and next week I get another 0.66% for the same effort so that will help for the next six months...

Anybody else today?
Re: Are there any runners here?
22 Dec 2013, 09:06
I've just come back to 5:2 and exercise after a few months of being pretty much off the wagon. Basically I've been doing just enough fasts and training sessions to keep the weight from piling on, but not enough to make progress.

A milestone birthday looms next year and deny it as I may like to, it is a big incentive to get back to my target weight (1st away) and a good level of fitness.

So, 2.5 fasts done this week and three runs from a women's running training plan. The goal is 10 miles at the end of 8 weeks (7 to go) ... The run this morning was tough in the wind and rain but it got done :)
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